Sunday, September 29, 2013

Why All Women Should Be Treated Like Queens

This is my feeling and my feeling alone. All women should be treated like queens because they hold the fate of the human race in their hands. The reason is this. If all women feel that they are not treated right all over the world and they decided to not have sex for the next 100 years then that would be the end of mankind.Therefore women hold the power of the fate of mankind in their hands.    Man should understand this.Man should be grateful that women even want to deal with us for what we have done to them around the world. Every man loves to have sex and that gives us strength to carry on. What if one day all of the women decides to just say NO MORE.We are tired of getting less pay than men. We are tired of being sex slaves.We are tired of wearing less garments on commercials to help sale cars just because men likes to see us naked.We are tire of not being the next woman president.We are tired of trying to do our part in the military but instead we are being raped and then it gets covered up.We are tired of the courts treating us like we are responsible for ourselves being raped by men because of the way we dress yet man can dress any way they want. We're just tired.
   Sometimes I just feel ashamed to be a part of the man gender but I am what God had made me to be. I will say to all of the women around the world. I do appreciate you and you are queens in my book and my world. Thank you all for keeping the human race alive.

How to float like a stone

What goes up no longer has to come down. British scientists have developed an antigravity machine that can float heavy stones, coins and lumps of metal in mid-air. Based around a powerful magnet, the device levitates objects in a similar way to how a maglev train runs above its tracks.
Peter King, a physics professor at Nottingham University, said: "We can take an object and float it in mid-air because the magnetic forces on the object are enough to balance gravity."
The device exploits diamagnetism. Place non-magnetic objects inside a strong enough magnetic field and they are forced to act like weak magnets themselves. Generate a field that is stronger below and weaker above, and the resulting upward magnetic force cancels out gravity.
Scientists have used diamagnetism to make wood, strawberries and, famously, a living frog fly. "That force is strong enough to float things with a density similar to water, but not things with the density of rocks," Prof King said. To make their machine more powerful, the team added an oxygen and nitrogen mixture, a paramagnetic fluid. Inside the magnet, the mixture helps objects to float.
The researchers, who announce their results today in the New Journal of Physics, are working with Rio Tinto to develop the technique to sort precious stones from soil. The US space agency Nasa is also interested as it offers a cheaper way for zero gravity research.

Best UFO Sighting UFOs Caught On Tape 2013!


Monday, September 9, 2013

Investors needed

   WOW, what a task.I just went on Linkedin to post that I needed investors on my movie project. If you are an investor and you are reading this post, give me a call.Even if you just wanted to know more about me. This would be a great movie to invest in. The actors would come from Milwaukee.They would be unknowns just like the Star War characters in the beginning.The audience are the ones that will love the actors. When the movie becomes a hit then so will the actors. Ever since the movie aliens came out there was a rush of alien movies.
   This one will have a different concept. These aliens paralizes your mind up to five hundred feet away.The victims are left frozen in his or her tracks while the aliens creep up on them. The audience will hear the victim's pain,the shouting,the yelling,the cussing but the victim's mouth will not be moving. The victim's body will not be moving either but the audience will know because there will be soft music playing to let the audience see that the victim is going to be attacked. The victim will be eaten right in front of the audiences eyes.Ever so often the music will stop and the audience will just hear the chumping being made by the aliens.
   When the music starts again you will hear the yelling ,the pleading,the cussing. The audience will hear the victim beg to die so they won't feel no more pain.You see,the aliens feed on the pain and suffering of the victim.That makes the meat more delicious to them.They will keep the victim alive until only the head is left. Then they would release the paralizing hold they have on the victim's brain.The audience will be left feeling horrified.
   There had never been a horror film made like this before and because of the new concept i've created the investment will come back better than you've anticipated.The budget should not exceed one million dollars and if we can get hollywood to agree on the movie then should I say more? Do the math. Contact me at:

Kevin Doy Burton
110 Corrina Blvd.
tell# 262-271-7194
Link to storyboard= 


   You know? Doing a storyboard is a lot like bringing your characters to life so a producer or director can get an idea of what you are trying to say. It do take a lot of time bringing it all together but it's worth it. The science fiction audience is huge. You can tell by the money that's being pulled in by the movie industry. That's why I write science fiction. You might say that I am an addic when it comes to that. I sit inside of theaters and say to myself, " I could have done that a little differently," so I decided to write my own screenplays based on what I would like to see inside of theaters and you know what? When I did the storyboard based on my novel (Dominant Species),I recieved a lot of good feedback from the people. Now if only a producer or director could tackle this project.
   If I could at least get an investor, {which I am looking for}I would do the movie myself. There are quiet a few video industries right here in Milwaukee that could tackle this project if the money is write. The problem is finding someone who is willing to invest their money into this project.That's where the storyboard comes in at. The investor can get a visual idea of what I am trying to say and what he sees at the same time.

I'm finally back

I was so busy and now i've finally wrote an additional page to my seventh novel

yet to be published called OUT THERE. I 've finished the novel and that's why i'm

giving you a raw version of the story, a little bit at a time,unedited.