Monday, July 22, 2013

Something Is Beckoning Me To Write

I said that I was tired from writing that last 610 page novel and that I needed a rest and a vacation from writing.I was just going to network and push for representation,like aquiring a literary agent for my work for my latest novel and screenplays, so I rested and in my dreams another science fiction novel was forming. You know,like a woman you've just seen and want to have sex with and you can't wait to get to her.That's how I felt with this lastest science fiction story called THE GATEWAY.So now my vacation from writing is over.I just had to write this down on my computer before it vanishes from my mind and you know what? It's not vanishing at all. It's like that great white whale called Moby Dick that beckons Captain Ahab to a challenge and Captain Ahab excepts the challenge to the death. Unfortionately he lost the fight with the great white whale.That's what this next novel is doing to me.It's challenging me to write the story and I excepted the challenge.I'm already 8,000 words into the story and the fight is on.
So let the battle begin.

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