Saturday, November 30, 2013

Contract for new book deal

   Well,the contract has been signed.I've been with this company
 since 2007 and they have been fantastic.My sixth book of fourteen 
short science fiction stories like The Twilight Zone was something I 
was experimenting with. I have been getting good reviews on them.I 
went with another company for that book. While I was out promoting 
Strange Tales Of The Unknown I had finished with my seventh science 
fiction novel called Out There. I was turned down by so many publishers
because they were only interested in the authors they already have or 
they were not interested in my type of story. 
   I decided to go into film.Since I've been writing screenplays I asked
 myself,  "Why am I sitting around waiting to be discovered in the film
 industry?" That's when I decided to produce and direct my own film.
 I have friends signing up.I have equipment arriving by UPS and Federal
 Express. I'm on the internet getting ideas from the professionals. 
 Production will start in the spring.
   Now while i'm getting all of that ready I get an email saying my 
 manuscript ( Out There )will be considered for a contract to be published. 
That's how God works. I sent my autobiography in,my photo for the book
 cover and my synopsis for the back of the book. This is the first book
 that I have written that has almost 600 pages of pure sci/fi entertainment 
 for your enjoyment.I'll keep you all posted on my blog.Thank you and
 have a happy holliday.


Kevin Doy Burton

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Book Deal has been signed electronically

  Well,the contract has been signed and sent in electronically. Now I 
better find a photographer for my book cover.As for my film,equipment 
has been ordered,like a film clapper,green screen,lights,light stands,chairs,ect.
The magic of film making is very interesting,especially the CGI effects,and my 
actors are still signing on.I have their scripts in my suitcase. The adrenaline is
speeding up my heart contractions.What a rush. 
   With everything else God is blessing me with, all I need next is an invester.
Some people say to me, "You're going to have to spend lots of money to 
tackle the project of making a movie." I say," Really,i'm just going to have some 
fun doing it.Who knows what will happen along the way,but i'm not going to let 
the fear of money stop me." You see? Fear is a negative force.Happiness is the 
positive force that let the goodness into your life.Anyway,that's all I have to say 
now. But one more thing. To the people in other countries who are reading my
blog,thank you. I've been tracking my blog and i'm getting quite an audience.I 
appreciate it very much and please,spread the word.Happy Hollidays to you

Book Deal

What a Thanksgiving gift.My seventh novel called OUT THERE has been excepted.
I just checked my email and this is what I recieved...

Dear Kevin Burton:

I am happy to inform you that PublishAmerica has decided to give your 
book the chance it deserves. We are offering to publish "Out There".

As this is an important moment, and an important message, please read 
this email completely from start to finish.

An email will follow this one with the sample contract attached for
your review. If you do not receive the email with the attached sample
contract in 24 hours, please contact me, so I can resend the document
via another method.

I will be happy to answer any questions you may have concerning the
contract. The main terms are that we will pay you climbing royalties
starting at 8%, you retain the copyright, and you also retain all
movie and audio rights. A symbolic advance underlines that all
financial risk is carried by the Publisher, as we firmly believe it should be.

We believe that a work is best served by keeping intact the author's
original intent and voice. That's why we require, after the contract
is signed, that the author submit a FINAL draft of his or her
manuscript. It needs to include all changes and revisions that the
author wants made. It will be the version that will go to print.

Upon receiving your e-mail in acceptance with the terms, we will
forward the final contract documents to you via email for your
signature. Along with your e-mail please include your legal name,
age, current address, telephone number and title of work as you would
like it to appear on the final contract.

All I can say is " Thank you Lord for you are truely blessing me and I
do recognize it.