Saturday, April 13, 2013



                                                    DOMINANT SPECIES


Fade In


ABUBABKAR,the President of the New World Council had just ordered the presidents around the world to drop hundreds of nuclear bombs under the ocean floor to kill off the aliens that had taken it over.


The ocean rises and tsunamis had formed around the world. The polar caps starts melting. Structures starts collapsing and the land masses starts dwindling. A radiated fog had formed over the ocean. All over the world the electricity had been neutralized. The world is now quiet.


Five days later...

The people started walking out of their homes. Confused about everything. The neighbors were being checked on. Phones were not working. No electricity. The rain water turned out to be ok. The lakes were still good. Some cars were able to start up.


One car garage attached to the home. No electricity. Fireplace in living room with logs dwindling. Patricia is turning the logs with fireplace tool.

                                                 Lewis, we’re going to have
                                                 to get some logs for the

                                                 I know. I hope that the car
                                                 starts up.

                                                 Why Lewis? Did you put
                                                 some gas in it?

                                                 It’s not that Pat. Whenever
                                                 nuclear bombs are set off
                                                 there is a theory that the
                                                 electricity would be

                                                 My goodness Lewis. If the
                                                 transportation stops running
                                                 we won’t be able to get any

                                                 Well wish me luck honey.
Lewis went outside to his car.

                                                       (talking to himself)
                                                 My neighbors are walking
                                                 like those zombies on Night
                                                 OF THE LIVING DEAD.I
                                                 can understand why with no
                                                 heat and electricity. It can
                                                 get pretty cold at night.

Lewis stepped into his car. He put his key into the ignition switch. He turned it. The car turned over.

                                                Thank God.
He left the car running. Got out and ran into the house.

                                                 Pat! Pat!
                                                 What is it Lewis?

                                                 The car started up. I’m
                                                 letting it run. I’m not
                                                 taking any chances of it
                                                 cutting off.

                                                 Maybe we should go to the
                                                 police station and find out
                                                 what’s going on.

                                                You mean the Peace Keeper
                                                Station don’t you?

                                                 Look Lewis. Ever since the
                                                 New World Council was
                                                 created and they decided
                                                 that all of the police stations
                                                 were now going to be called
                                                 Peace Keepers Stations I
                                                 couldn’t get use to it. To
                                                 me they are still police

                                                 What ever you say Pat. Just
                                                 as long as we get over there
                                                 and find out what the hell is
                                                 going on. So lets go.

They both got into their car and drove off.

The Young brothers are Daniel,Anthony,Paul,and David. They have a farm in Jefferson County. David is the youngest of the brothers. He was out riding on one of the horses they own. The sun was going down. Daniel and Anthony was sawing some wood while Paul was chopping wood. Anthony stood up to wipe the sweat from his face while looking up at the horizon.

                                                 What is that?

Paul stopped chopping wood to look up.

                                                 Say it looks as if it’s
                                                 coming right this way.

                                                 What is it?

David stopped riding when he saw his brothers looking up at the sky.

                                                 Is it a plane?

                                                 It can’t be.

                                                 Why not?

                                                 Because there’s no sound
                                                 coming from it’s engines.

                                                Maybe it’s a UFO.

Daniel,Anthony,and Paul all turned around to look at David.

                                                 Well it could be.

They all turned around to look up at the sky. It slowed down and disappeared behind the trees in the forest.

                                                 Do you supposed it landed?

                                                 Lets saddle up the horses
                                                 and go find out.

                                                 I’ll go get the guns.

                                                 I’ll grab the ammo.

                                                 I’m ready.

                                                 David. You stay here.

                                                 Why do I have to stay here?

                                                 Because someone has to
                                                 watch the farm. We don’t
                                                 want any looters coming

                                                 We should be back in an

                                                 Whatever it is. It’s behind
                                                 those trees in the forest.

They took off riding. Anthony looked back while riding away.

                                                 We’ll be back little brother.


Carter and Lisa Evans were able to drive to the peace keeper’s station. They got out of their car and went in.


The peace keepers were all busy calming down the towns people. The towns people were all mingling together trying to grasp what was happening.

                                                 What’s happening out

                                                         PEACE KEEPER
                                                 Are there any more of you
                                                 from where you came from?

                                                 Yes, they were hiding inside
                                                  of their homes.

                                                        PEACE KEEPER
                                                 Do you have any kind of
                                                 communication device?

                                                 No,Everythings down in my
                                                 town. I want to speak to
                                                 someone in charge.

                                                        PEACE KEEPER
                                                 Follow me.


A ten foot table was in the front of the room. A door was behind the table. A picture of the mayor was on the wall. Twenty people were in the room arguing. Carter and Lisa were led into a large room. As they entered there was a commotion going on. There were over a hundred townspeople also in the room. They were arguing about everything.

                                                        PEACE KEEPER
                                                 If you want to find a place
                                                 somewhere the mayor is
                                                 going to make his speech

Carter and Lisa started walking around.

                                                 Carter Look! There’s
                                                 Robert and Linda.

                                                Hey Rob....Rob.

Robert turned around.

                                                Carter? Linda look. It’s
                                                Carter and Lisa.

Robert and Linda walked over to meet Carter and Lisa.

                                                Hey buddy. Did they tell you
                                                what’s happening?

                                                No. They just said that there
                                                was no communication with
                                                the outside world.

                                                Where’s your kids Lisa?

                                                They’re at the house. My
                                                 brother came by when he
                                                 heard what the New World
                                                 Council was about to do.

                                                It looks like the whole
                                                town is here.

                                                 Who’s in charge?

                                                 It’s Captain Harris Moore.

                                                 Linda word is that millions
                                                 of people are dead in our

                                                 Lisa how did you hear
                                                 about this?

                                                 Some people like truck
                                                 drivers who couldn’t get
                                                 their trucks started were
                                                 using their CB Radios to
                                                 make contact. Then the
                                                 word had spread.

                                                 I heard that the entire west
                                                 coast and east coast is

                                                 Listen up. I heard that only
                                                 the central states were

                                                 Wow! That is something.

                                                 Look here comes the mayor

The mayor walked in from the office in the back. He sat behind the desk. He hit his gavel on the desk to demand everyone’s attention. The towns people became quiet.

                                                 I know that there is a lot
                                                 of questions that you want
                                                 to ask but first let me tell
                                                 you what information we do
                                                 have. The only
                                                 communication we did
                                                 receive was from Chicago.
                                                 They had reported that
                                                 they could see where the
                                                 water had stopped. The
                                                 water is radiated and
                                                 boiling. No one can get near
                                                 it without getting severe
                                                 radiation burns. We might
                                                 be the only ones left in the
                                                 world. Do you understand

Everyone remained quiet.

                                                 Communication is being done
                                                 through CB Radios.

A hand was raised.

                                                 Yes James

                                                 Mr. Mayor. How did the
                                                 water get like that?

                                                 It was man’s stupidity. By
                                                 exploding those nuclear
                                                 bombs man had melted the
                                                 north pole and the south
                                                 pole. Yes John?

                                                 What about those aliens?

                                                 After those bombs went off
                                                 all of the electricity
                                                 became neutralized. There
                                                 was no more satellite
                                                 communication. No one
                                                 could withstand that kind
                                                 of power so I would have
                                                 to say that those aliens are
                                                 dead. Yes Robert?

                                                 Is there a plan for

                                                 Yes there is. Let me explain
                                                 my plan. We have thirty five
                                                 peace keepers or pks for
                                                 short in this building. They
                                                 have absolute power. There
                                                 will be no jail time for
                                                 crimes.These pks have the
                                                 right to kill on the spot. The
                                                 people who have farms will
                                                 have to donate them to the

                                                 Wait a minute. My farm
                                                 was left to me from my
                                                 deceased mother and
                                                 father. You can’t expect me
                                                 to just hand it over.

                                                 You got the gall to be
                                                 asking us that. I was born
                                                 on my farm.

                                                 Look Chris and everyone of
                                                 you. There are people that
                                                 will be walking in the dark.
                                                 Some of them will be up to
                                                 no good. My pks will be on
                                                 horses. They will be
                                                 carrying flashlights and
                                                 guns to make sure that you
                                                 are protected. Money is no
                                                 good anymore.  We will
                                                 have to use the bartering
                                                 system. Yes Jason?

                                                 Mayor Miller what is the
                                                 bartering system?

                                                 The bartering system is
                                                 when you need something
                                                 you will have to be of
                                                 service to your town. In
                                                 your case my office is
                                                 offering you protection.

Just then David Young had made an abrupt appearance.

                                                I need help.

                                                      CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 What’s the problem son?

                                                Officer Moore my brothers
                                                and I saw a UFO come down
                                                from the sky.They all went in the
                                                direction the UFO had landed.
                                                It had landed in the forest
                                                up around the bend. My
                                                brothers should have been
                                                back by now.

                                                        CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                Are you sure that it wasn’t
                                                Just a plane?

                                                 Sir this plane came down
                                                 without making a sound from
                                                 it’s engines.

                                                       CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 Ok David.

Captain Moore got the attention of two pks.

                                                      CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 You two pks ride out to the
                                                 forest to investigate. David
                                                 how did you get here?

                                                 I rode my horse sir and my
                                                 brothers rode theirs.

                                                       CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 Look son. Your brothers
                                                 are probably laying in the
                                                 grass and lost track of time
                                                 since there is no way we can
                                                 tell time now.

                                                 You’re probably right sir
                                                  but will you check on them

                                                      CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 I said I will and I always
                                                 keep my promises.

                                                Thank you, sir.

                                                      CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 You’re welcome son. I bet
                                                 that by the time you get
                                                 back to your farm your
                                                 brothers will be sitting
                                                 there worrying
                                                 about you.
                                                 I hope so.

David had left the peace keepers station. He got back on his horse and galloped away.


Daniel, Anthony and Paul were tip toeing through the forest.

                                                 I was sure that it went down
                                                 right here.

                                                 Well it’s not here now.

                                                 Wait I here something.

They stopped walking. Some thick bushes was in front of them. Daniel had pulled away some bushes.

                                                 I don’t believe this.

                                                 What do you see?

                                                 Let me look. This is
                                                 fucking unbelievable.

                                                 I bet those are the aliens
                                                 that caused all of this.

                                                 If we shoot them we’ll be

                                                 I got a clear shot. Hand me
                                                 my rifle.

Anthony took Paul’s rifle off of his horse and handed it to him. Paul took careful aim while the rest of the watched.

                                                 Shoot Paul.

                                                 Waiting on you Paul.

                                                      (talking to himself)
                                                 What’s wrong with my
                                                 finger? I can’t pull the

                                                       (talking to himself)
                                                 I can’t move my mouth.

                                                 Why can’t I turn my head?

                                                 I can’t move at all.

                                                 Hey guys I need a little
                                                 help here.

                                                 Will someone help me?

None of them were able to hear each other because the communication was all inside of their minds. The Argolian walked over to Paul and looked straight into his eyes.

                                                 Noo!.. Go away ! Go away!

The Argolian started eating Paul’s hands. Paul screams in his mind.

                                                 Stop! Aahhh!

The Argolian ate off his arms.
                                                 Please God I don’t want to
                                                 diiieee! Ahhh!,Stoopp!

Paul screamed a silent scream. His brothers couldn’t hear him. Anthony could see Paul being eaten alive.
                                                 Leave him alone you son
                                                 of a bitch. Let him go!

Another Argolian came through the bushes and looked right into Daniel’s eyes.


A third Argolian came through the bushes and stared into Anthony’s eyes.

                                                 What the hell! Get away
                                                 from me! Stop! Stoooop!

They all screamed that silent scream. Their bodies fell to the ground. Two more Argolians walked through the bushes. They walked over to the horses and stared into their eyes, then they started to feed. The horses remained frozen until there was nothing left but their heads. After it was all over the Argolians went back to their ship. They had cloaked it so it could not be seen. They used their weapons that they carried on their side to blast tunnels into the ground.


Two pks had arrived at the edge of the forest on horseback. They had their two way radios on their shoulders.

                                                 Pk1 to base over.

                                                       CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                This is Captain Moore pk1
                                                 Come in. Over.

                                                 Captain we have just arrive
                                                 at the edge of the forest,

                                                       CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 Look pk1. I want
                                                 communications from you
                                                 every five minutes, Over.

                                                 Yes sir. Over and out. Pk2
                                                 I see the tracks made by the
                                                 horses David’s brothers
                                                 were on? Lets dismount
                                                 and walk from here.

                                                 Sounds good to me.

                                                 We’ll tie the horses up here.


                                                 I see that their tracks are
                                                 leading this way. Lets
                                                 follow the path.

Pk1 decided to call back to base.

                                                 Pk1 to base. Come in base,

                                                       CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 Come in Pk1.This is
                                                 Captain Moore, over.

                                                 Captain we’ve found the
                                                 tracks left by the Young
                                                 Brothers. We’re following
                                                 them now, over.

                                                      CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 Report back to me in five

                                                 Yes sir, over and out.

Pk2 was just up ahead. He tripped and fell.


As he got up he turned to see what he had tripped over.

                                                 Jesus Christ!

                                                 Are you ok Pk2?

                                                 Come over here and take a
                                                 look at this Pk1.

Pk1 walked over to where Pk2 was at.

                                                 What is it ?

Pk1 looked down where Pk2 was pointing.

                                                 My God! A horses head.
                                                 Lets look around this area.

They both started kicking the leaves around.

                                                 Here’s another one.
                                                 I found one more.

Pk1 called the base.

                                                 Pk1 to base. Come in base,

                                                      CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 Yes Pk1. Come in. This is
                                                 base, over.
                                                 Sir we’ve discovered three
                                                 horses heads out here. What
                                                 could have done this sir?

                                                       CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 Do you see any signs of the
                                                 Young Brothers? Over.

                                                 Negative, sir but I’m afraid
                                                 that whatever had killed
                                                 those horses might have
                                                 done the same thing to the
                                                 Young Brothers and we
                                                 don’t want to run into
                                                 whatever had killed them
                                                 without backup,Sir, over.

                                                      CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 Ok Pk1.Stand down. Backup is
                                                 on the way, over.

                                                 Yes sir, over and out.

                                                 Well what did he say?

                                                 The captain is sending us
                                                  some back-up.

                                                Thank goodness for that.
                                                 Lets go back to the edge of
                                                 the forest and wait for them.

                                                 I’m all for that. Wait a
                                                 minute! I can’t move. Pk2
                                                 I need your help.

                                                 My legs won’t move. I need
                                                 your help Pk1.Pk1? Why
                                                 won’t you answer me?

Their cries for assistance was only in their minds.

                                                 I can’t move my arms.

                                                 I can’t move my body.

Their silent cries for help was not being heard. The Argolians came onto the scene. Two Argolians wrapped their long arms around the peace keepers and flew towards the tunnels that they had made. They sealed up the entrance to the tunnels with their blasters. The ground had turned into liquid lava at the tunnels entrance. A few minutes later it cooled. Then hardened. It matched it’s surroundings. The wind blew lightly. It blew the leaves over the tunnel. The Argolians will not be disturbed while they sleep.

Ten more peace keepers had arrived at the edge of the forest. They all dismounted and tied their horses to the trees. They followed the tracks left by the first two peace keepers.

                                                 I want everyone to spread
                                                 out. Span an area of ten feet
                                                 between you.

                                                 Sir I’ve found something.

Pk121 walked over to where Pk09 was at. He took his flashlight and brushed the leaves off of the object. He jumped up.

                                                 What the hell! A horses
                                                 head. Any sign of the other
                                                 two peace keepers?

                                                 Sir I have something over

Pk121 walked over to where Pk13 was at. He saw two radios on the ground next to a horses head.

                                                 Something must’ve happened
                                                 to the other two peace keepers.
                                                 Fan out.

The other peace keepers had spread out enough to cover a wide area. Pk121 decided to call the base.

                                                 Pk121 to base, over.

                                                      CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 Come in Pk121,over.

                                                 Sir we’ve found the radios
                                                 on the ground next to a
                                                 horses heads. I’m afraid
                                                 that something had happened
                                                 to the peace keepers sir.
                                                 There are no signs of them
                                                 anywhere, over.

                                                     CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                Alright Pk121. Bring your
                                                men in. It’s getting dark.

                                                 Yes sir. Over and out. Ok
                                                 peace keepers. We’re
                                                 heading back to town.

They all walked back to their horses. Mounted up and galloped back to town. As the peace keepers galloped back towards the town one of them yelled out. They all stopped.

                                                 Who yelled?

                                                 Me sir.

                                                 Well tell me why peace

                                                 Sir I saw something flying
                                                 towards the town.

                                                 What did it look like?

                                                 It looked like a bird of
                                                 some sort or a dragonfly
                                                 or... I can’t explain it

                                                 Look Pk13. The sun got into
                                                 your eyes or maybe you’re
                                                 just tired.

Pk121 turned to the other peace keepers.

                                                 Did any of you peace
                                                 keepers see anything in the

They all nodded there heads signaling no.

                                                 There you have it.

                                                 Maybe you’re right sir.
                                                 Maybe it was just my
                                                 imagination. Sorry sir.

                                                 That’s alright peace keeper.
                                                 Ok everyone. Lets ride.

They headed towards the town.


Back in town Mayor Miller was organizing a strategy plan.

                                                 As we all know there is no
                                                 form of communication
                                                 except for CB Radios. I’m
                                                 going to have my peace
                                                 keepers do a door to door
                                                 call. They will work in
                                                 shifts. Every eight hours
                                                 you will get a visit from a
                                                 peace keeper at your door.
                                                 You will answer it to let
                                                 them know that you are
                                                 alright. If you don’t answer
                                                 your door the peace keepers
                                                 have authorization from
                                                 me to enter your home and
                                                 do a search. I want to make
                                                 sure that all of you are safe.
                                                Are there any questions?

A hand was raised.

                                                 Yes Chugkun?

                                                 Mr. Mayor, My family and I
                                                 had just arrived here from
                                                 China last month. We don’t
                                                 know to much about the peace
                                                 keepers. What do they look

                                                 First I want to welcome you
                                                 and your family to our town.
                                                 I need a peace keeper to
                                                 come up here.

The peace keeper that was the closet had walked up to the mayor and turned around.

                                                 Do you see the way that he
                                                 is dressed? This is the
                                                 uniform that will be
                                                 knocking at your door. For
                                                 those who are carrying guns
                                                 do not shoot any of my
                                                 peace keepers or you will
                                                 be shot yourself.

                                                 Mr. Mayor?

                                                 Yes Adelric?

                                                 I have six guns in my house.
                                                 I don’t want to have any
                                                 peace keepers coming
                                                 around.I can protect my
                                                 own home.

                                                 Pk25,scratch his name off
                                                 of the list.

                                                 Yes sir.

                                                 Mr. Mayor?


                                                 We’re the Evans family.
                                                 How about all of us
                                                 purchasing guns to protect

                                                 We do have a gun store in
                                                 this town. We will have to
                                                 confiscate those guns.

                                                          MAN IN BACK
                                                           Wait a minute

                                                 Yes, who are you?

                                                 My name is Foulques. I’m
                                                 from France. I own that gun
                                                 shop. I had opened the
                                                 doors to the public two
                                                 months ago.I had just got it
                                                 off the ground. I’m not
                                                 going to turn everything
                                                 over to a bunch of
                                                 townspeople. I’ll be ruined.

                                                 Everyone has to give up
                                                 something for our services.
                                                 You are going to have to
                                                 give up your guns. The
                                                 safety of this town is more
                                                 important. I’m going to
                                                 send some peace keepers
                                                 over to your shop. You
                                                 might as well show them
                                                 where to go.Take what
                                                 guns you would want to
                                                 use. The peace keepers
                                                 will take the rest.

Other peace keepers had entered through the door. The townspeople stepped aside to let the peace keepers through.

                                                 Some of you have cars that
                                                 are working. Theoretically
                                                 none of them were suppose
                                                 to work. I’m glad that they
                                                 are. I would like for you
                                                 townspeople to follow my
                                                 pks to the gun shop on your
                                                 way home. Pick up a firearm
                                                 and don’t forget the ammo.
                                                 The pks will distribute the
                                                 firearms.Remember don’t
                                                 get gun crazy. Those of
                                                 you who have cars give
                                                 those who don’t a lift home.
                                                 I’m going to have to
                                                 establish a curfew for the
                                                 towns safety. I know that
                                                 the whole town is in fear
                                                 of their lives but we have
                                                 to look after one another.
                                                 We have over four hundred
                                                 people in our town and that
                                                 is just an estimate. A lot of
                                                 townspeople  had left to be
                                                 with their families. I’m
                                                 afraid that they were caught
                                                 up in the rising water.
                                                 Conserve your gas because
                                                 the gas pumps are not
                                                 working. My pks will have
                                                 to siphon out the gas and
                                                 distribute it rationally.
                                                 The food supply will have to
                                                  be collected from all of the
                                                  stores. We have five city
                                                  vehicles that are working.
                                                  I’m going to have trailers
                                                  attached to them to load up
                                                  the food.

                                                 Mayor you can’t do that.
                                                 My family can use that food
                                                 for ourselves since there is
                                                 no more need for money.

                                                 Look Thomas. Everyone is
                                                 going to have to chip in.
                                                 We have to work as a
                                                 whole.Do you understand
                                                 what is happening here?

                                                 But my store.

                                                 I’m sorry Thomas. None of
                                                 us asked to be in this

Captain Moore went over to talk to pk 121.

                                                       CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 Lets go into the office in
                                                 the back pk121. I don’t
                                                 want any of the
                                                 townspeople to be alarm
                                                 with this news.

They both went into the back office.

                                                       CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 Have a seat pk121. Tell me

                                                 Well captain as I told you
                                                 on the radio. My men and I
                                                 had spread out so we could
                                                 cover a larger area. One of
                                                 my men had discovered a
                                                 horse’ s head. Two more
                                                 horse’s heads were found.
                                                 Then we found both of the
                                                 two way radios. I was
                                                 looking at the radio and
                                                 found that it wasn’t
                                                 damaged.There were no
                                                 signs of the two peace
                                                 keepers in the forest. We
                                                 had hit a dead end. I think
                                                 that who or whatever got
                                                 a hold of those peace
                                                 keepers weren’t fooling

Detective Scott Wright and Detective Phillip Turner had just walked into the peace keepers station. They were looking kind of scruffy. They showed their badges so the people would step aside. The people started leaving the station. Everyone had got into their cars and trucks. Soon the only ones that were in the station were the peace keepers, the mayor, Captain Moore, and pk121. Captain Moore and pk121 had left the office and came back to the front of the station.

                                                 What happened to the two
                                                 of you?

                                                    DETECTIVE WRIGHT
                                                 Our car died out. We were
                                                 investigating a call for
                                                 help. Someone’s car had
                                                 slid into a ditch. We went
                                                 to investigate and found
                                                 no one inside of the car.
                                                 We climbed back into our
                                                 car and it wouldn’t start.
                                                 There were no cars on the
                                                 road so we walked from
                                                 Oconomowoc to Jefferson
                                                 County. So please don’t
                                                 give me a hard time.

                                                 Why don’t you both go
                                                 home,take a bath and get
                                                 cleaned up. Stay home for
                                                 today and come back
                                                 tomorrow. Get some long
                                                 deserve sleep.

Detective Wright and Detective Turner slowly turned around and left the station to go home.

                                                     DETECTIVE WRIGHT
                                                 Oh by the way. We need a

                                                 Pk09 get a car and take
                                                 these two detectives home
                                                 and tomorrow I want you to
                                                 pick up these detectives at
                                                 0900, capeesh?


The next morning a knock was heard at the door.

                                                    DETECTIVE WRIGHT
                                                 Ok, I’ m coming.

He answered the door .
                                                    DETECTIVE WRIGHT
                                                 Oh it’ s you pk9. Come in
                                                 and what time is it anyway?

                                                 It’ s 9 o’ clock, sir.

                                                    DETECTIVE WRIGHT
                                                 Come in and have a seat.
                                                 Would you like some coffee
                                                 while I get dress?

                                                 No sir but just to let you
                                                 know I also have to pick up
                                                 Detective Turner. We’ll be
                                                 running late sir. The mayor
                                                 wouldn’t like it.

                                                   DETECTIVE WRIGHT
                                                 Since when did the mayor
                                                 get involved with police

                                                 Well sir when the bombs
                                                 went off under the ocean
                                                 and all of the electricity
                                                 became neutralized except
                                                 for certain cars and things
                                                 we had lost 90 percent of
                                                 the peace keeper forces
                                                 including the chief of the
                                                 peace keepers. The mayor
                                                 had to step in to reorganize
                                                 the peace keepers. While
                                                 you and Detective Turner
                                                 were out a new plan had
                                                 to be  developed for the
                                                 survival of the town.

                                                    DETECTIVE WRIGHT
                                                 Ok I’ m ready. Lets go.

They both got into the car and drove off towards Detective Turner’ s house.

                                                 We’ re lucky that this car
                                                 is running. All of the other
                                                 patrol cars were non-
                                                 functional. The pks had to
                                                 switch to horses and bikes.

                                                    DETECTIVE WRIGHT
                                                The department don’ t have
                                                 any bikes.

                                                 The mayor had ordered
                                                 Harold Sweeney who runs
                                                 the bicycle shop to give up
                                                 the bikes for the department.

                                                    DETECTIVE WRIGHT
                                                 I know he was pissed.

                                                 Yes sir. He was but he had
                                                 no choice if he wanted the
                                                 peace keepers to look out
                                                 for him.

                                                    DETECTIVE WRIGHT
                                                 We’ re coming up on
                                                 Detective Turner’ s house
                                                 now. He just stays right
                                                 down the street from me.
                                                 I’ ll get him up.You can
                                                 wait here.

                                                 Yes sir.


Detective Wright got out of the car and walked over to Detective Turners house. He ranged the doorbell.

                                                     DETECTIVE WRIGHT
                                                        (talking to himself)
                                                 That’ s right. Without
                                                 electricity the doorbell
                                                 might not ring.

He knocked on the door. There was no answer. The door was unlocked.

                                                   DETECTIVE WRIGHT
                                                       (talking to himself)
                                                 That’ s not like Turner to
                                                 leave his door unlock.

He let himself in. The house was quiet.

                                                    DETECTIVE WRIGHT
                                                 Hey Turner it’ s me, Wright.
                                                 You left your door unlocked.

Detective Wright kept on searching for Turner.

                                                    DETECTIVE WRIGHT
                                                        (talking to himself)
                                                 Why is it so cold in here?

He walked into the dining room the kitchen and decided to walk upstairs to Turner’s bedroom.
                                                    DETECTIVE WRIGHT

No answer. The bed looked as if it was slept in. Wright turned around to leave but then he stopped.

                                                     DETECTIVE WRIGHT
                                                 What the hell?

There was a three foot hole in Turner’ s bedroom wall.

                                                    DETECTIVE WRIGHT
                                                         (asking himself)
                                                 Now why would he put a
                                                 hole in his wall like that?

He ran downstairs and out to the car.

                                                     DETECTIVE WRIGHT
                                                 Lets go.

                                                 But where’ s Detective
                                                 Turner, sir?

                                                   DETECTIVE WRIGHT
                                                 Hell if I know. All I know
                                                 is he’s not in his house.

                                                 Do you suppose he got a
                                                 ride, sir? Maybe he forgot
                                                 that I was going to pick him
                                                 up. After all none of the
                                                 phones are working.

                                                   DETECTIVE WRIGHT
                                                 You’ re probably right.
                                                 Without any form of
                                                 communication he probably
                                                 forgot that we were coming.
                                                 I wonder what a three foot
                                                 hole is doing in his bedroom


Average townhouse condo. Karen goes upstairs to check on their two kids. They are no where to be found. Bruce runs upstairs to check also. He looks inside of their closet and there is a three foot hole in the wall behind their clothes. They checked the entire house. Bruce and Karen realizes that their kids were missing. They decided to drive to the peace keepers station.

                                                 Karen, I’ m going to drive
                                                 around the neighborhood
                                                 first so I can see if
                                                 anything strange is
                                                 happening. Our kids are
                                                 missing and who ever took
                                                 them is going to pay.

                                                 But why ? Why Bruce? Why
                                                 our kids?

                                                 The streets are clear except
                                                 for some houses with holes
                                                 in the walls. How did those
                                                 holes get in those houses?

                                                 We better tell the peace
                                                 keepers about this. Those
                                                 holes look just like the
                                                 one in our kids bedroom

                                                 Where’ s all the people in
                                                 the neighborhood. This
                                                 block looks like a ghost

                                                I don’ t care. I want my
                                                 I’ m driving as fast as I
                                                 can. Here we are now.


Karen and Bruce arrives at the peace keepers station. They both got out of the car. Karen couldn’t wait for Bruce. She ran up the stairs leading into the peace keepers station.

                                                 Help, help.

The pks came running towards her then her husband came running in. The pks grabbed him and took him down to the floor. They pointed their guns at Bruce and told him to freeze. Bruce was too scared to do or say anything so he just laid there on the floor.

                                                 Stop ! Stop ! That’ s my
                                                 husband. He’ s with me.

                                                 Sorry sir. You came busting
                                                 in here like a wild man. We
                                                 didn’t’ t know what your
                                                 plans  were.

                                                 Someone had kidnapped our

                                                 Calm down miss. You say
                                                 that someone had kidnapped
                                                 your kids?

                                                 There’ s a three foot hole
                                                 in the wall inside of our
                                                 kids closet and our kids
                                                 are missing.

Captain Moore came from around the desk.

                                                       CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 Did you say a three foot
                                                 Yes, a three foot hole but
                                                 the strangest thing is on
                                                 our way here we passed
                                                 through one neighborhood
                                                 where there were several
                                                 homes with holes at least
                                                 the same size as the one
                                                 in our kids room. What’s
                                                 going on here officer?

                                                      CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 You see that gentleman over
                                                 there behind the desk? Just
                                                 go over to him and tell him
                                                 your story. He’ll be taking
                                                 your case.

                                                 Thank you officer.

                                                      CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 There’ s definitely
                                                 something wrong here.
                                                 Townspeople turning up
                                                 missing without a trace.

Captain Moore walked towards the mayor’ s office. He knocks on the door.

                                                 Come in captain.

                                                      CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 Mayor Miller. We have a
                                                 serious problem in our town.

                                                 Explain yourself, captain.

                                                       CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 First we are isolated away
                                                 from everyone else. Second
                                                 there’ s missing townspeople
                                                 by the dozen or more and
                                                 without a trace.

                                                 And what is the third?

                                                      CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 The third is some of the
                                                 people’s heads are the
                                                 only ones found.

                                                What do that sound like to
                                                       CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 It sounds like the same kind
                                                 of mystery that we all were
                                                 facing until we had proof
                                                 that those aliens were
                                                 responsible. It was that
                                                 proof that led to all this
                                                 destruction. The government
                                                 thought that nuking the
                                                 ocean would destroy all of
                                                 them. Ten of their spaceships
                                                 were discovered leaving the
                                                 Earth’ s atmosphere. We
                                                 thought that was the end of

                                                 Do you think that some of
                                                 them were left behind?

                                                        CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 Either that or they came

                                                 Well if they came back
                                                 then there is no hope for
                                                 mankind. Not with our
                                                 limited resources.

                                                      CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 I know. Man had destroyed
                                                 his own planet to get rid of
                                                 the alien beings who now
                                                 will take over the Earth.

                                                 We have to warn the

                                                      CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 I’ ll call all the pks to
                                                 return to the station.

                                                 What’ s the plan?

                                                      CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 We’ ll figure that out when
                                                 everyone is here.


Peace keepers were riding horses and bikes. Some of them were in cars when their shoulder radios were announcing a message.

                                                 All peace keepers return to
                                                 the station. This is a code
                                                 505. All peace keepers
                                                 return to the station. This
                                                 is a code 505.

All of the peace keepers had stopped what they were doing. Those who were on horses had galloped back to the station. Those who were in cars had gunned their motors so they wouldn’t waist any time returning back to the station. The rest who were on bikes had peddled as hard as they could so they would not be too far behind.


After about forty five minutes all of the peace keepers were accounted for. Detective Wright had entered.

                                                    DETECTIVE WRIGHT
                                                 What is the 505 for?

                                                      CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 Everything will be explain
                                                 to you. Mr. Mayor? Would
                                                 you like to explain the

                                                 I most certainly would. I
                                                 want you all to understand
                                                 this. What we are facing
                                                 with is the right for
                                                 mankind to live. The aliens
                                                 came back. We thought that
                                                 they were frightened off.
                                                 We nearly destroyed our
                                                 own planet just to get rid
                                                 of them but the plan didn’t
                                                 work because now they are
                                                 back and this time we do
                                                 not have the proper weapons
                                                 to defeat them. Our
                                                 resources are now limited.
                                                 We need to go out there
                                                 and round up all the
                                                 townspeople and bring them
                                                 back here. By force if
                                                 necessary. Are there any

A hand went up.

                                                 Detective Wright?

                                                   DETECTIVE WRIGHT
                                                 Mr. Mayor? The way the
                                                 people are being kidnapped
                                                 and killed the aliens must
                                                 have a weapon that we are
                                                 not familiar with. They are
                                                 able to sneak up on us
                                                 somehow.They must have
                                                 a way of not being detected.
                                                 Their technology is far
                                                 more advanced than ours.
                                                 How can we fight against
                                                 That do strike a problem.

Another hand was raised.


                                                 I might have a solution. We
                                                 could place speakers on top
                                                 of cars and rig up
                                                 microphones. Then we
                                                 could drive through the
                                                 neighborhoods announcing
                                                 the  emergency.

                                                 That is the best answer,
                                                 yet. Everyone get a hold of
                                                 some speakers and attach
                                                 them to the cars.

                                                 How can we get all of the
                                                 townspeople inside of this

                                                 Lets use the school’s
                                                 auditorium. That should
                                                 hold everyone.

The peace keepers were all working on the sound system. They were testing it. Everything was going fine.

                                                           Captain Moore.
                                                      CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 Yes pk23?

                                                 I have communication, sir.

Captain Moore ran over to the radio.

                                                      CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 Hand me the mike.

Pk23 handed the mike to Captain Moore.

                                                      CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 This is Peace Keepers Station,
                                                 Jefferson County come in.This
                                                 is Peace Keepers Station,
                                                 Jefferson County, come in, over.

A voice was heard coming from the radio.

                                                 Hey guys! You’re alive out
                                                 there. Over.
                                                     CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 You’ re damn right we’ re
                                                 alive. We thought we were
                                                 the only ones alive. Where
                                                 are you calling from? Over.

                                                 Chicago, My names’ s
                                                 Braslow. I’m a
                                                 communications student
                                                 at University of Illinois.
                                                 The classroom have a cb
                                                 radio in it. I’ m standing by
                                                 it for communication
                                                 purposes. Over.

                                                      CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 That’ s good thinking,
                                                 Braslow.How’ s everything
                                                 in Chicago? Over.
                                                It’ s dead out here. It’ s
                                                like a ghost town. Every
                                                now and then, I would see
                                                several strange creatures
                                                flying by in the air. I’ ve
                                                never seen anything like
                                                them before.They look like
                                                those creatures I’ ve seen
                                                on TV, before we destroyed
                                                our planet. Over.

                                                      CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 How many are they? Do
                                                 you know? Over.

                                                 There must be a lot. I’
                                                 seeing at least fifteen to
                                                 twenty of them an hour.
                                                 Some of them are carrying
                                                 bodies. They must be
                                                 multiplying. If people saw
                                                 them as I did then they
                                                 must all be hiding. Over.

                                                      CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 My God! That’ s probably
                                                 what’s happening here.
                                                 Have  you been able to
                                                 reach anyone else? Over.

                                                 No. I was lucky that I was
                                                 able to reach you. Over.

                                                        CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 Why don’t you stay put.
                                                 What’s your frequency?

                                                 Fifty two and I’ m not going
                                                 anywhere with those things
                                                 out there. I have all the
                                                 food I need right here.

                                                      CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 Where are the other
                                                 students? Over.

                                                 They all scattered out of
                                                 here to be with their
                                                 families, Over.

                                                      CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 Well, I’m glad you stayed.

                                                 I was a foster child. I
                                                 didn’t have a family so
                                                 there was no one I had to

                                                      CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 I’ m sorry.

                                                 Don’ t worry. I’ ll stay
                                                 by the radio. I already have
                                                 your frequency. Over and

                                                     CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 So there you have it. Those
                                                 aliens had came back and
                                                 they’re multiplying.

                                                 What are we going to do?

                                                       MAYOR MILLER
                                                 We are going to do just as
                                                 we had planned. Go out
                                                 their and knock on every
                                                 citizen’s door and bring
                                                 them back here for their
                                                 protection.Those who have
                                                 cars are going to have to
                                                 carpool those who don’ t.
                                                 Turn on those speakers on
                                                 top of the car and get


Deep inside of the woods of Jefferson County there lies hidden underneath a slab of granite a tunnel that stretches for miles in different directions. A twilight glow makes it possible to see throughout the tunnel. The source of the glow is far beyond our technology. Clicking sounds were coming from deep inside of the tunnel. Then cries for help.


Country home with sun porch that has an open view of a field of sun flowers and a heavy wooded area at least one hundred yards away from the home. A little girl and her puppy were playing in the field of flowers. Ruth and Carl Hernandez were sitting at their table drinking coffee. The doorbell had rung.

                                                I wonder who that is?

She went to answer the door.

                                                          (she screamed)

Carl jumped up from the table and ran to the door.

                                                 My God. It is you.

There was a helicopter parked right in their field.

                                                         CAPTAIN BECK
                                                Hi Sis.Hi Carl. I ’ve
                                                decided to come here to be
                                                my sister because of the
                                                Problems the world is facing
                                                 Gee Tony. I heard that you
                                                 had circled the Earth over
                                                 160 times. What’s left of
                                                 it anyway.

                                                        CAPTAIN BECK
                                                 Where’s my niece,

                                                 She’s outside playing.

Samantha was playing with her dog Putt Putt. She have a dog whistle she uses to call her little puppy. Every time Putt Putt hears the whistle her ears stick up as though she knew it was play time. There was a lot of thick wooded areas around their ranch.

                                                 Ruth we have plenty of
                                                 firewood out in the shed

                                                 Thank goodness for that.
                                                 No one could’ve predicted
                                                 that our way of living
                                                 would change like this.
                                                 Do you suppose that all
                                                 of this will end soon?

                                                         CAPTAIN BECK
                                                 When the New World
                                                 Council had decided that
                                                 hundreds of nuclear bombs
                                                 were going to be dropped
                                                 at the bottom of the oceans
                                                 around the world I knew
                                                 that something terrible was
                                                 going to come out of it.

Putt Putt was playing with Samantha when suddenly she took off running toward the woods barking.

                                                 Putt Putt come back.

Putt Putt had sensed something in the woods. She ran over to see what it was barking all the time. Samantha heard Putt Putt barking.

                                                        (talking to herself)
                                                 She must have spotted a

Then the barking stopped.

                                                 Putt Putt

Still there was no barking. Samantha lifted her dog whistle off from around her neck. She blew her whistle as she ran into the woods where Putt Putt had entered. She blew her whistle again. Putt Putt started barking again. Samantha ran over to where Putt Putt was. Putt Putt was pulling at something on the ground. Samantha walked over to see what it was. She looked down.


Ruth,Carl,and Captain Beck had jumped up from the table and ran outside.



They all heard Samantha screams. They ran in the direction from where it came.

                                                 She’s in the woods.

                                                        CAPTAIN BECK

Putt Putt started barking. She ran towards Ruth and Carl.

                                                 Putt Putt where’s

Putt Putt ran further into the woods. Ruth,Carl,and Captain Beck followed. There was an opening in the woods. Samantha was laying on the ground. She had fainted. Ruth ran over to Samantha.


Carl and Captain Beck had turned around to see what Putt Putt was barking at.

                                                 Jesus Christ! What the hell
                                                 is that?

                                                       CAPTAIN BECK
                                                It’s one of them.

Ruth held Samantha in her arms and started to walk over to Carl and Captain Beck.

                                                 No momma. I don’ t want
                                                 to go.

                                                 What are you so afraid of

Ruth left Samantha over by the tree. She then walked over to where Carl and Captain Beck was standing.

                                                 What is it Tony?

Ruth looked down.


                                                 You see Ruth? It’s one of

                                                 Is that one of the things
                                                 that caused all of this?

                                                        CAPTAIN BECK
                                                 Yes, Ruth. That’ s one of

                                                 What’s that on it’s side?

                                                        CAPTAIN BECK
                                                 A weapon of some sort.
                                                 I’ m going to try and
                                                 remove it.

Captain Beck bent down to take off the weapon. He couldn’t find the catch.

                                                        CAPTAIN BECK
                                                There must be some kind of
                                                 lever or a catch somewhere.

Captain Beck kept on running his fingers around the weapon holder. The weapon had unhinged itself. He was now holding it.

                                                 We got to get to the peace
                                                 keepers station.

                                                 What are we going to do
                                                 with that creature?

                                                 Leave it here. We’ll come
                                                 back with the peace
                                                 keepers.They’ll know what
                                                 to do.

                                                 I’ll take Sam back to the

                                                        CAPTAIN BECK
                                                 I’ll be along in a minute.

                                                 No Tony. You and Carl are
                                                 coming with us right now.
                                                 We don’t know how long
                                                 that creature is going to
                                                 remain that way.

                                                       CAPTAIN BECK
                                                 You know something?
                                                 Your wife have a point. My
                                                 sister have always been the
                                                 bossy type in the family.

                                                 Ok. We’ll go with you.
                                                 Lets hurry. I want the
                                                 peace keepers to see this.

They walked hurriedly out of the woods and straight to the car.

                                                        CAPTAIN BECK
                                                 I have a faster way.

They all turned to look at the helicopter out in the field. They got into the helicopter and quickly took off.

                                                 Daddy I’ m scared.

                                                 Don’t worry honey.
                                                 Everything’s going to be

                                                 Do you really believe that

                                                        (Talking quietly)
                                                 Look Ruth. What else do
                                                 you want me to tell her.
                                                 Look at her. She’s scared
                                                 to death.
                                                 I’ m sorry honey. I’ m just
                                                 so confused about all of

                                                 I am too Ruth. We don’t
                                                 know how many of those
                                                 things are out there. Ok,
                                                 the peace keepers station
                                                 is right down there Tony.


Captain Beck landed the helicopter in the street in front of the station. They all got out and ran into the PK station. A lot of townspeople were there with the peace keepers. So was the mayor. Carl saw Captain Moore.

                                                 Captain Moore?

Everyone had turned around at the sound of the outburst. They saw a man dressed in an Air Force uniform. They also saw Ruth and Carl.

                                                 We got one.

                                                     CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 Calm down Carl. Just what
                                                 do you have?

                                                       CAPTAIN BECK
                                                 I’m Captain Beck United
                                                 States Air Force or what’s
                                                 left of it. We have an alien
                                                 creature out in their field.

                                                      CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 Well Captain Beck I’m
                                                 Captain Moore. Jefferson
                                                 Police. What brings you
                                                 here and what about that
                                                 alien you supposed to have

                                                        CAPTAIN BECK
                                                 I’m here to be with my only
                                                 family. Ruth is my sister
                                                 and Carl is my brother-in-
                                                 law. My niece, Samantha
                                                 had found it laying in the
                                                 field.I spotted the alien
                                                 space ships while I was
                                                 orbiting the planet.

                                                      CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 How did you survive to tell
                                                 me this?

                                                 It was already laying on
                                                 the ground in the woods.
                                                 Putt Putt found it laying

                                                      CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 What did it look like?                                                                                
                                                 It’ s the ugliest thing I
                                                 had ever seen. It looks like
                                                 it could be about nine or
                                                 ten feet tall. It’ s hard to
                                                 tell while it’s laying down
                                                 but that is my best guest.

                                                       MAYOR MILLER
                                                 Ok we’ve got our first break.

                                                      CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 What do you mean, Mayor?

                                                Think about it. You pks can
                                                 get a pick-up truck. Go back
                                                 to the farm. Tie this creature
                                                 up and bring it back here to
                                                 lock it up.

                                                    DETECTIVE WRIGHT
                                                 But what if that thing wakes
                                                 up while we are driving?

                                                        CAPTAIN BECK
                                                 I have a helicopter right
                                                 outside. We can tie it up
                                                 and I’ll fly it back here.

                                                       CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 You mean you have a

                                                        CAPTAIN BECK
                                                 Yes I do.

                                                      CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 That will do fine. Lets fly
                                                 out there with a tarp to
                                                 wrap it with and a rope to
                                                 tie it up.

                                                 What will happen if it wakes
                                                 up while we are tying it up?

                                                      CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 Then we’ll shoot it.

                                                 How do you know if our
                                                 guns will even have an
                                                 effect on it?

                                                        CAPTAIN BECK
                                                 I have it’s weapon.

Captain Beck took out the weapon from his inside pocket and showed it to the mayor and Captain Moore.

                                                       MAYOR MILLER
                                                 What the hell is that and
                                                 where did you get it?

                                                         CAPTAIN BECK
                                                 I took it from the creatures

                                                        MAYOR MILLER
                                                 Did you figure out how to
                                                 work it?

                                                        CAPTAIN BECK
                                                 I didn’t want to fool around
                                                 with it.

                                                      CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 Let me see it.

Captain Beck handed the weapon over to Captain Moore. Captain Moore looked at it. He turned it around in his hands. The mayor asked to see it. The Captain Moore handed it over to the mayor.

                                                       MAYOR MILLER
                                                 There’s no trigger
                                                  Mechanism .How does it

                                                       CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 What about those symbols?

The mayor started running his fingers around the symbols.

                                                        CAPTAIN BECK
                                                 Mr. Mayor I wouldn’t mess
                                                 around with it until we have
                                                 a secured environment.

The mayor was too focused on the symbols. He rubbed his fingers on a symbol and the weapon went off. Pk26 was in the line of fire. A ray had shot off and went right through the middle part of his body. His legs fell to the floor and his head from the neck up fell on top of his legs. The legs started twitching. The eyes started blinking while the mouth was opening and closing as though it was trying to talk. A moment later the eyes stopped blinking and just stared. The legs had stopped twitching and the mouth remained opened. Captain Beck snatched the weapon from Mayor Miller. There were screams. Everyone ran over to where Pk26 remained. Some ran away from the scene. Some had panicked.

                                                              A VOICE
                                                 How can we fight against
                                                 creatures with weapons like

The mayor just looked down at the damage he had caused.

                                                       MAYOR MILLER
                                                 Captain Moore? I don’t
                                                 know what to say. I’m
                                                 going back to my office.
                                                 You handle everything.

The mayor just lowered his head, and walked away. The townspeople were too much in shock to cast any blame. They just watched the mayor leave. Someone had yelled out.

                                                 We can’t blame the mayor
                                                 for what just happened.
                                                 Any one of us could have
                                                 made that same mistake.

                                                       CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 We’re not blaming him.
                                                 Those are aliens out there
                                                  and there are bound to be
                                                  some mistakes made by us.
                                                  Look at what the
                                                  governments of the
                                                  world had already done.
                                                  Did Pk26 have any family?
                                                                PK 44
                                                 His family lives in Florida.

                                                       CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 You mean what used to be
                                                 Florida. We’ll give him a
                                                 Decent burial.

The Pks gathered around the remains of Pk26.Captain Beck had placed a sheet on top of Pk26,and rolled his head, and legs into it. They then went outside to bury him. While the Pks were outside the townspeople continued arguing with Captain Moore.

                                                 What are you going to do
                                                 About that weapon?

                                                       CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 First of all I’ m going to
                                                 lock it up until we figure
                                                 out how it works. Will you
                                                 hand over that weapon to
                                                 me Captain?

Captain Beck handed over the weapon.

                                                        CAPTAIN BECK
                                                 Be careful with it. The
                                                 mayor had just rubbed one
                                                 of those symbols and that’s
                                                 when it went off. If we
                                                 could just get inside a
                                                 closed area where there are
                                                 no crowds of people we
                                                 might be able to experiment
                                                 with it. This could be just
                                                 the weapon we need to
                                                 fight back.

                                                      CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 You’ve got a point Captain.
                                                 I think that we should get
                                                 over to Carl’s place and
                                                 pick up that creature.

The townspeople ran to their cars. Those who didn’t have cars rode with other townspeople. They took off towards Carl’s farm.

                                                      CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 Lets hurry up and get to
                                                 Carl’s place before the
                                                 townspeople do.

Captain Beck, Captain Moore, and Carl left for the helicopter and flew off.

                                                       CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 I’m glad we have this
                                                 helicopter. Those
                                                 townspeople will try and
                                                 capture the  creature without
                                                 giving it a second thought.

                                                        CAPTAIN BECK
                                                 And they would probably
                                                 die doing it.

The women had stayed behind with some other Pks. They had stepped back to allow the men to do what they felt was necessary to do.

                                                 Glory be Katherine. Do you
                                                 suppose that those aliens
                                                 will try to find their missing
                                                 I hope not.

Some of the townspeople had stopped over to the liquor store to grab some beer.

                                                 Now we really are ready to
                                                 kick some alien ass.

                                                 Yea,I’m going to cook me
                                                 some ET for dinner tonight.


The helicopter landed on top of Carl’s field. They all got out.

                                                 It’s right behind that tree.

They all walked slowly. There was a figure on the ground. Half covered with leaves. They walked over to it.

                                                      CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 Jesus Christ! Is it dead?

                                                       CAPTAIN BECK
                                                 I put my ears to it’s chest
                                                 and heard a heartbeat.

                                                       CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 Hurry up and tie this
                                                 creature up.

Captain Moore tried to put handcuffs around the creatures wrist but couldn’t.

                                                      CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 You know something?
                                                 These handcuffs won’t fit.

                                                        CAPTAIN BECK
                                                Lets try this rope.

                                                        CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 Good. Hurry up before
                                                 those townspeople arrive.

They started wrapping the alien up as though they were in a rodeo. Captain Beck tied the other end of the rope to the bottom of the helicopter.

                                                        CAPTAIN BECK
                                                 Ok,I’m ready. We should

They all got back inside of the helicopter and took off. The townspeople had arrived five minutes later. Drunk and yelling. Harris acted as the leader of the bunch.

                                                 Over here. The tracks lead
                                                 this way.

The townspeople started yelling.

                                                 It’s on now.

                                                 I’m taking my rifle just in

                                                 I think we all better take
                                                 our guns.

Everyone had grabbed their guns out of their vehicles.

                                                 Lets go.

They all went into the woods drunk and yelling.

                                                 I can see some tracks. They
                                                 lead this way.

They all followed in the direction the tracks lead.

                                                 Right here. There seems to
                                                 be more than one set of
                                                 tracks here.

Everyone started walking around the area.

                                                 Maybe it just got up
                                                 and left.

                                                 Damn it. I knew it was too
                                                 good to be true. Lets get
                                                 out of here.

                                                 Wait a minute.

Everyone had turned around to look at Martinez. He had a rope in his hands.

                                                 Something strange is going
                                                 On. This rope has been cut.
                                                 It was laying right over
                                                 here. Why would anyone
                                                 have a rope at the scene
                                                 where the creature was?
                                                 Everyone fan out.

They all started walking in different directions.

                                                 Hey,over here.

They all ran over to where Thompson was. He pointed down at the ground.

                                                 Look at this. These thick
                                                 lines. It was that helicopter
                                                 that was parked outside of
                                                 the PK Station. Maybe the
                                                 Pks were here and beat us
                                                 to the punch.

                                                 They’re probably back at
                                                 the PK Station.

                                                The party’s on.

They all went back to their cars and sped off in the direction of the PK Station.


Some of the peace keepers were at the station keeping the women and children calm.

                                                 The government knew that
                                                  aliens had been landing here
                                                  for a long time. Why had
                                                  they been lying to us all
                                                  this time?

                                                 We were all on a need to
                                                 know bases.

                                                 I suppose area 51 was a lie
                                                 too, right?

                                                Everything on that side of
                                                the country is underwater as
                                                far as I was told.

                                                 Why did the New World
                                                 Council agree to this

                                                 I don’ t think they knew all
                                                 of this was going to happen.

The door flew open.

                                                      CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                Everyone stand back.

Captain Moore, Captain Beck, and Carl, were carrying something huge into the station.

                                                      CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                Take it straight back to the

They all rushed toward the back of the station. The mayor came out of his office.

                                                 What’s going on?

                                                      CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 We’ve captured one of them.

                                                 One of what?

                                                       CAPTAIN BECK
                                                 We have one of those aliens.

                                                      CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 Put it in here. We have a
                                                 video camera over head. It
                                                 can be monitored from out
                                                 there. Bring that alien
                                                 weapon over here and watch
                                                 how you handle it Pk61.The
                                                 rest of you keep your guns
                                                 trained on that alien while
                                                 we untie it.

Pk 61 left to get the alien weapon. The rest of the peace keepers trained their weapons on the alien.

                                                                 PK 61
                                                 I have it, captain.

                                                      CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 Mr. Mayor. Will you come
                                                 over here?

The mayor walked over to Captain Moore.

                                                      MAYOR MILLER
                                                 I don’t feel like much of a
                                                 mayor anymore.

                                                       CAPTAIN BECK
                                                 Look Mayor Miller. What
                                                 happened out there
                                                 could’ve happened to
                                                 anyone. Even me.Right
                                                 now I want you to
                                                 carefully point to the
                                                 symbol that made the
                                                 weapon go off.You don’t
                                                 have to touch it.Just point
                                                 to it.

                                                      MAYOR MILLER
                                                 It was this symbol.
                                                        CAPTAIN BECK
                                                 What exactly did you do?

                                                      MAYOR MILLER
                                                 I just applied some pressure
                                                 on that symbol.

                                                       CAPTAIN BECK
                                                 Don’t untie that creature
                                                 until I get back.


Captain Beck left to go outside just as the rest of the townspeople had arrived from Carl’s place. He went over by a tree and pointed the weapon at it. The rest of the townspeople had jumped out of their cars and trucks. Still drunk and yelling.

                                                 That’s the Air Force guy
                                                 over there. He’s the one
                                                 that have the alien.

                                                They probably have it

                                                 It’s up to us to take
                                                 matters into our own hands.

                                                 Lets go in and drag that
                                                 creature out here and burn

                                                 We’ll need some leverage.
                                                 Lets grab that Air Force
                                                 guy over there and hold him
                                                 hostage until they turn over
                                                 that alien.

They all walked over to where Captain Beck was standing. All of them were carrying their guns. Captain Beck didn’t acknowledge their presence. He kept focusing on that tree. As the townspeople came nearer the weapon that Captain Beck was holding had shot off a ray that blasted the tree in half. The tree fell to the ground smoking. Captain Beck had turned around.

                                                         CAPTAIN BECK
                                                 Oh! I didn’t see you
                                                 standing there. Did you all
                                                 want something?

The townspeople looked at Captain Beck with their mouths frozen opened. Harris yelled out.

                                                 Hell no.

They ran in all directions.

                                                         CAPTAIN BECK
                                                 I guess it wasn’t important.


Captain Beck went back into the station. The women and children were all calm. Pk61 had done a good job answering all of their questions and keeping them calm. Captain Beck went straight to the back.

                                                        CAPTAIN BECK
                                                 Ok I’ve figured it out. You
                                                 can untie those ropes now.

The peace keepers unwrapped the tarp and cut loose the ropes. The alien was still not moving
                                                      CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 Ok everyone out.

Everyone had left the cell. Captain Moore had used a cell with a steel door that was two inches thick. It had a bulletproof window on it that was also two inches thick. They all went back to the front of the station.

                                                         CAPTAIN BECK
                                                Now this is what I call
                                                close encounters of the
                                                third kind.

Captain Moore sat behind his desk and turned on the monitor. It showed that the alien was still not moving.

                                                       CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 We can keep an eye on it
                                                 from here.

                                                     DETECTIVE WRIGHT
                                                 Captain Beck? What are we
                                                 going to do with it?

                                                         CAPTAIN BECK
                                                 Well we are going to have
                                                 to figure out how to deal
                                                 with it’s kind. What
                                                 happened that made it
                                                 appear in this condition?
                                                 What made it so
                                                 We need some leverage.
                                                 Chicago is swarming with
                                                 those things and if we don’t
                                                 find out how to get beyond
                                                 their technology they are
                                                 going to be the new
                                                 dominant species.

Ruth and Carl was sitting out in front of the peace keepers station. Ruth was holding Samantha and Samantha was playing with Putt Putt while blowing on her dog whistle. She likes to make Putt Putt’s ears go up. Putt Putt likes it too.

                                                 Samantha I have some
                                                 sandwiches in my purse. I
                                                 want you to stop playing
                                                 with Putt Putt for a while
                                                 and eat,ok?

                                                 Ok, momma.

Samantha dropped the whistle from her mouth. The whistle was hanging from a thin chain around Samantha’s neck.

                                                       CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 Ok,what do we have at the

                                                      CAPTAIN BECK
                                                 Well Captain. We have an
                                                 alien weapon and I must say
                                                 a most powerful weapon it is
                                                 too. I blew a tree in half
                                                 with that weapon.

                                                      CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 An army with weapons like
                                                 that can rule the world and
                                                 since those alien creatures
                                                 are armed with weapons like
                                                 that we don’t stand a

                                                 Maybe if we do an autopsy
                                                 on that alien we might find
                                                 out something.

                                                      CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 The alien is still alive. It
                                                 have to be dead in order to
                                                 do an autopsy.
                                                 Well lets kill it.

                                                      CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 I don’t want anything to
                                                 happen to this creature. A
                                                 lot of our townspeople are
                                                 missing. This creature might
                                                 be just what we need to
                                                 bargain with in order to
                                                 get back those people.

                                                  ANOTHER TOWNSMAN
                                                 They might already be dead.

                                                      CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 Probably so but until I
                                                 have proof I’ m going to
                                                 give them every chance they

                                                      CAPTAIN BECK
                                                 Captain Moore look!

They all looked at the monitor. The alien creature was flying around the room bumping into the walls as though  it was trying to find a way out. Carl, Ruth, Samantha, and the rest of the townspeople were trying to look at the monitor. The captain turned the monitor around so they all could see.

                                                 Oh My! That is the most
                                                 scariest creature I’ve ever

                                                 Look at the wing spread.
                                                 Captain Beck The wings
                                                 must be at least six feet in

Putt Putt jumped out of Samantha’s arms.

                                                 Putt Putt come back.
                                                 Momma let go of my arm.
                                                 I need my whistle to call
                                                 Putt Putt.

Ruth let go of Samantha’s arm all while looking at the monitor. Samantha blew her whistle and the creature inside of the cell fell to the floor as sudden as it has risen. Putt Putt came back and jumped into Samantha’s arms. Everyone turned around to look at Samantha. Samantha was sitting down in one of the chairs holding her puppy.

                                                 Now Putt Putt you know
                                                 better than to jump out of
                                                 my arms when we are so
                                                 high up. You might break
                                                 your legs.

                                                       CAPTAIN BECK
                                                 Ruth will you call Samantha
                                                 over here? I would just like
                                                 to asked her a few questions.

                                                 Sure Tony. Samantha dear.
                                                 Will you come here for a

                                                 Ok, momma.

Samantha grabbed Putt Putt and placed the puppy in her arms. She walked slowly towards the center of the station. She walked up the stairs and through the crowd of people. Captain Beck reached down to pick up Samantha and her little puppy and placed them both on Captain Moore’s

                                                       CAPTAIN BECK
                                                 Samantha can I ask you a
                                                 few questions.

                                                 Sure Uncle Tony. What do
                                                 you want to know?
                                                       CAPTAIN BECK
                                                 Samantha you was in the
                                                 field playing with Putt
                                                 Putt, right?


                                                        CAPTAIN BECK
                                                  Samantha can you tell me
                                                  what happened?

                                                 Well me and Putt Putt
                                                 was playing and then Putt
                                                 Putt heard something. She
                                                 ran into the woods barking.
                                                 I ran after her. That’s
                                                 when I blew my whistle. I
                                                 saw Putt Putt barking at
                                                 that monster.

                                                        CAPTAIN BECK
                                                 Samantha can I borrow
                                                 your  whistle for a while?
                                                 I want to try an experiment
                                                 on that monster.

                                                 But what if Putt Putt gets

                                                       CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                I have something for Putt

Captain Moore reach into his drawer and pulled out a leash.

                                                      CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 This leash is for our peace
                                                 keeper dogs.

Captain Moore took out a pair of scissors and cut the leash so it could fit around Putt Putt’s neck.

                                                      CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 This is for Putt Putt. He is
                                                 now our new peace keeper

He placed the leash around Putt Putt’s neck and the other end he gave to Samantha.

                                                      CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 You hold on to this
                                                 Samantha and Putt Putt
                                                 will never get away.

                                                 Wow! Look momma. Putt
                                                 Putt is a peace keeper dog.
                                                 Come on Putt Putt.

Captain Beck put Samantha down on the floor along with Putt Putt. Putt Putt ran while Samantha was holding on to the leash.

                                                 Ha ha ha ha

Putt Putt pulled Samantha over to an eight year old African American girl who’s name was Abiena. Putt Putt knew her too and he liked her.

                                                 Come on Abiena. Lets play
                                                 with Putt Putt.

                                                 Mom can I go?

                                                     ABIENA’S MOTHER
                                                 Go ahead, honey, but don’t
                                                 go far.

They both ran around the peace keepers station playing with Putt Putt.

                                                        CAPTAIN BECK
                                                Now if what I suspect is
                                                true then we might be able
                                                to beat those aliens at
                                                 their own game and maybe,
                                                 just maybe, mankind will

                                                       CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 What do you mean?

                                                        CAPTAIN BECK
                                                 I don’t want to say it too
                                                 soon. Just let me know
                                                 when that alien gets up

                                                      CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 Hey Captain Beck. You’re
                                                 on to something. I know.

                                                     DETECTIVE WRIGHT
                                                 Come on Captain Beck. Let
                                                 us in on it.

                                                        CAPTAIN BECK
                                                 I can’t. Not now.

                                                      CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 Pk61.Get on the radio and
                                                 call that kid in Chicago.

                                                 Sure will, captain.


Braslow was standing by the radio.

                                                       (talking to himself)
                                                 God, I’ m so hungry. I ran
                                                 out of food and if I stay
                                                 here and hide I’ll starve to
                                                 death. Should I take a
                                                 chance and slip down to
                                                 the cafeteria? I don’t know.
                                                 I wonder if those creatures
                                                 had made their way
                                                 inside of the university. I
                                                 have to eat something. I’ll
                                                 just slip down those stairs.
                                                 I can enter into the
                                                 cafeteria through the back

Braslow tiptoed down the stairwell. He passed the second floor.

                                                 It’ s so quiet.

He tiptoed down the first floor. He opened the hallway door and peaked out through it into the hallway.

                                                 So far, so good.

He listened. He crept. No sound at all. He saw the cafeteria straight ahead. He walked quietly towards it.

                                                 I made it.

He opened the door and crept inside. There was food still behind the counter.

                                                 I can load up on all of
                                                 this. This should last me a
                                                 good while.

He reached for a sweet roll.

                                                 What’s wrong with my
                                                 arm? I can’t move it. I
                                                 can’ t move my mouth.
                                                 What’s happening?

All of his questions were in his mind. His questions were answered.

                                                 What is that ? Stay away!
                                                 No! Nooo! Stay away!

His cries could not be heard. The creature started eating at his waist. Then it stopped and switched to his arms. It had stopped midway up his arms to start eating on his ears and nose.


Braslow cried inside of his mind. He fell to the floor while the Argolian continued eating him up alive.

Back inside of the communication room of the university a CB Radio was sounding off. The microphone was left on.

                                                       VOICE ON RADIO
                                                 This is the Jefferson
                                                 County Peace Keepers
                                                 Station calling Braslow,
                                                 over. This is the Jefferson
                                                 County Peace Keepers
                                                 Station, calling Braslow,

An Argolian slowly crept up to the sound of the radio making clicking and grunting sounds near the microphone.


More Argolians were walking the streets of Chicago. On 75th street and Cottage Grove an Argolian was dragging a helpless human under it’s arms. The human was in a frozen state. Three more Argolians were walking across the street dragging humans under their arms. Some of the humans had no arms. Some had no lower parts of their bodies. The Argolians are not known for releasing their mind hold on their prey. They like to sense their prey’s suffering.

On Martin Luther King Dr. the streets were crawling with Argolians. Some were carrying human heads. Some were carrying children’s bodies, half eaten. The more the Argolians eat the more they reproduce.


On Fullerton street Argolians were flying around in between buildings. Crawling up the building walls like locust. Inside of one building a group of people had barricaded themselves into one room. Tony, Bridget, Mecka, Janice, and Erron were huddled together.

                                                 This just can’t be the end
                                                 of the human race.

Tony was looking out of the window.

                                                 Look at them. They’re all
                                                 over the place.
                                                 Get down Tony before they
                                                 see you.

                                                 It wasn’t that many of them
                                                 a few days ago. Where did
                                                 they all come from?

                                                 I saw one of them carrying
                                                 a body down the side of a

                                                 I’ m so scared.

                                                 We’ ve been here for three
                                                 days now. We haven’t eaten
                                                 anything and yet if we go
                                                 out they’ll catch us.

                                                 If we stay here we’ll starve
                                                 to death.

                                                 So we have a choice. We
                                                 stay and starve or we
                                                 try and make it to some
                                                 food but risk getting
                                                 eaten by those things.

                                                 It looks like we’re going
                                                 to die anyway. All we have
                                                 to do is choose how.

                                                 Yea what a choice to make.

                                                 Well I’ m not moving.

                                                 Me neither.

                                                 I can’t stay here.

                                                 I’ m going with Erron.

                                                 I’ m starving but I’m too
                                                 afraid to be captured by
                                                 those things.

                                                 Good luck, guys.

                                                 Wait up.

They both left.

                                                 I don’t know what else to

                                                 I don’ t want to die like

                                                 Maybe someone will come
                                                 to help us.

                                                 I doubt it. You should see
                                                 those things out there.
                                                 They’re everywhere.
                                                 Almost everyone of them
                                                 are carrying a human body.
                                                 Janice crawled over to the
                                                 window to take a peak.

                                                 Oh my God! We’re going
                                                 to die for sure.

Mecka crawled over to the window. She raised up her head. She stood up holding her head shouting.

                                                 No ! no !

Tony pulled her down to the floor.

                                                 Get down. You’ re going
                                                 to get us all killed.

                                                 Do you think they saw her?

                                                 I hope not.

Mecka was on the floor, crying.

                                                 Tony do you suppose they
                                                 made it? Tony? Tony? Why
                                                 isn’t he answering me?

Tony sat looking at the floor.

                                                 I can’t raise my head.
                                                 What’s going on?

                                                 I want to wipe my eyes but
                                                 I can’t move my arms.
                                                 What’s wrong with me?

Suddenly a figure slowly crept through the door. Janice saw the creature coming towards her.

                                                 Nooooo! Noooo! Noooo!

She screamed inside of her mind. The Argolian started eating on her left leg as she remained in a frozen state.The left leg came off. The Argolian started eating her right arm. The arm came off. The Argolian picked her up and carried her out of the room leaving a trail of blood. Janice screamed a scream of torture inside of her mind as the creature left with her under it’s arms. Tony and Mecka became unfrozen.

                                                            (talking loud)
                                                 That’s it. I’m leaving. I
                                                 saw that thing coming
                                                 out of the corner of my
                                                 eye. I saw it eating on
                                                 Janice without her making
                                                 a sound. How can that be?

                                                 Look at all the blood. I
                                                 couldn’t see anything. All
                                                 I could hear was this
                                                 strange clicking sound.

                                                 I want to leave this place.
                                                 That creature knows where
                                                 we are now. Lets get out
                                                 of here.

Tony and Mecka left the room. They walked down the corridoor. There was a trail of blood all down the hall.

                                                 Should we take the
                                                 elevator or the stairs?

                                                 I don’t know. If we take
                                                 the elevator it might attract
                                                 them from the sound of the
                                                 bell going off. Lets take
                                                 the stairs.



They walked over to the stairwell. Tony opened the door. As they started walking down the stairs Mecka had slipped. Tony picked her up. He looked down and saw blood all down the stairs. He saw a ripped up shirt.

                                                 This looks like Erron’s

They kept on walking down the stairs when Mecka had picked up a piece of material.

                                                 Oh my God! This looks
                                                 like Janice’s blouse. I can’t
                                                 take this anymore.

Mecka ran down the stairs.

                                                 Mecka don’t !

Mecka had panicked. There was no stopping her now. She ran to the first floor and out the door into the street.


As Mecka was running. She slowed down to a stop.

                                                 Why did I stop? I got to
                                                 get out of here. I can’t
                                                 move my legs. Please
                                                 God. I can’t move my
                                                 legs. Help me, please.

She was frozen and her face was looking straight ahead. Three Argolians had dropped right in front of her.

                                                 Nooo! Noooooo! Noooooo!

She screamed inside of her mind. They crept closer.

                                                     (shouting in her mind)
                                                 Stop! Stop! Stay back.

They lifted up her arms and legs. Each Argolian had a part of her body inside of their mouths. Mecka screamed a torturous scream but it was a silent scream as the Argolians ate her up alive.


Tony saw through a window where the view was out to the street. He saw Mecka running and then she stopped. He saw the creatures eat her up alive. They left nothing to mourn over.

                                                 What a horrible way to go.

Tony heard a clicking sound. He turned around and was face to face with an Argolian. He couldn’t’ move. The Argolian picked up Tony like he was a baby. Placed him under it’s arms and carried him away. Tony screamed inside of his head.

                                                    (screaming in his mind)


Back in Jefferson County at the peace keepers station. Captain Moore was getting a response from Pk61 about the radio contact with Chicago.

                                                 Sir, I’ve tried to contact
                                                 Braslow in Chicago but all
                                                 I’m getting is a clicking
                                                 sound from the other end.

                                                        CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 You couldn’t make out
                                                 anything else?

                                                 Nothing sir although it did
                                                 sound like some kind of

                                                        CAPTAIN BECK

                                                 Yes, sir.

                                                         CAPTAIN BECK
                                                 What did the grunting
                                                 sound like?

                                                 It sounded like a dog sir.
                                                 I know it doesn’t make
                                                 any sense so I figured
                                                 that maybe  a dog had
                                                 gotten into the

                                                        CAPTAIN BECK
                                                 I have a strange feeling
                                                 about the state Chicago is

                                                      CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 Why’s that, Captain?

                                                        CAPTAIN BECK
                                                 Chicago is a big city and
                                                 if those creatures are
                                                 multiplying as fast as they
                                                 eat then Chicago will
                                                 probably be overrun by
                                                 them. Captain, I’ve
                                                 studied on sound
                                                 frequency while I was
                                                 in the Air Force.

                                                       CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 Well what about it?

                                                        CAPTAIN BECK
                                                 Well sir. The range of
                                                 human hearing is 20 to
                                                 20,000 hertz. A dog’s
                                                 hearing is 16 to 22,000

                                                       CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 So what is a hertz?

                                                         CAPTAIN BECK
                                                 Well first, the number of
                                                 vibrations that are
                                                 produced per second is
                                                 called frequency.
                                                 Frequency varies for each
                                                 sound and is measured in
                                                 hertz. One hertz is equal
                                                 to one vibration per
                                                 second. A sound with a
                                                 low frequency will have
                                                 a low pitch such as a
                                                 human heartbeat. A
                                                 sound with a high
                                                 frequency will have a high
                                                 pitch such as a dog whistle.

                                                      CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 You really do know a lot
                                                 about sound Captain Beck.
                                                 So how do you propose we
                                                 make the sound of this dog
                                                 whistle loud enough for
                                                 those creatures to hear

                                                        CAPTAIN BECK
                                                 We can get a frequency

                                                    DETECTIVE WRIGHT
                                                 There’s some at Bob’s
                                                 Electrical Shack.

                                                       CAPTAIN BECK
                                                 Good. You have speakers
                                                 on top of cars already. All
                                                 we have to do is measure
                                                 the frequency to about
                                                 20,000 hertz by using the
                                                 converter and attaching it
                                                 to the speakers. If we
                                                 have to we can connect
                                                 the converter to an
                                                 equalizer and turn up
                                                 the volume. We won’t
                                                 hear it but those aliens
                                                 will. We can use the
                                                 creature inside of the cell
                                                 as an experiment. If that
                                                 dog whistle which probably
                                                 has a range of 16000 to
                                                 22,000Hz can knock that
                                                 creature out maybe we can
                                                 see what 75,000hz will do
                                                 to it.

                                                      CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 Captain Beck, you may just
                                                 have saved mankind. I
                                                 would like you Pk61 and
                                                 Detective Wright to go over
                                                 to Bob’s Electrical Shack
                                                 and bring back all the
                                                 converters that you can find.
                                                 We are going to rig up
                                                 Earth’s first high tech
                                                 ultrasound alien ass kicker.

The Pk’s ran out of the station. Captain Beck looked at the monitor. The creature was just walking around in the cell making clicking sounds. Captain Beck just stared at it.

                                                       CAPTAIN BECK
                                                 We’ll make some use out
                                                 of  you yet.


The peace keepers went to downtown Jefferson County
                                                 I’m glad we were able to
                                                 get that open back wagon.

                                                    DETECTIVE WRIGHT
                                                 Yea those horses came in

                                                 We’re lucky that some of
                                                 the vehicles were still
                                                 working. I always thought
                                                 that when a nuclear bomb
                                                 goes off all electrical
                                                 power will cease.

                                                    DETECTIVE WRIGHT
                                                 I did too. I guess they
                                                 didn’t take it into account
                                                 that when a nuclear
                                                 explosion occurs under the
                                                 ocean the water would
                                                 muffle the effects of it.

                                                 What I want to know is
                                                 how could those creatures
                                                 get to the townspeople
                                                 without anyone hearing

                                                    DETECTIVE WRIGHT
                                                 There’s Bob’s Electrical

Pk 61 guided the horses over in front of Bob’s Electrical Shack.

                                                     DETECTIVE WRIGHT
                                                 Bob had locked up his store
                                                 to go be with his family in
                                                 Texas until this all had
                                                 blown over. I don’t think
                                                 we’ll see Bob anymore.

Detective Wright broke the window. Reached his hand around the door and turned the latch. The door opened. They went in.

                                                 What do a converter look

                                                     DETECTIVE WRIGHT
                                                 I’ll show you when I see it.
                                                 Look for something that
                                                 looks like a recorder and
                                                 let me know.

They both searched in different directions.

                                                 Is it this one?

Detective Wright took a look at it.

                                                     DETECTIVE WRIGHT
                                                 Nope but you are close.

                                                 How about this one?

Detective Wright took a look at it.

                                                     DETECTIVE WRIGHT
                                                 That’s the one. Grab all of
                                                 Those boxes on the bottom
                                                  Shelf and load up the
                                                  wagon.Over there are the
                                                  equalizers. Grab those too.

They both loaded up the boxes onto the wagon.

                                                 I’ll be right back.

                                                     DETECTIVE WRIGHT
                                                 Where’ re you going?

                                                 I got to take a leak.

                                                     DETECTIVE WRIGHT
                                                 Well hurry up.

Pk61 went back into the shack. He went into the back where the bathroom was located. He walked over to the urinal.

                                                      (talking to himself)
                                                 Why is it so drafty in here.

Pk61 looked around the washroom while his body was facing the urinal.

                                                 What is a hole doing inside
                                                 the washroom wall? I better
                                                 hurry up. I can’t zip up my
                                                 pants. I can’t turn my head.
                                                 What’s wrong with me?

He saw why.
                                                 Oh no! stop! Stop!

Pk61 urinated on himself. The creature walked slowly towards him.

                                                 Please nooo!

Know one could here his cries because it was all in his mind.

                                                       DETECTIVE WRIGHT
                                                 What’s keeping Pk61.

Detective Wright was wiping the sweat off of his face while looking up at the sky.

                                                      DETECTIVE WRIGHT
                                                 Oh shit! My God. Help us

He saw a creature flying off with Pk61.Hanging limp under it’s wings. There was no sound coming from Pk61. No fighting. He was just limp as the creature flew away with him. Detective Wright decided to hurry up and get out of there.

                                                      DETECTIVE WRIGHT
                                                 Giddy up.

The horses galloped as fast as they could.


Captain Beck was looking at the monitor. The creature was just standing there. Every once in a while it would spread it’s wings. Then it would let it’s wings relax. It would walk around in the cell. Then it would just stop and stare at the wall. It still made those clicking and grunting sounds. The townspeople were fixated on the monitor.

                                                    ONE TOWNSPERSON
                                                 If those things ever take
                                                 over the Earth mankind will
                                                 have to go into hiding.

                                                     2ND TOWNSPERSON
                                                 Eyeball they need us for is

                                                       CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 Ok, enough of that. You’re
                                                 scaring the women and

Suddenly the door burst open.

                                                     DETECTIVE WRIGHT
                                                 Ok captain. I have
                                                 everything we need. I need
                                                 some help unloading this

                                                      CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 Where’s Pk61?

                                                   DETECTIVE WRIGHT
                                                 He’s gone sir. A creature
                                                 carried him off.

                                                        CAPTAIN BECK
                                                 Get that equipment inside.
                                                 I’ll hook it up since I
                                                 know a lot about it. I need
                                                 a Pk to take a speaker off
                                                 of one of those vehicles
                                                 and bring it in here. I want
                                                 All of you townspeople to
                                                 stand back and give me
                                                 some room to work.

                                                      CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 Captain Beck? You can use
                                                 the room in the back.

They all took the equipment inside of the room Captain Moore had chosen.

                                                      CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 Detective Wright? Will
                                                 you come here?

Detective Wright walked up to where Captain Moore was at.

                                                       CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 Look Detective Wright.
                                                 You are the only detective
                                                 in the whole county. I
                                                 didn’t want to put all of
                                                 the work on you. So for
                                                 now on we’re all going to
                                                 have to work together.
                                                 We are going to have to
                                                 disregard all rank.I don’t
                                                 have all the answers but
                                                 if we work together we
                                                 might just be able to pull
                                                 this off.

                                                     DETECTIVE WRIGHT
                                                 I just want to help. Anyway
                                                 I can. We have no
                                                 government. We really
                                                 don’t have any law
                                                 anymore. We might as
                                                 well be cavemen. Just
                                                 tell me what you want and
                                                 I’ll do it.

                                                      CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 Thanks detective.

The door to the other room had opened.

                                                       CAPTAIN BECK
                                                 It’ s ready.

                                                      CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 Bring it over here and you
                                                 can explain to the people
                                                 what you are about to do.

The townspeople all stopped what they were doing and turned around to look at Captain Moore.

                                                      CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 Captain Beck here has a
                                                 plan and we all should
                                                 listen carefully to what it
                                                 is. Go ahead Captain.

                                                        CAPTAIN BECK
                                                 We have a speaker inside
                                                 of the cell where the
                                                 creature is. We can listen
                                                 to the sounds it makes.
                                                 I’m going to try a little

Captain Beck had taken the microphone off of Captain Moore’s desk and placed it on the microphone stand. A speaker was brought over and placed on the table. The microphone was lowered in front of the speaker. The converter was placed next to the equalizer. They were both connected to each other.

                                                         CAPTAIN BECK
                                                 Now watch the monitor.

The creature was just standing there. Captain Beck turned on the converter and then the equalizer. The converter was set at 16,000 Hz. The creature was still standing there. Captain Beck turned up the volume on the equalizer. There was no sound coming from the speaker. He turned the converter up to 18000hz. The creature had lifted it’s wings and started walking around. Captain Beck turned the converter up to 19,000 Hz. The creature started flying around and bumping into the walls making loud clicking and grunting sounds. Captain Beck turned the converter up to 22,000hz. The creature let out a horrible roar and fell to the ground still. Captain Beck decided to turned the converter up to 75,000hz. The creature jerked and it’s head exploded. Green ooze was all on the walls. It’s body started shriveling up. Green ooze was coming out of
it’s fingertips. It’ s chest opened up and green ooze had poured out. The body of the alien started smoking. The alien was dead. Everyone was startled at the scene on the monitor.

                                                 What happened to the
                                                 monster momma?

                                                 It’s dead, sweetheart.

                                                  You did it.

                                                      CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 Captain Beck did it.

Everyone cheered for Captain Beck.

                                                      CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 Captain Beck you have
                                                 given mankind a fighting
                                                 chance. Ok peace keepers
                                                 lets rig up those speakers.
                                                 We have an air raid siren
                                                 to warn us in case there
                                                 is a tornado coming.
                                                 Captain Beck? Do you
                                                 think that you could rig
                                                 up the siren to the

                                                         CAPTAIN BECK
                                                 I know where you’re going
                                                 with this. I can do that but
                                                 for what I have seen happen
                                                 to Pk61 we should always
                                                 stick together. These
                                                 creatures have a way of
                                                 immobilizing humans
                                                 without us knowing they’re
                                                 coming until it is too late.
                                                 We have to turn the
                                                 speakers up high once we
                                                 are outside.

                                                The vehicles are ready.

                                                         CAPTAIN BECK
                                                 I’m going to take one of
                                                 the vehicles and leave
                                                 to rig up the siren. I’m
                                                 going to need some help

                                                 I’ll go with you.

They both left.

                                                         CAPTAIN BECK
                                                 Are there any trailer homes
                                                 or motor homes that are

                                                      CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                Where are you going with
                                                this captain?

                                                       CAPTAIN BECK
                                                 We are going to have to
                                                 give the human race a
                                                 chance. Those creatures
                                                 are everywhere. If we
                                                 could take the remaining
                                                 townsfolk and load them
                                                 up into trailer homes and
                                                 motor homes we will be in
                                                 the position to drive
                                                 through every town and
                                                 city and then collect the
                                                 remaining humans that are
                                                 alive. We could destroy
                                                 every alien within the
                                                 range of the sound as we
                                                 pass through.

                                                       CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                That’s a big task but it’s
                                                a worth while task.

Captain Beck left the station and Captain Moore turned towards the townspeople.

                                                      CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 Can I have everyone’s
                                                 attention? We have a plan
                                                 that will give mankind a
                                                 chance. We all are going
                                                 to have to leave here but
                                                 first my peace keepers
                                                 are going to collect as
                                                 many trailer homes and
                                                 motor homes as possible.
                                                This speaker inside of
                                                this station will remain
                                                on for safety. Captain Beck
                                                is going over to where our
                                                tornado siren is located
                                                and hook up the converter
                                                to it. He will then turn it
                                                on. You will not hear
                                                anything but those creatures
                                                will. The rest of us will
                                                turn on the converters
                                                inside of our vehicles
                                                which will blast the sound
                                                through the speakers with
                                                the help of the equalizer.
                                                Lets hope that those motor
                                                homes are in working order
                                                so we can carry every towns
                                                Folk out of here.

                                                 Some homes have motor
                                                 homes on the side of it.

                                                       CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 We’ll have to take them.
                                                 I’m going to need extra
                                                 help for this job. The
                                                 women and children will
                                                 be safe here as long as
                                                 the speaker is on. We’ll
                                                 be back here to pick
                                                 everyone up. A few of my
                                                 peace keepers will stay
                                                 with them.

                                                 We’re ready captain.

                                                      CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 Good because if this plan
                                                 works we’ll be caravanning
                                                 across the states that are
                                                 left. Collecting humans and
                                                 motor homes and
                                                 establishing a new way of

Captain Beck and Pk25 had entered the station.

                                                        CAPTAIN BECK
                                                 It’s ready and has been
                                                 turned on.

                                                 I don’t hear anything.

                                                         CAPTAIN BECK
                                                 You’ re not supposed to
                                                 hear anything.

Suddenly a loud sound was heard. Something had fallen in front of the peace keepers station. The peace keepers went to see what it was.

                                                 Captain? Here is the answer
                                                 to our prayers.

They all ran to the door and looked out. A creature was laying on the ground oozing green liquid and it’s body was smoking. It then shriveled up. Another one dropped right beside it. Something had hit the roof of the peace keepers station. Then another one.


                                                        CAPTAIN BECK
                                                 It’s ok. This is what I had

One of the peace keepers went up to the top floor to look out over the roof. He yelled out.

                                                         PEACE KEEPER
                                                 Hey Captain. You got to see

Captain Moore and the townspeople all ran to the top of the station. They all gathered to look out the window. There were creatures everywhere. Hanging from trees. Hanging out of stores and homes. They were on lawns and rooftops.

                                                 Where did they all come

                                                 It looks like they reproduce
                                                 at an alarming rate. Look
                                                 at the sky.

They all looked up. The sky was suddenly black with the creatures. They were crashing into each other. Exploding while in mid - flight and falling. Some had crashed into homes and splattered into green ooze. The streets were covered with the stuff. Then the sky was clear again. There were thousands of alien bodies shriveling up on the streets.


A spaceship had left the ground and took off towards space. As it got higher it started to zig zag. Then it
fell to the ground and exploded. Where the spaceship had left sounds of yelling were heard.

                                                        CAPTAIN BECK
                                                 Get me a pair of binoculars.

                                                 I have a pair with me.

Pk25 handed the binoculars to Captain Beck. He placed them up against his face.

                                                         CAPTAIN BECK
                                                 My God!

                                                      CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 What do you see, Captain?

                                                      CAPTAIN BECK
                                                 I can see more of the
                                                 townspeople running out of
                                                 the area where the spaceship
                                                 had left.

Captain Beck handed the binoculars over to Captain Moore. He took a look through them.

                                                        CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 Peace keepers go meet them
                                                 and bring them here.


The peace keepers left the station. They were stepping into the street of ooze but they ran towards the townspeople. There were hundreds of them running out of the area.

                                                         CAPTAIN BECK
                                                 Those creatures must have
                                                  been storing them for food.
The peace keepers caught up to the people.

                                                 Let us take you to the
                                                 station. We have a plan.

                                                     VOICE IN CROWD
                                                       (shouting out loud)
                                                Thank you Lord

                                                           2ND VOICE
                                                      (shouting out loud)
                                                 Thank you Lord!

                                                           3RD VOICE
                                                 Thank you Jesus!

They were all led to the peace keepers station but all of them couldn’t fit inside. Captain Moore came outside. A peace keeper sat up a speaker and a microphone for the captain. The captain took the microphone.

                                                        CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                Attention everyone. I’m so
                                                glad to see that you are all
                                                alive. This here is our hero.
The people turned around.

                                                        CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 Captain Beck, will you come

Captain Beck walked up to the microphone next to Captain Moore.

                                                      CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                This here is the man who
                                                 have given mankind a
                                                 chance to survive. He is
                                                 responsible for your lives.

Everyone cheered.

                                                        CAPTAIN BECK
                                                 But listen up. The aliens
                                                 around here are dead. We
                                                 are using a high frequency
                                                 sound that the aliens cannot
                                                 stand.The sound kills them
                                                 but only if they can hear it.
                                                 We are going to travel with
                                                 the sound coming from the
                                                 speakers that will be on
                                                 top of the vehicles. We are
                                                 going to have to chip in on
                                                 saving mankind. What we
                                                 have to do is reach all of
                                                 the sirens in different towns
                                                 and cities. Those sounds
                                                 will carry for at least a half
                                                 a mile. We have to drive
                                                 through the town and city
                                                 streets. We have to go to
                                                 Chicago. We have to
                                                 spread the sound waves all
                                                 over to get rid of those
                                                 creatures. Are you with

                                                    THE WHOLE TOWN
                                                      CAPTAIN BECK
                                                 As long as the siren is on
                                                 those aliens will not come
                                                 here. We have to take it to
                                                 them. Those who have
                                                 running cars raise your

Hands were raised.

                                                        CAPTAIN BECK
                                                 Good. Almost half of you
                                                 have transportation. We
                                                 are going to have to carry
                                                 some passengers. You
                                                 cannot stay in your homes
                                                 anymore. If the sirens go
                                                 out you will not be able to
                                                 tell and those creatures
                                                 might come back. We
                                                 have to rid the Earth of
                                                 every one of them. Are
                                                 you with me?


                                                        CAPTAIN BECK
                                                 Lets go then. I want
                                                 everyone to meet back here
                                                 within the hour and keep
                                                 those speakers on.
                                                 Remember we can’t hear
                                                 the sound but those aliens
                                                 can. They will drop like
                                                 flies as soon as they hear
                                                 us coming only this time
                                                 the shoe is on the other
                                                 foot.By the time they hear
                                                 us it will be too late for
                                                 them.So lets go.


An hour later over five hundred trailer homes, motor homes, vans, jeeps and cars had
shown up at the peace keepers station. Captain Moore got on the microphone.

                                                      CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 We are looking good. We
                                                 even look like we’re on a
                                                 mission today.Ok,women
                                                 and children can get inside
                                                 of the trailers and motor

All of the women and children had climbed aboard.

                                                        CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 Now every man who do not
                                                 have a ride come aboard.

Soon all of the towns folk was on board. There were speakers on the front vehicles. Captain Beck was in the front of the caravan with Captain Moore right beside him. He gets on the microphone.

                                                        CAPTAIN BECK
                                                 We’re going to drive
                                                 through the town of
                                                 Jefferson in case there are
                                                 stragglers. I’ll talk through
                                                 the speakers and try to get
                                                 them to come outside.
                                                 Then we will head for
                                                 Chicago and anywhere
                                                 else that have not been
                                                 touched by the boiling
                                                 water. Lets move out.

The caravan had turned down the street. They went through different neighborhoods. A roar was heard and an alien came out of a house. Then it fell to the ground . The owner of the house came outside to witness what was happening.

                                                         THE OWNER
                                                 What is that?

                                                        CAPTAIN BECK
                                                 That is what almost made
                                                 you it’s dinner.

                                                       CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                We’re going to Chicago as
                                                soon as we kill off every
                                                alien in Jefferson County.

                                                        CAPTAIN BECK
                                                We’re clearing out the

                                                      CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 I suggest you come along.
                                                 There will be no one left
                                                 here after we leave. You
                                                 don’t need to pack
                                                 anything. Everything will
                                                 be provided for you here.
                                                 We will explain everything
                                                 to you once you are aboard.

The man decided to come aboard. Captain Beck continued to speak on the microphone.

                                                       CAPTAIN BECK
                                                 Attention townspeople. The
                                                 alien creatures are loose
                                                 and is roaming the town
                                                 killing and kidnapping our
                                                 citizens. I urge you to come
                                                 out and leave with us. We
                                                 have a plan to survive.
                                                 You must come with us for
                                                 your protection. This is
                                                 Captain Beck of the United
                                                 States Air Force. Leave
                                                 your homes and join us for
                                                 the survival of mankind.
                                                 Everything will be provided
                                                 for you. Leave now. You
                                                 are no longer protected by
                                                 the peace keepers if you
                                                 stay. Grab your kids and
                                                 come with us. We have a

Some people came out of their homes with their kids. Creatures crashed through their windows and doors. The people screamed in shock. The creatures were hiding in their homes ready to strike. When the creatures crashed through their doors and windows they fell to the ground. Their heads exploded and their bodies shriveled up with green ooze coming from them. The people ran into the motor homes scared. More roars and growlings were heard throughout the streets as the people ran out of their homes to join the caravan. More creatures crashed through walls and windows. Then exploded onto the streets. More motor homes were collected and added to the caravan. More people joined.
More creatures had filled the streets with green ooze. The caravan coasted through the ooze. Still more motor homes and trailer homes were added to the caravan.


After six hours had gone by all of the neighborhoods were covered. Creatures who were within the range of the sound had died. The caravan had left the town and left for the expressway. They entered I94 east and headed for Chicago. There were no other vehicles on the expressway. The peace keepers made sure they had enough gas. They were able to find three completely fill gas trucks that was in running condition. There were at least fifteen hundred motor homes and trailers that were added to the caravan.

                                                      CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 Captain Beck. Pull off at
                                                 I64. I want to take this
                                                 caravan through Waukesha
                                                 and Pewaukee. We can
                                                 collect more motor homes
                                                 and save more people there.


They pulled off of the expressway and on to I64 that took them through downtown Waukesha. More creatures had crashed through doors and windows. Some had even crashed through the roofs of some homes. The high pitched ultrasonic waves must have driven them crazy. They landed in the streets. Some creatures tried to fly away but by the time they heard the sound it was too late. Once they take to the sky they get disoriented and come crashing down on top of houses and onto the streets. Their bodies
crack open with ooze and their heads exploded.


The caravan had collected the people and more motorhomes.They all headed for Chicago. Once back on the expressway everything was back to normal. The people looked out of the windows.

                                                 Look at the sky!
They all looked. The Argolians were crashing in to one another and falling to the ground. The Argolians heard the sound in mid flight and fell onto the expressway. The caravan was running over the creatures. More and more creatures exploded on the expressway. The caravan kept moving forward heading for Chicago. There were over two motor homes on the road. Blasting the air with high frequency sound waves. With the converter and the equalizer turned up the sound wave had a distance of two thousand feet because the creatures were falling out of the sky. The caravan was spotted by more Argolians. When
the Argolians flew towards the caravan they dropped to the ground and exploded. The sight of the caravan is what’s attracting the Argolians but when they came within two thousand feet it was too late to do anything about it. The caravan kept moving towards Chicago.


The Argolians had no more reasons to hide from their prey. Some of them did not hear the instructions from their leaders. They were too busy out hunting so they were out of touch. The Argolians circled the sky. Looking for prey walking around. They spotted something moving. A long line of machines.

                                                       1ST ARGOLIAN
                                                 click,click,click. More

                                                       2ND ARGOLIAN
                                                 grunt,click,grunt. Plenty
                                                 of food.

They all turned towards the caravan. There were at least twenty Argolians. They flew towards the caravan.

                                                 Click,click,click, arggg!

They growled. They crashed into each other. They went crazy. Some of the Argolians heads exploded in the air. Some had just fell and exploded when they hit the ground. More Argolians had seen what had just happened and was curious so they all came too close to investigate. That was the end of them. The Argolians who were higher up in the sky had figured it out.


                                                      1ST ARGOLIAN
                                                 Click,click,click. There’s
                                                 something about those
                                                 machines down there that
                                                 is killing us.

                                                      2ND ARGOLIAN
                                                Grunt, grunt. Lets not take
                                                any chances. We’ll hide and

                                                       1ST ARGOLIAN
                                                Grunt,click,grunt. We better
                                                spread the word that this
                                                species have a secret
                                                weapon that can kill us.

                                                        2ND ARGOLIAN
                                                Grunt, grunt, grunt. Our
                                                elders had abandoned us on
                                                this planet. We’re on our

Suddenly the sky was clear. The caravan have been stopping at each small town that was on the same path facing the direction of Chicago picking up more people and adding more motor homes and trailer homes. The count was now thirty five hundred.

                                                      CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                I can see the Sears Tower
                                                from here.

                                                      CAPTAIN BECK
                                                Good. I don’t know what
                                                we’ll find there but we
                                                better be ready. Lets press

The caravan kept cruising in the direction of Chicago. They were now twenty miles away.

                                                       CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 What do you think we’ll
                                                 find, captain?

                                                       CAPTAIN BECK
                                                Hell is what we’ll find.
                                                But we have the element of
                                                surprise for those aliens.

Captain Beck had placed the binoculars on his face.

                                                        CAPTAIN BECK
                                                 I can see the creatures from
                                                 here flying all over the
                                                 place as though they own it.
                                                 I’m going to drive right
                                                 onto the Chicago Loop. I
                                                 want to make sure that they
                                                 see us coming.

Suddenly the sky was black with the Argolians. There were so many of them in the sky that they had blotted out the sun. They all looked in the direction of the Caravan. A long train consisting of 3500 vehicles. The Argolian’s mouths started watering. They all flew toward the caravan making loud clicking and grunting sounds.


                                                        CAPTAIN BECK
                                                 Here they come. Stop here.

The black cloud of Argolians was getting closer.

                                                        CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 Captain Beck, I hope this
                                                 idea of yours work out
                                                 here too.

                                                        CAPTAIN BECK
                                                 It will. Watch what happens.

                                                 Momma look!

Ruth, and Carl looked out of the window.

                                                 Great God almighty. Look
                                                 at them!

                                                There must be thousands of

Detective Wright was in another motor home discussing the situation with some of the townspeople.

                                                 Do you think we can kill
                                                 them all?

                                                     DETECTIVE WRIGHT
                                                 Well we sure have the
                                                 Equipment but they have
                                                 the numbers.

                                                        CAPTAIN BECK
                                                 Ok,they’re getting closer.
                                                 Be ready for anything.


The black cloud was now close enough for them to make out what it was. It was getting closer. The rest of the people in the motor homes were frightened at the sight of all those creatures coming at them. The sky itself was now black with aliens.


Suddenly the Argolians were flying into each other. Ooze was dropping on top of the caravan. Then a thump and another thump. Then several thumps. The bodies of thousands of alien creatures were falling from the sky and dripping green ooze all down the side of the motor homes. The bodies of the creatures were falling onto the streets. Green ooze was everywhere. More Argolians had joined in. They didn’t know the danger they were in because the sky was full of their kind. They were dropping out of the sky like rain. The expressways were filling up with green slime. An hour had gone by. The last of the Argolians had fallen from the sky and shriveled up on the expressway .


The caravan started up and came off of the expressway on Jackson Street. A caravan of 3500 vehicles. Captain Beck turned on the loud speaker.
                                                          CAPTAIN BECK
                                                I need every one of you to
                                                blow your horns. That will
                                                attract more of them and it
                                                will let them know that we
                                                are coming.

They all blew their horns as they passed through the heart of downtown Chicago. Argolians crashed through the windows and fell to the ground bursting with ooze. The people started running out of the buildings. They were waved toward the caravan. A group of people were held inside of a building in a frozen state. An Argolian had crept up in front of them.

                                                               A MAN
                                                    (screaming in his mind)
                                                 Nooo!, stooop!

The Argolian took the man’s hand and started to place it into it’s mouth when suddenly the Argolian grabbed it’s own head. It flew around the room holding it. Then it’s head exploded and it fell to the floor with ooze coming out of it’s chest. The people became unfrozen.

                                                 Did you see what just

                                                I saw it and I still don’t
                                                believe it.

Jerod looked out of the window.

                                                 Hey guys look! Motor
                                                 Homes.Thousands of them.
                                                 Lets go.

They all ran down the stairs and out the door.

                                                        CAPTAIN BECK
                                                 Come on. Get inside. We’re
                                                 saving mankind from

The doors of the building opened up and the people came running out. Argolians were crashing through the doors and windows and dying on the spot. More people were coming when they heard the voice on the speakers.

                                                        CAPTAIN BECK
                                                 Well Captain Moore. We did

                                                        CAPTAIN MOORE
                                                 No. You did it. You found
                                                 their weakness.

                                                        CAPTAIN BECK
                                                 No. The real hero is my
                                                 niece Samantha and her
                                                 little puppy, Putt Putt. If it
                                                 wasn’t for her whistle I
                                                 wouldn’t have been able
                                                 to do all of this. You know
                                                 something? Some of the
                                                 things we take for granted
                                                 can be the very thing we
                                                 need to save humanity. I
                                                 only hope that mankind
                                                 on the other side of the
                                                 globe can do the same. We
                                                 can never let our guards
                                                 down. We have to start
                                                 living a different way of
                                                 life because those aliens
                                                 now know that we have a
                                                 means to destroy them.
                                                 We’ll never know if we
                                                 have won. I’m sure as
                                                 highly advanced those
                                                 creatures are they will
                                                 spread the word that it
                                                 will not be that easy to
                                                 become the dominant

                                                   THE COMMENTATOR
                                                 3500 motor homes roll
                                                 through the streets picking
                                                 up people. Increasing
                                                 mankind’s chances of
                                                 survival. Adding trailer
                                                 homes, and motor homes.
                                                 Creating a new city. A new
                                                 frontier. The Argolians
                                                 watches as the caravan rolls
                                                 on. The Argolians wait for
                                                 the right time to eat. The
                                                 Argolians know that they
                                                 are the dominant species.
                                                 Mankind knows that they
                                                 are the dominant species.
                                                 Only time will tell.

                                                                                                   The End

1 comment:

  1. Here is a free reading from me to you.I hope you enjoy the stories.It is my intention to reach out to everyone and I hope to capture the interest of the film industries.God bless you all.
