Saturday, April 13, 2013

EMANON (Screenplay)

Kevin Doy Burton
110 Corrina Blvd.
# 177
Waukesha Wisconsin




The year is 2020.Emanon stands on a mountain top staring up at the sky.He’s wearing a silver jumpsuit,and a strange collar around his neck.He turns and spans the horizon.

                                              My name is Ramone.I’m
                                              telling you this because now
                                              there is no more room for me
                                              on this planet.There are no
                                              more wars because there are
                                              no more weapons of any
                                              kind.I’m waiting here on the
                                              remote side of  this planet to
                                              meet the Zartolians.That’s
                                              what I call them,because I
                                              cannot pronounce their names
                                              in a way that you will
                                              understand. I’m just an
                                              American teenager who loves
                                              people animals and going to
                                              school.I’m eighteen years old
                                              and I’m going to tell you this.
                                              God has a plan for every one
                                              of you. Well,lets just start
                                              my story from the beginning.


Year 2018.Gas prices are $6.14 a gallon.Unemployment is at an all time high. This is what Ramone is hearing on the news.He decided to turn the channel to something a little

                                              Ramone,come here.
                                              Yes grandma.
                                              Ramone,I told you.Do not
                                              waist your time watching tv
                                              because you cannot believe
                                              what you see and hear
                                              But Grandma.How am I
                                              suppose to know what’s going
                                              on out there if you don’t let
                                              me watch it on tv?
                                              Look,Ramone.God has his
                                              eyes on everything. Don’t
                                              you go worrying about all of
                                              that now. Ok?
                                              Yes Grandma.
                                              Anyway Ramone.You are
                                              one of the smartest students
                                              high school.God has a plan
                                              for you. I can feel it in my

                                              I wish I could feel something

                                              Ramone? I have some lunch
                                              for you to take to school.I
                                              want you to come straight
                                              home when you get out.

                                              But Grandma.I was going to
                                              meet up with Jerod. We
                                              were going stargazing. We
                                              found a really cool spot in
                                              the woods. No one knows
                                              about this spot either.

                                              Look Ramone.You and your
                                              imagination are going to get
                                              the best of me yet. Anyway,
                                              there’s too many gangs in
                                              the neighborhood.

Ramone started going down memory lane about his mother and father.

                                              Mom? Dad? I’m going to bed
                                              so I can wake up on time for
                                              school tomorrow.

                                              Ok honey.

They hugged and kissed each other good night.Ramone went upstairs.He heard his father talking to his mother.

                                              Lets you and me go out on
                                              the front porch.

                                              Ok dear. I would like that.


Ramone was brushing his teeth when a feeling came over him. The feeling went away and he went to bed. As he drifted off to sleep a loud sound woke him up. The sound of screeching tires,loud voices,and then gun shots. He dived on the floor. Hit his head on the bed railing and knock himself out cold.


The next morning Ramone woke up in the hospital with a terrible headache. He called for the nurse on the speakerphone. The nurse enters.

                                              Hello.I’m Jacqueline.How are
                                              you feeling today?

                                              Besides the headache I feel
                                              fine.How did I get here and
                                              what happened?
                                              You had a concussion from
                                              a blow to your head. What
                                              do you remember?

                                              I remember brushing my
                                              teeth and I woke up here.

                                              You have short-term memory

                                              What is that?

                                              It’s a form of amnesia but
                                              it will pass.I need to check
                                              your vitals.

The nurse checked Ramone’s vitals.

                                              Can I call my parents?

                                              Sure. I’ll arrange it.

The nurse injected something into an iv. Things started getting blurry. Ramone started seeing things moving in slow motion. He fell asleep. Ramone woke up the next day to see
two detectives standing outside of his door talking to the doctor. They entered and introduced themselves.

                                                        1ST DETECTIVE
                                              Hello.My name is Dan
                                              McKenzie and this here
                                              is my partner. Janet Haldini.

One cop was a white male and the other was a black female.They both were polite.

                                              I would like to ask you a few
                                              questions if you don’t mind.

                                              About what?

                                              About the shooting last night.

                                              What shooting?

                                              The shooting that occurred
                                              in front of your house.

                                              I don’t remember any

The nurse walked in.

                                              Look detectives.This patient
                                              is suffering from  short term
                                              memory loss.
                                              Look.Two people were shot
                                              to death on their front porch
                                              last night.

                                              On the front porch? Oh
                                              no! Mom!Dad!

Ramone tried to get out of bed. The nurse called for help. The two detectives held him down.Then three orderlies came running inside of the room to assist until the nurse gave
Ramone a shot in the buttocks. Ramone started seeing things moving in slow motion again.

                                              Do you think that I was too

                                              You could have prepared
                                              him a little better than that.
                                              By the way.Look at that sky.

                                              I’ll be damn. That is the
                                              strangest cloud I had ever
                                              seen. It’s purple and spinning
                                              like a funnel cloud. Janet.
                                              Check the weather on the
                                              kid’s tv. He’s asleep anyway.

The weather report was on.

                                              The temperature today will
                                               be high in the low seventies.
                                              There will be no chance of
                                               rain,although people have
                                               been calling here asking me
                                               questions about the strange
                                               colored cloud rotating over
                                               Harlem. What’s happening
                                               is,Mars is passing between
                                               Earth and Jupiter so the
                                              reflection from the sun
                                              which bounces off of  Jupiter
                                              and Mars is casting it’s results
                                              onto the various parts of
                                              our planet.So don’t be alarm.
                                              It’s all about the beautiful
                                              colors.You probably won’t
                                              see them again for about a
                                              hundred years.

                                              Do you believe that shit?

                                              I know.

                                              They will tell you anything.
                                              Lets go back to the station.


Neomi Tyler is an old school grandmother.She doesn’t watch tv unless it’s Leave It To Beaver. She was asleep when the doorbell had rung. Doorbell rings.

                                              Oh my goodness.Who could
                                              that be at the door now?

Doorbell rings again.

                                              I’m coming I tell you.I know
                                              this better not be one of them
                                              Jehova Witnesses people.
                                              Trying to preach to me about
                                              God, Jesus,and all that.

Doorbell Rings

                                              I’m going to kill someone
                                              right now.You here?

Neomi approaches the door.

                                              Who is it?

                                              My name is Clarice Johnson.
                                              I’m representing Ramone

                                              Are you one of them lawyers
                                              I see on tv ?

                                              No.I’m a social worker.I’m
                                              here because you are his only
                                              living relative and I’m hoping
                                              that you can help the state by
                                              letting Ramone live with
                                              you. This way the state won’t
                                              have to put him into a foster
                                              He’s my only grandson.My
                                              home is his home.

                                              Miss Tyler? Thank you so
                                              much. Will tomorrow be ok
                                              to bring him by?

                                              That will be fine. I’ll be

                                              Will 10:00 in the morning
                                              be ok?

                                              That will be fine.

Neomi opened the door to let Clarice out.She watched Clarice get into her car and drive off. She looked at the sky.

                                              That is a strange color for a
                                              cloud. I’ve never  seen a
                                              cloud that looks like that.


The next day at about ten o’clock,Ramone and the social worker had arrived.The doorbell rung.Neomi had just finished her coffee.

                                              I bet that’s the social worker
                                              with my grandson.

Neomi answers the door.

                                              Here’s my handsome

                                              Hi Grandma.

                                              Hi,Ramone. You come right
                                              in here.You hear?

                                              Yes Grandma.

                                              Thank you Miss Tyler.
                                              He’s a fine young man.
                                              Ramone is going through
                                              a lot of hidden feelings.

                                              Don’t you worry about
                                              Ramone. He’ll be fine

Clarice left and waved goodbye.

In the 20th century we had sent a probe out into space for exploration. The probe passed Mars.It passed Jupiter.It passed Pluto and eventually left the solar system,never to be heard of again.As the probe kept soring through space,away from our watchful eyes.It entered the watchful eyes of someone else or something else.


The inhabitants of this planet had evolved so much that all physical labor is accomplished by thought alone.In fact,they did not need any bodies of their own. They have the most
perfect world. There world is so perfect that they wanted to share it with other species around the universe. They have created a device that have to be worn by every species on
their planet.No matter how small or how tall you are.This device allows your thoughts to be converted into a language based on another species thought patterns and vise versa.
You may call it a thought converter. The Zartolians do not personally get involved with the problems of other species on their worlds.What they will do is find a world of their
choosing. A device will be placed somewhere hidden.Any species can use the device. It’s up to the species to find out how it works. If the species is worthy it will be contacted and brought to the planet Zartol to join the ranks of the Zartolians.


As the Zartolians observed and scanned the space around their galaxy,all seemed normal until they noticed an object flying through their space. They used their collective thoughts to scanned the object.They scanned the object for life.There were none.They scanned the object to see if it could be used as a weapon.There was no indication of any form of energy that could be distructive.The Zartolians tract the trajectory of the object through a wormhole. They went into the wormhole and came out through the other side.They flew towards a yellow star and came upon the planets that orbited it. The trajectory of the probe had led them towards a blue and white planet. The Zartolians decided to release a probe of their own in the form of a purple cloud.The probe would blend in with the white clouds of the planet.The probe started spinning.

                                              We better drop the device
                                              down there and hope that
                                              whom ever finds it will find
                                              his true calling. Lets hope
                                              this species is worthy of it.


There is a gang in Harlem called the Black Dragon.They care about no one.The police can’t control them because there are too many. Their leader’s name is Mandrid.The police could never pin any crime on him because he always had an alibi. Once a week the Dragons have their meetings in back of an old abandoned warehouse. Mandrid called the meeting to order.

                                              Who are we?

                                                            THE GANG
                                              Black Dragons

                                              We are one hundred strong.
                                              No one challenges us. We
                                              take what we want.We do as
                                              we please.Lets hear the
                                              report.Eric.You’re on.

                                              Ok Mandrid. My team went
                                              over to Chen’s Chinese
                                              Restaurant and stole $914.00.

                                              Give it to the accountant.
                                              How much is in our treasury?

                                             Twenty seven thousand

                                              We can buy plenty of guns
                                              with that.

The Dragons roared.

                                              Next report.Jahad,report.

                                              Ok.My team went over to
                                              Hasson’s Jewelry Store and
                                              stole some gems.

                                              Good. We can fence them.
                                              Slade,what about that
                                              Ramone kid?

                                              My team and I drove over
                                              to his house and found his
                                              parents sitting on their front
                                              porch. We got out of the car
                                              and asked to speak to
                                              Ramone.His father stood up
                                              and said." You punks better
                                              get away from my house."
                                              His mother got up,and said
                                              that she was going to call
                                              the police. Call the Po po?
                                              Fire!We started shooting and
                                              they started doing that death
                                              dance.We had the AK-47s,
                                              pump shot guns and hand
                                              guns.I mean it was a party.
                                              Slick here walked up to the
                                              mother with the pump shot
                                              gun. Pointed it at her face
                                              and shot the gun. He must
                                              had shot her in the neck
                                              because her whole head flew
                                              off. It bounced off of the wall
                                              and rolled down the stairs.
                                              Her eyes were wide open.
                                              Her mouth was still moving
                                              as if she was trying to speak.
                                              Slick walked over to the
                                              head.Picked it up and stuffed
                                              a picture of a black dragon in
                                              her mouth. He put the head
                                              in front of his eyes and said,
                                              " Black Dragon bitch." That’s
                                              when we jumped back into
                                              our cars and drove off.

                                              That’s how you leave your
                                              signature. Any questions?
                                              Well then.This time next
                                              week.Lets keep the fear
                                              going in Harlem. Who are

                                                            THE GANG
                                                       (shouting in unison)
                                              Black Dragons.Black

                                              This meetings over.


Ramone left for school after his grandmother had given him his lunch.He left thinking about his mother and father’s funeral.As he approaches the school he hears his name being


Ramone stopped and turned around.There were four guys walking towards him.

                                              What do you want?

                                              Your answer.

                                              Answer to what?

                                              You was suppose to give us
                                              your answer about joining
                                              our gang at about eight
                                              o’clock the other day.We
                                              came by your house and saw
                                              your mother and father on
                                              their front porch.We asked
                                              for you but your father
                                              started talking smack to us
                                              and your mother started to
                                              call the police. We couldn’t
                                              have that.

                                              It was you.
                                              Your mother shouldn’t have
                                              lost her head.

The gang started laughing at the humor. Ramone balled up his fist. Punched one of the gang members. Threw his backpack at the rest of them and ran away. He was a good distance away from them. He ran to his secret hideout in the woods.


Ramone heard a low humming sound coming from inside of some bushes.He pushed the bushes aside and saw something at the bottom of them.He picked it up and the humming stopped.

                                              Looks like someone had lost
                                              a pretty cool choker.

He tried it on.

                                              Fits just right. I better not
                                              wear it though because the
                                              owner might see it and say
                                              that I stole it.

He decided to take it off.

                                              I can’t find the hook.

He tried running his fingers around it to find a crack but there weren’t any.

                                              That’s impossible. Well  I
                                              might as well get comfortable
                                              since this will be my new

It was getting late and Ramone was getting tired. He fell asleep and dreamed.Strange dreams.Dreams of floating far away.Strange creatures. All were floating. A sound suddenly wakes him. A racoon was hissing at him.

                                              Go away.

The racoon vanished.

                                              How did the racoon do that?

Ramone ran out of the woods. He kept on running until two gang members jumped him and knocked him down.He looked up.

                                              Don’t hit me!

The gang member’s arms just vanished. They ran away screaming but there was no blood anywhere to be found.

                                              I don’t believe this. First the
                                              racoon and now this. I have
                                              to think on  this for a while.


Ramone went back to his hideout in the woods. He did some experimenting on plants. He picked off a leaf from a tree and placed it on the ground.


The leaf disappeared. He saw a tree branch on the ground.


The branch disappeared.

                                             This didn’t happen until I had
                                             put this device around my

The device started tingling. Ramone’S whole body started tingling.His clothes started to glow. Then it started to change shape. It became a one-piece jumpsuit. Then the color
started to change. It became a silvery color.

                                              What’s going on here?

Ramone’s shoes blended in with the jumpsuit.He couldn’t tell where the shoes began and the jumpsuit ended.It was all one piece. It started getting darker. The jumpsuit maintained
it’s glow but not as much. It started to rain and then thunder. Lightning struck a tree branch. The branch fell towards him. He looked up, shocked.Covered his face. Nothing

                                                          (asking himself)
                                              What happened to the
                                              Branch? This is getting
                                              stranger by the minute.I
                                              didn’t say anything this
                                              time and the branch still
                                              disappeared. Just before
                                              it happened my collar
                                              started tingling.The only
                                              thing I said to myself was
                                              no.That’s when the branch
                                              disappeared.You don’t
                                              suppose.....No.It can’t be.

He looked at a nearby tree and thought the word vanish and the tree disappeared.He imagined that the tree was still there and the tree came back.

                                              This is all too weird.

He looked at his clothes.

                                              I can’t wear this in my
                                              neighborhood.The police
                                              will pick me up and ask me all
                                              kinds of questions which I
                                              have no answers. Even the
                                              gangs will approach me.

He saw some glass on the ground and tried to cut the choker off.

                                              Not a scratch.

He decided to take off the suit.

                                              I can’t find a catch or a seam.

He scraped the glass over the suit.

                                              I can’t cut it either.

He felt around the suit.

                                              This suit has no pockets and
                                               my wallet is gone.I have no
                                               identification on me and I
                                               can’t tell the cops my real
                                               name.I have no other name
                                               to use.Wait a minute.What
                                               is noname spelled
                                               backwards? Emanon. Ok
                                               then. Ramone is out.Hello
                                               world.Here comes Emanon.


The traffic in Harlem was moving fine.People were going on about their usual business. Shopping.Kids playing. Police patrolling the area. It was a normal quiet day until a
commotion was heard down the street.A crowd was gathering.Police sirens were going off.News cameramen were at the scene.Two teenagers had wandered into traffic.Looking like they were in shock. They didn’t have any arms. The ambulance came onto the
scene.The parmedics jumped out of their vehicles and grabbed their equipment.They ran over to both teenagers. Their faces had the look of fear in them.The paramedics strapped them on the stretcher. The ambulance rushed the teenagers to the hospital. They called ahead to make sure that they were prepared for the unusual case.


When they arrived at the hospital the teenagers were rushed to the emergency room. The doctors and nurses were all shocked at the scene. Two teenage boys.Both armless and in
shock. The doctor examined the place where the arms should be.

                                                           DR. LOGAN
                                              You can clearly see the edge
                                              of the bones,veins, arteries,
                                              and even the blood flowing.
                                              The strangest thing is the
                                               shoulder where the arms
                                               should be is not bleeding.
                                               How could that be? This is
                                               impossible.It’s as if it was
                                               never there.The skin should
                                               had closed around the
                                               opening. Why doesn’t the
                                               blood run out? It’s as if a
                                               force field is blocking the
                                               opening.I need a blood test,
                                               A Cat Scan,X-rays.Put the
                                               blood pressure cuff around
                                               their legs. It won’t be that
                                               accurate but I need
                                               something to go by. Also.I
                                               want an EKG on them boys,

The doctor leaned over the boys to introduce himself.

                                                           DR. LOGAN
                                              My name is Dr.Ben Logan.
                                              What are your names?

The boys said nothing.The doctor checked their eyes and ears. He checked their temperatures.Everything was normal. The doctor started to walk away.


                                              What did you say?

                                              My name is Slade.

                                              And my name is Eric.
                                              Well Slade and Eric. Can
                                              either one of you tell me what
                                              happened to your arms?

                                              They just disappeared.

                                                           DR. LOGAN
                                              Just disappeared?

                                              Look Doc.Can you help us?

                                              Yeah doctor.Can you help

                                              I could give you false arms
                                              but you won’t be able to use
                                              them at all.We have a method
                                              where we can connect your
                                              veins and arteries but in your
                                              case,it’s like your veins,
                                              arteries, and nerves were still
                                              There but yet not. Not here
                                              anyway.I mean,I don’t know
                                              what I mean. It’s like your
                                              arms are in another dimension
                                              which doesn’t make sense.
                                              Did either of you come in
                                              contact with anything or

                                              We got into a fight with
                                              another kid.

                                              That’s when our arms had

                                                            DR. LOGAN
                                              Is that all you remember?

                                              That’s all there is doc.

                                                            DR. LOGAN
                                              Do you feel any pain?


                                             Me neither.

The two teenagers were the talk of the hospital.The staff tried to enter their room to get a closer look at the armless teenagers. The boys were too ashamed to see anyone.The reporters were outside telling their version of the story.


                                              I better not go back to my
                                              grandmother’s house dressed
                                              like this. It will attract too
                                              much attention. I got it. I’ll
                                              use the park phone.

Emanon walked over to the phone.It didn’t work.

                                              Just my luck.Any other time...
                                              Wait a minute.A dial tone. I
                                              don’t have any money. If I

Just then the phone had rung on the other end.

                                              Hello ? Grandma? Is that

                                              Ramone? Where are you? I
                                              was worried to death.

                                              Sorry Grandma. I was
                                              walking around thinking
                                              about my mom and dad.I
                                              needed a change. So I went
                                              and joined the army. I have
                                              to report to base in the

                                              Oh Ramone. At least the
                                              government will take care of
                                              you. Do you want me to pack
                                              anything for you?

                                              No Grandma.My sergeant
                                              gave me my uniform
                                              already. I won’t be coming
                                              home but I will call you from
                                              time to  time. Ok?

                                              Ok Ramone.I love you.

Emanon had hung up the phone.He noticed a newspaper blowing in the wind. It was the Harlem Gazette. He sat and read it.

                                              The Black Dragon Gang has
                                               struck again. No witnesses
                                               will come forward. People
                                               are afraid to tell what they
                                               had seen.Out of fear of
                                               retaliation from the gang.
                                               Also the war on the Middle
                                               East is still going on. The
                                               people over in Bagdad are
                                               crying for Allah to help
                                               them. Irac has been ruined.
                                               All of the land Jesus Christ
                                               had roamed on was

Emanon was furious.He kept on reading.Oil companies had increased the price of oil and gas for the people. The people are using their grocery money to buy gas to get to work. The low-income workers are now in poverty. The people are praying to God to help them. All over the world people are praying for help. The authorities are no help. Drug dealers are saying that the police are keeping drug money for themselves after they had been arrested. Police say about one kilo of cocain and $1500 in cash was found plus two semi-automatic weapons was found on the premises.The drug dealers say they had seven kilos of cocain and $ 10,000 in cash.

                                              What do you expect them  to
                                              say when they get caught?
                                              Drug dealers would love to
                                              get even with police officers
                                              as revenge for arresting them.
                                              You can’t believe what they

There was a picture of the cop grinning like a cat who’d just swallowed the canary. Emanon looked up at the sky.

                                              That is a strange color for a

Emanon saw an old pair of pants lying on the ground.He tried to put them on but some kind of force wouldn’t let him.

                                              I guess it’s not meant for me
                                              to wear any clothes over this
                                              outfit but you know
                                              something? It really doesn’t
                                              matter anymore. It must be
                                              getting chilly out here
                                              because I can see my breath
                                              in front of my face but I
                                              don’t feel cold at all. In fact,
                                              It feels like it should be
                                              seventy degrees out here.


Emanon started walking the streets. He saw a group of guys standing on the corner.As he approached them they turned around.

                                                               1ST GUY
                                              Look at what we have here.
                                              A Star Trek fanatic.

                                                              2ND GUY
                                              Going to a costume party?

Emanon didn’t say anything.

                                                           THIRD GUY
                                              Want to buy some crack?

                                              I want you to take
                                              everything out of your
                                              pockets and drop them on the

The guys were shocked at the nerve of someone like him who was anxious to die.

                                              I want you to give a message
                                              to whom ever you are working

The guys started to approach him. He started looking at their clothes and their clothes had disappeared.The drugs and guns fell to the ground.They were all standing naked in front of him. They went for their guns and started shooting.They didn’t know that there was a force field surrounding him. He wasn’t sure about it either. Emanon made their guns disappear.

                                              Get lost and tell your friends
                                              Emanon is here. By the way.
                                              Give your boss a message.

They took off running into the night.


They ran into an old abandoned building where they met Mandrid.

                                              What the hell happened to
                                              you and what happened to
                                              your clothes?

                                                       GANG MEMBER
                                              Some dude in a silver suit did
                                              this to us. Called himself
                                              Emanon. We shot him and
                                              nothing happened.He said to
                                              give you a Message.

                                              Well? I’m waiting.

                                                        GANG MEMBER
                                              He didn’t say anything and
                                              we didn’t stop to asked.

                                              Oh shit!


                                              Yeah.What is it?

                                              What happened to your

Mark and Toby looked at their hands and their hands weren’t there.

                                              Emanon did this,Mandrid.

                                              Get to the hospital.

                                               We need some clothes.

                                               Get some out the back.

Mark and Toby went towards the door.

                                              Mandrid? Will you open the
                                              door for us?

Mandrid opened the door. Mark and Toby went towards the clothes.

Mandrid yells back.


                                              Will you help us dress?

                                              Look.I’ll open doors for you
                                              but you’re on your own there.

Mandrid left.


Back at the corner where the incident had happened,the police were called onto the scene. They had received a description of the guys on the corner.The police patrolled the area. They saw a person in a silver suit that fit the description of one of the guys they were
looking  for. They flashed their lights and spoke through a speaker on their car.


Emanon stopped.

                                                         2ND OFFICER
                                              Put your hands up against the

Emanon did.

                                                          1ST OFFICER
                                              Show me some ID.

                                              I have none.
                                                          1ST OFFICER
                                              Why are you dressed like

                                              It’s my right.

                                                          2ND OFFICER
                                              Smart ass. Put your hands
                                              behind your back smart ass.

The officer slapped the handcuffs on Emanon’s wrist.

                                                          1ST OFFICER
                                              Ok smart ass. Not so smart
                                              now are you?

                                              Are you going to arrest me?

                                                         2ND OFFICER
                                              In due time.Do you know
                                              anything about the Black
                                              Dragon Gang?

                                              Yes.I’m looking for them.

                                                          1ST OFFICER
                                              Oh.So you want to join them?

                                              No. I’m going to get rid of

                                                          2ND OFFICER
                                              Oh.So you’re from a rival

The officer pulled out his billy club.

                                              I wouldn’t do that if I were you.

                                                           1ST OFFICER
                                             Threatening a police officer.

The officer swung his billy club at Emanon.The billy club fell to the ground. The officer looked at his hand and it wasn’t there. The officer yelled out.

                                                           1ST OFFICER
                                              What happened to my hand?

                                              I warned you.

                                                         1ST OFFICER
                                              You did this?

The other officer pulled out his gun and pointed it at Emanon. The gun fell to the ground. The officer yelled out.

                                                          2ND OFFICER
                                              My hand!

Emanon handed the officer’s their hand cuffs.

                                             Take these hand cuffs and
                                              leave.I’m going to do the job
                                              you failed to do.I’ll clean up
                                              Harlem myself.

The officers went back to their cars but instead of leaving they called for backup. Emanon started walking the streets at night.When backup came the two officers explained to them what had just happened. The rest of the officers started patrolling the area. They spotted Emanon walking. They surrounded him. A crowd was forming in the Streets.


Emanon stopped.

                                             Put your hands up in the air.

Emanon did as he was told. Another officer came over to cuff him.He was placed inside of the squad car and they took off. The crowd started talking among themselves.

                                                              1ST MAN
                                              What was that all about?
                                                              2ND MAN
                                              I don’t know.

                                                           1ST WOMAN
                                              Did you see what he had on ?

                                                          2ND WOMAN
                                              It was glowing.

                                                             1ST MAN

                                              I had never seen ten police
                                              cars come to pick up one
                                              person before.He must be
                                              really important.
                                                          1ST WOMAN
                                              Well he didn’t put up a fight.

                                                             2ND MAN
                                              He looked as if none of this
                                              was important to him.Also,he
                                              didn’t look afraid.


They all arrived at the police station. The crowd gathered outside and around the station to see why it took all those squad cars to escort a prisoner.

                                              Get out.

Emanon did as he was told.The crowd was in awe at the site of him.A slightly glowing silver-dressed person that looked like he was not from here.

                                              But his skin is brown.
                                              Momma? Is he a space alien?

                                              I don’t know honey but no
                                              one here looks like that.

Emanon was completely out of the car.The police surrounded him and ordered him to walk ahead of them.He did. The officers on the inside of the station stood alert as they
entered. The other prisoners looked at Emanon as though they knew they were going to have some fun that night. He sat at an available space on the floor in a corner and kept to

                                                        (talking to himself)
                                              I know that these cops are
                                              corrupted.It would be too
                                              easy to destroy them all.I’ll
                                              just give them a taste of their
                                              own medicine.They got to
                                              know who I am.I’ll let them
                                              know softly.

One of the prisoners approached him.

                                              I need you to do me a favor.

                                              What’s the favor?

The prisoner turned his head to look at the other prisoners who were grinning.He turned back around to look at Emanon.He started grinning also. The cops were looking and also were grinning at the scene. No one was going to stop it.

                                              I need you to get on your

Emanon did as he was told.

                                              I want you to face me.

Emanon did.

                                              Now I want you to zip down
                                              my pants.

Emanon did.

                                              Now pull it out.

                                              Where is it?

                                              Don’t get cute kid.

                                              I’m not.I can’t find it.

The prisoner reached into his pants and felt nothing. He pulled down his pants to get a better look. He started screaming at the strange sight. His penus was not there. The
rest of the prisoners came closer to get a better look. The cops rushed into the holding pen to look at the prisoner.
                                              He bit my penus off!

The cop walked over to Emanon.

                                              Hey you.Raise your head.

Emanon did.There was no blood on his face.

                                              Open your mouth.

Emanon did.There was no blood in his mouth.

                                              Call an ambulance and get
                                              this prisoner to the hospital.
                                              Get me some towels for this
                                              prisoner in case he starts

The cop took the screaming prisoner out of the holding pen and locked the rest of them back up. A prisoner walked up to Emanon.

                                              What did you do to my

Emanon didn’t say anything.

                                              I’m going to kick your ass.
                                              Smart ass.

The prisoner took a swing at Emanon and his arms disappeared.


The rest of the prisoners looked at Emanon and backed as far away from him as possible. The cops came rushing in the holding pen. They saw a prisoner on the floor weeping.The
other prisoners were huddled together like frightened little rabbits and Emanon was all by himself on the opposite side of the holding pen. The cops went to assist the prisoner on
the floor and saw that he had no arms.They rushed him out of the holding pen and placed the rest of the prisoners in another holding pen. They left Emanon alone.The cops were
afraid to approach him.

                                              Call another ambulance and
                                              send for the department

The lieutenant had entered the station.

                                              Ok.Talk to me.

                                                        OFFICER TERRY
                                              Sir? We have an unusual
                                              situation here. There’s a
                                              prisoner in the back that the
                                              other prisoners believe can
                                              make body parts disappear.

                                              And does he?

                                                       OFFICER TERRY

                                              Well we did have to call two
                                              ambulances to take away one
                                              prisoner who’s penus had
                                              disappeared and the other
                                              prisoner who’s arms had

                                              That’s crazy.I’ll go talk to

The lieutinant went to the holding pen.Emanon was still sitting on the floor in the corner.

                                              Has he been fingerprinted?


                                                       OFFICER TERRY
                                              With all of the commotion
                                              caused by the prisoners I
                                              hadn’t got around to it yet.

                                              Hey kid? Come with me.
                                              We’re going to get you

Emanon stood up and faced the lieutenant.

                                              I want you to walk in front of
                                              me.Straight ahead. We’re
                                              going to get a mug shot of
                                              you first. Now stand up
                                              against that wall and face

Emanon did.The cameraman stood behind the camera. When he snapped the picture the camera came apart.

                                              Get another camera.

An officer came in with another camera and set it up.

                                              Ok.I’m ready.

The cameraman started to take the picture.

                                                            (yelling out)

                                              What now?

                                              The camera is getting hot. It’s

Everyone stood back to look at the camera and the tri pod.They were both melting.Soon they had melted into a puddle of liquid.

                                              What the hell is going on

They all looked at Emanon but he was looking at the floor.

                                              Forget the picture.Lets just
                                              get him fingerprinted. Walk
                                              over here,kid.

Emanon did.

                                              Now place your right hand on
                                              the ink pad and press down
                                              on the paper.

Emanon did as he was told. The officer called the lieutenant.

                                             Ok.Lets have it.

                                                       OFFICER TERRY
                                             Sir? There’s no prints.

                                              What do you mean there’s no

                                                       OFFICER TERRY
                                             There’s no prints, sir.

                                              Let me see.Did you try a
                                              second time?

                                                      OFFICER TERRY
                                              Yes, sir.

Another officer came in.

                                              Sir? The psychiatrist is here.

                                              Good. Bring him in.

The psychiatrist enters.

                                              Officer Terry? Will you take
                                              the prisoner back to the
                                              holding cell?

                                                       OFFICER TERRY
                                              Yes, sir.

                                              Doctor.Have a seat.

                                              Thank you.My name is Dr.
                                               Benjamen Godfrey.You can
                                               call me Ben.

                                              Ok,Ben.My name is
                                              Lieutenant Conlin.Just call
                                              me Conlin.

                                              Ok Conlin.How may I help

                                              I have this kid in the back that
                                              needs an examination.I want
                                              to know where his head is.

                                              Where is this young man?

                                              I’ll take you to him.
They arrived at the holding pen.

                                              Hey kid? I have a doctor here
                                              to see you.

                                              He can come in.I don’t mind.

                                              Ok Ben.The prisoner is all
                                              yours.Yell if you need

Conlin left.

                                              Hello doctor.How can I help

                                              Hello Emanon.I just want to
                                              talk to you for a while. To get
                                              to know you better. Do you
                                              mind if I sit here?

                                              I don’t mind. What would
                                              you like to talk about?

                                              Well. Did you do what they
                                              think you did to those men
                                              who were sent to the

                                             They had it coming to them.

                                              How did you do it?

                                              The same way I’m going to
                                               correct the mistakes in this

                                              Do you really think that you
                                              have such powers?


                                              Will you show me an

                                              Are you hungry,doctor?

                                              A little.What’s that smell?

                                              Turn around.

Ben turned around and was surprised at what he saw. A table with a whole cooked turkey and dressing,ect.

                                              How did you do that and what
                                              else can you do?

                                              Do you like Hawaii?


                                              Close your eyes.

Ben closed his eyes.

                                              Now open them.

Ben opened his eyes and was shocked at what he was seeing. They were on the beach of Hawaii.Surrounded by people,the ocean.Clear and blue.

                                              This is impossible.It can’t be.

                                              Do you want to go back?
                                              Why not take back some

                                              What kind of proof?

                                              How about a newspaper and a
                                              hula dancer?

                                              I don’t know what to say.


The next minute they were back inside of the holding pen.

                                              This must all be some kind of
                                               an Illusion.

Suddenly a scream occurred. All of the officers came running towards the holding pen with their guns out. What they saw was a half-naked woman wearing a hula skirt. Bent down in the far corner. Conlin helped the crying woman to her feet.They all left the holding pen except Emanon. They went into Conlin’s office.Ben asked for a glass of water.Conlin poured him a glass from a pitcher that was on his desk.Conlin waited for the doctor to pull himself together.He offered the girl a glass of water.She took it.

                                              Ok doctor.What happened in


                                              All I can say is...if that kid in
                                              there ever wants to leave,
                                              there is nothing you can do to
                                              stop him.

                                              What do you mean?

                                              I mean he’s not human. No
                                              human on earth can do what
                                              he is capable of doing. My
                                              question is why is he letting
                                              himself be placed in a holding

                                              Where did the girl come



                                              Hawaii.The kid transported us
                                              both to Hawaii for five
                                              minutes. We picked up  a
                                              newspaper and the girl.Then
                                              he transported us back here.
                                             Take a look at the newspaper.

Conlin took a look at the paper.

                                              I’ll be damn.

Just then Emanon walked through the front door of the police station.

                                              I’m leaving now. I just can’t
                                              stay here any longer watching
                                              everyone doing nothing so I’ll
                                              just leave.

The police drew their guns and Emanon made their guns disappear. The police were shocked at what had just happened.

                                              I guess I’m going to have to
                                              clean up Harlem my way.

Emanon left the station.


Outside,someone had yelled out.

                                              Hey look! It’s that kid again
                                              and he’s alone.

The crowd back away as Emanon walked passed them. They turned around to see all of the police officers standing around looking confused.


At the hospital the news media was crowding the two teenager’s room. The hospital was in complete disorder. Talk was about a flesh eating disease around Harlem. The doctors agreed that there was some kind of invisible wall that was keeping the blood from running out of the teenager’s arms. They could not even pierce the opening.Suddenly there were a rush of policemen along with paramedics that had entered the ER with two prisoners. One
was complaining that his penis had disappeared and the other was complaining that his arms had disappeared also. The doctors had agreed that the symptoms were all the same . By now the doctors felt that this was going to be an epidemic.


The mayor had arrived at the police station. He heard what was happening there. He wanted to meet with the chief of police. The chief met the mayor at the door.

                                              Mr. Mayor. How are you?
                                              Lets cut to the chase,Chief.
                                              I’m here to find out what is
                                              happening. Give me some
                                              answers and I mean now.

                                              There is a teenager that have
                                              some kind of a special gift.

                                              What kind of gift?
                                              The kind that can make things
                                              disappear by thought which
                                              makes  him the most
                                              dangerous man on the planet.

                                             Then what are you going to do
                                              about it?

                                              Well. At the moment.There is
                                              nothing we can do.

                                              What is this kid’s name?

                                              He said his name is Emanon.

                                              Is there a record on him?

                                              He will not let us take his
                                              picture or his fingerprints.
                                              We can’t fight against that
                                              kind of power.There is no
                                              telling how powerful this kid

                                              What does he want?

                                              The Black Dragon Gang.He
                                              also said something about
                                              cleaning up Harlem by
                                              eliminating all of the gangs.
                                              He said that he is going to do
                                              what we can’t.

                                              Well. What are you going to

                                              I’m going to have a meeting
                                              with my men and tell them to
                                              stay out of his way.I’m going
                                              to hold a press conference and
                                              tell the people the truth so we
                                              can avoid a panic.


The news reporters had gathered in front of the mayors office to listen to what the Chief of Police had to say.

                                              People of Harlem.As you can
                                              see.Strange things have been
                                              happening around town that
                                              we all know of. A lot of
                                              unexplainable things have
                                              been happening all around this
                                              planet. For instance crop
                                              circles. UFO’s.The Loch Ness
                                              Monster,ect.Well. This is
                                              another one of those things.
                                              There is a kid that has
                                              acquired some powerful form
                                              of ESP.He has the power to
                                              make anything disappear by
                                              thought. He said that he just
                                              wants to clean
                                              up Harlem by getting rid of all
                                              the gangs.He does not strike
                                              me as a crazy person.He really
                                              wants to do this.So don’t be
                                              afraid.He could be just what
                                              we are looking for.

The people started mumbling.

                                                     PERSON IN CROWD
                                              What if he turns bad himself?

                    Then God help us.

By now it was all on tv.Gang members were afraid to go outside. Gangs were afraid to sell drugs out on the street because they might run into Emanon. Emanon roamed the
streets at night.Every now and then a thug thinks that he can be braver than anyone else.

Emanon was walking down the street when he came upon two drug dealers.

                                                          1ST DEALER
                                              Hey dude? I have crack for
                                              sale.Three dime bags for
                                              twenty dollars.


                                                          1ST DEALER
                                              How many do you want?

                                              How many do you have?

                                                           1ST DEALER
                                              I have ten bags.

                                              I’ll take them all.

                                                           1ST DEALER
                                              Well alright.

When he took out the packages they disappeared right in front of them. The drug dealers started crying like babies.

                                                          2ND DEALER
                                              He’s the one everyone is
                                              talking about.

                                                           1ST DEALER
                                              That’s right.He is the one.

                                                          2ND DEALER
                                               Please don’t hurt us.

                                              I won’t if you tell me where
                                              the Black Dragons meet.

The drug dealers told Emanon everything he wanted to know.

                                              I want you all to get out of
                                              Harlem and tell your friends
                                              that the next time I see any
                                              gang members they will not
                                              have any legs to walk on.


Inside of an abandoned warehouse the Black Dragon gang started forming.

                                                         1ST MEMBER
                                              Have you been watching tv
                                              about some strange dude in

                                                         2ND MEMBER
                                              Yeah. Word is that he has
                                              some strange power.
                                              Something like ESP or
                                              something like that.

                                                         1ST MEMBER
                                              The dude is a freak.Word is
                                               that he is out to get us.
                                                          2ND MEMBER
                                              Let him come.Don’t believe
                                              what you see on tv.It’s all a
                                              joke anyway.You’ve been
                                              reading too much science
                                              fiction. If I run across the
                                              dude i’m going to blow his
                                              fucking brains out.

                                                         3RD MEMBER
                                              Lets cut off his head and hang
                                              it on top of the bus stop.

                                                          4TH MEMBER
                                              Lets all go out on the streets
                                              and look for this dude and
                                              when we find him bring him
                                              back here and tear him apart
                                              on video.That will show
                                              everyone how powerful we

Mandrid called the meeting to order.

                                              As you all know. Word is that
                                              there is some kid out there
                                              looking for us. Well we’re not
                                              hard to find.Lets go and make
                                              it easy for him.I have an idea.
                                              We’ll all hit the streets tonight.
                                              We’ll walk in groups of threes.
                                              A fourth dragon will also be
                                              behind somewhere but able to
                                              see the other three.I want each
                                              group to carry a two-way
                                              radio. The fourth Dragon will
                                              have his own radio.The fourth
                                              Dragon will also have his own
                                              AK-47 with him. If a group is
                                              ever approached by anyone
                                              who claims to be this Emanon
                                              or who ever he is.Press down
                                              on the button that is located
                                              on the two-way radio and the
                                              radio that is being carried by
                                              the fourth Dragon will beep.
                                              That’s when the fourth
                                              Dragon will close in.
                                              Meanwhile you keep talking
                                              to this freak until you see the
                                              fourth Dragon closing in.
                                              When you see the fourth
                                              Dragon getting near you ask
                                              the freak if it’s ok if you can
                                              get on your knees and pray.
                                              Who can say no to that? When
                                              he says yes then you go up
                                              against the wall of the nearest
                                              building and get on your
                                              knees facing the wall. When
                                              the fourth Dragon is close
                                              enough to get off a clear shot
                                              and he feels that the rest of
                                              you are out of harms way,
                                              then he’ll empty the AK-47
                                              on him.Then we’ll drag his
                                              body back to our
                                              headquarters. We’ll place
                                              each part of his body on the
                                              steps of City Hall with a
                                              message from the Black

Everyone started yelling and pumping themselves up.

                                              We have two Dragons in the
                                              hospital because of this freak.
                                              I want his ass tonight so lets
                                              start forming groups now and
                                              we’ll hit the streets at ten o’
                                              clock tonight. Who are we ?

Everyone started yelling.

                                                           THE GANG
                                              Black Dragon. Black Dragon.
                                              Black Dragon.

                                              This meeting is over.


Emanon was sitting down at his secret hiding place in the woods. He read about all of the problems in America by reading a newspaper. He discovered that he can read a lot faster and understand a little better each time. He decided to walk the streets.He walked the dark streets and through abandoned buildings. Emanon heard someone crying. Two guys were holding down a girl. One guy was unbuckling his pants.


The thugs looked his way.

                                                            1ST THUG
                                             Who are you?

                                             My name is Emanon.Let her

One of the guys reached into his pocket and fell down to the ground because he had nothing from the waist down. It was gone. All that was left was half of him from the stomach up. He was waving his arms,screaming and rolling around on the ground.The other guy started begging.

                                              What do you want me to do
                                              to him?

                                              I just don’t want him to do
                                              what he was going to do to
                                              me to someone else.

                                                              2nd THUG
                                              Please,let me go and I’ll never
                                              do this again.

The second guy ran and then fell to the ground because he also didn’t have anything from the waist down.

                                              He won’t be coming after
                                              anyone else anymore.

                                              Harlem needs someone like

As Emanon left into the dark he heard the girl yell out.

                                              I love you, Emanon.

Emanon looked back and kept walking. As he walked further into the night he heard an argument going on. He walked closer to the sound. Some man was getting robbed. He stepped into the light.

                                              That’s what I’m talking about.
                                               People can’t even walk the
                                               streets anymore without being
                                               approached by thugs like you.
                                               The three of you against one
                                               of him.

                                                            1ST THUG
                                              Who are you?

                                              My name is Emanon. Sir,
                                              you can leave.

The victim ran away.

                                                             1ST THUG
                                              Look,I know what this looks
                                              like.Please don’t hurt us.

One of the thugs reached into his pocket to push the button on the two-way radio.

                                                            2ND THUG
                                              Can we just get on our knees
                                              and pray?

                                              Go ahead and pray.

The three thugs walked over to the wall of the nearest building. They faced the wall and started praying.The fourth Dragon heard the beep on his radio and started closing in.He raised his AK-47 and opened fired.Emanon fell to the ground and covered his face. The other gang members took out their guns and fired also.They heard sirens coming and ran
away. The police came upon the scene and saw a body on the ground. They bent down and turned it over.They looked at the face.

                                                          1ST OFFICER
                                              Is this that kid that was at the
                                              police station?

Both officers looked closely at the face.Then suddenly Emanon’s eyes opened and he stood up.

                                              I would love to stick around
                                              and chat with you but I have a
                                              job to do so I better get to

As Emanon left the officers stood around looking confused.

                                                         1ST OFFICER
                                              I don’t believe this.

As Emanon walked into the night he started asking himself questions.

                                              How can that be? They
                                              couldn’t possibly have missed
                                              me with all them bullets. Not
                                              at that close range.Am I
                                              bulletproof? I must study this
                                              some more before I go out
                                              into the world.


Emanon went back to his hideout to do some experimenting on himself. He sat down and took a nail and tried to ram it through his hand.

                                              That won’t work.

He took an empty bottle and smashed it on his head.

                                              I didn’t feel a thing.

He decided to climb a tree and jump off.

                                              I landed on my feet but I
                                              didn’t feel any pain in my legs.
                                              I think i’ll climb about fourty
                                              feet higher and jump.

He climbed higher to about fourty feet and jumped.

                                              Again I landed on my feet and
                                              didn’t feel a thing. I know.
                                              That building over there has to
                                               be at lease six hundred feet
                                               tall.I’ll jump off of it.

Emanon climbed to the top of the building and jumped off.

                                              No discomfort at all.This
                                              can’t be happening.One thing
                                              I did noticed.Each time that I
                                              was in danger my collar
                                              started tingling. I wonder if
                                              the collar is what’s protecting


Emanon went back out into the night. He walked behind some abandoned buildings.He followed the sounds he heard. As he got closer he noticed some guys gathering inside of an abandoned building. He peeked through a window.There was a meeting going on.

                                             Those are the Black Dragons.
                                             All of them are here.

Emanon moved closer towards the back of the crowd. He stayed behind the wall.

                                              I think I’ll have a little fun.

Mandrid was speaking.

                                              We got rid of that punk kid
                                              for good.We would have
                                              brought his body here if it
                                              wasn’t for the cops coming
                                              onto the scene.

The Dragons started yelling. I focused on one of the gang members. The member fell to the floor.The rest started looking at him in shock. Mandrid fell to the floor also. One by one the gang members fell until all of them were squirming on the floor crying and begging. I walked through them.They were reaching up.Trying to grab my legs as I
walked by.When they did their arms would fall off.

                                              This is how you will live for
                                               the rest of your natural lives
                                               for the deaths of my mother
                                               and father.Oh,one more thing
                                               I want to say.Revenge is so
                                               sweet. I’ll send over an


The next morning it was all over the news.The tv showed ambulances taking a bunch of bodies and loading them into the van.The bodies were all small like kids but they were
not kids at all.They were grown up teenagers. They looked dead because they were not moving.That’s because they were just heads and torsos.The reporter said that they were the Black Dragon Gang.The most notorious gang in Harlem.

                                                       POLICE OFFICER
                                             The chief did say Emanon
                                             was going to clean up Harlem.
                                             I guess he did.

The people of Harlem felt relieved. They can now walk the streets anytime.Day or night. Gangs started to turn their lives around.No one wanted to spend the rest of their lives like the Black Dragon Gang. Emanon saw his face on tv.

                                              Oh no! Grandma! I should
                                              have known.With all the
                                              picture phones around.I better
                                              get to my grandmother’s

Emanon ran and ran.Then he stopped.He was surprised at what he saw.


Emanon approached the block that his grandmother lived on.There were crowds of people.Lights flashing.There were fire trucks.There were large clouds of black smoke.He
started running down the block.

                                                        MAN IN STREET
                                              Hey,it’s that kid on tv.

The man ran away.The people turned and looked in Emanon’s direction. They started screaming and running in all directions. Emanon kept on running towards the smoke. The
smoke was coming from his grandmother’s house.He ran through the crowd and saw the paramedics carrying a body on a stretcher.


The body was still smoking.The house was still on fire.He stared at the house and the fire vanished.He turned to the firemen.

                                              What happened?
                                              It looks like arson.She never
                                              even had a chance.

Detective Dan and Detective Janet was on the scene. Emanon walked up to them.

                                              How could this have

The detectives were nervous. They knew how dangerous Emanon was. They just wanted to keep him calm.

                                                       DETECTIVE DAN
                                              Witnesses say that they saw
                                              three guys run off into those
                                              abandoned buildings.


Emanon became angrier by the minute. He took off running towards the abandoned buildings.He heard sounds coming from the buildings.He started making walls disappear.The buildings started collapsing on itself. Roofs started disappearing. One by one parts of buildings were disappearing while the other parts collapsed. Suddenly he
heard some screaming and then begging.

                                              Come on out before I cave in
                                              everything around you.

The thugs came running out.Scared to death. As they came running out they fell because their bottom halves had disappeared.Also their arms had disappeared.


                                                             1ST THUG
                                              We were just following

                                              I’m going to let you live in
                                              this condition as a reminder
                                              of what you did to my
                                                            2ND THUG
                                              Please no! Not like this!Kill

                                              I know you’re not afraid to
                                              die.That’s why I’m letting
                                              you survive in a living hell.I’ll
                                              send an ambulance to pick
                                              you up.


As Emanon left he heard the swearing.The cussing.The pleading.The threatening and then the crying. He walked through the sites of the abandoned buildings. He made them all disappear. He made drug houses vanish.He made parking lots with abandoned cars on them vanish.He made buildings that were not well kept vanish. He made police cars vanish.He went over to City Hall and made it vanish.He made the police stations vanish.He made whole neighborhoods in rich areas vanish.He made all of the houses in neighborhoods where parents who could not control their kids vanish. He made all of the cars disappear on the streets while people were still driving. He made businesses vanish.

                                              My family died in this city
                                              where people turned away and
                                              looked in another direction
                                              instead of looking for a
                                              solution to the problem.

Emanon made traffic lights vanish.The people were standing out in the middle of the street.Everyone were afraid. The law was helpless. The police started shooting.One by one
their guns disappeared. The police had used their heaviest firepower but nothing could hurt Emanon.The force field that was protecting him was something that they had never
considered.Emanon took one of the police cars and started driving it.He took the highway south.


Emanon noticed several police cars following him. He spotted a helicopter up in the sky. He also noticed a roadblock up ahead. As Emanon drove nearer they started shooting at him with all of their firepower. They used flame throwers and granades. As he drove closer his car exploded and burst into flames. Emanon got out of the car with flames all around him.He wasn’t hurt. He turned around to face all of them. He made their firepower disappear.He made the blades of the helicopter disappear and the helicopter went down and exploded. One cop had a grenade in his hand and got ready to throw it.His arm disappeared.The granade fell to the ground.It exploded and the cop disappeared in the explosion.

Emanon made all of their weapons disappear.He also made their clothes disappear just for fun. Emanon took another police car and drove off. As he was driving he came upon
more  road blocks.He made everthing in front of him disappear.

                                             To hell with them all.


Emanon drove to the nearest military base. The MPs pointed their guns at him.When they started shooting at him he made them all disappear.Soldiers came at him from everywhere with their tanks and guns. He made them all disappear.Planes dropped bombs on top of him and he made them disappear.

Everything around him was blowing up but his force field was protecting him from all harm. Everything around him was disappearing. Finally the shooting had stopped. He walked into a building and was met by a general. The general had a number of soldiers around him.

                                              What do you want?

                                              I want everything to  stop.

                                              What do you mean?

                                              You’ll find out. Show me
                                              your computers.

                                              Shoot that punk.

They all started shooting and Emanon made their arms disappear. All except the general’s.

                                              Show me where your
                                              computers are.

The general looked at the floor, shocked at the scene of his armless men.
                                              Ok.I’ll show you.

They walked down the hall. The general opened the door to a large room with large monitor screens on the walls. The room was full of computers with technicians sitting in front of them.

                                              Tell them to all move aside.

                                              Everyone.Get up from those
                                              computers and go out into the

They did as they were told.Emanon sat down in front of one of the computers and started typing. Information started popping up.

                                             For some reason i’m able to
                                             understand this information.

He started typing faster.

                                              How am I able to do this?

The screen started changing at an amazing speed.Emanon was able to keep up and understand everything before the screen changed.

                                              That’s impossible. How can
                                              you do that?

                                              I don’t know.

The screen was now at a blur.This went on for an hour.Then suddenly everything stopped. Emanon got up and walked over to the general.

                                              I now understand everything,

                                              What do you understand?

                                              I understand that you are all
                                              liars and cheats.You lie to the
                                              people.You lie to each other.
                                              You lie to the governments of
                                              other countries. Your lies
                                              contributed to the deaths of
                                              my family.Now I understand
                                              everything and I know what I
                                              have to do.I’m leaving

As Emanon left he turned around.

                                              God help you. God help you

Emanon had left the building.


Word had reached the White House about Harlem,NewYork.The CIA came back with their investigative report.They gave it to the general.The general went to the Oval Office. An agent opened the door.

                                              I need to see the president.
                                              It’s very important.

                                              Let the general in.

The general walked in.

                                              Mr.President? We have a

                    Well? Speak up.

The general gave the report to the president. The president read it.

                                             This is impossible.How can an
                                              entire city just vanish?

                                              I have no explanation for it
                                              myself, sir.

                                              Is he one of ours?

                                              I don’t understand,sir.

                                              Is he human ?

                                             I believe so,sir.The C.I.A. have
                                             been asking around and found
                                             out  that he grew up in Harlem.
                                             His entire family was killed by
                                             gangs and he is pissed off.

                                              How did he come in contact
                                              with those abilities?

                                              No one knows,sir.We also
                                              know that none of our fire
                                              power will affect him.

                                              I’m going to call a meeting at
                                              the Pentagon.You have your
                                              men keep an eye on this
                                              Emanon person and do not
                                              engage contact until we
                                              figure out some kind of

The general left. The president picked up his phone.

                                              Find the vise president and
                                              tell him we have to meet.
                                              Have him call me a.s.a.p.

The next morning the vice president met with the president.They both sat down to talk about the situation with Harlem.

                                              Look,Jim.We have a serious
                                              problem at hand.

                                                      VICE PRESIDENT
                                              I know we do,Mr President.

                                              I want to call a meeting at the
                                              Pentagon so we can best
                                              decide what is good for this

                                                      VICE PRESIDENT
                                              I hope that whatever we
                                              decide,it will be the right

                                              What do you mean,Jim?

                                                       VICE PRESIDENT
                                              I mean,sir.We do not know
                                              the extent of his powers yet.
                                              If we go to the extreme,sir,no
                                              telling what he might be
                                              capable of doing and what if
                                              the extreme doesn’t work,sir?

                                             Then God help us. When the
                                              meeting is arranged make sure
                                              that the pope is sitting in on it
                                              too. I want the meeting to be
                                              held at ten o’clock tomorrow,
                                              because of the seriousness of
                                              this whole matter.Take Air
                                              Force One to the Vatican and
                                              convince the pope that he
                                              must come and that his ride
                                              awaits him.

                                                       VICE PRESIDENT
                                              I’ll see you at the meeting


The next day at the Pentagon all of the five star generals.The pope.Even some of the leaders of other countries were there.There were ambassadors,Kings,and Queens.

                                              Ladies and gentlemen.The
                                              President of the United States.

The president enters.Everyone stood up and clapped.

                                             Thank you for the warm
                                              welcome. The reason why I
                                              have called this meeting is to
                                              tell you all that we are facing
                                              a major problem. This
                                              problem not only can affect
                                              this country but could
                                              possibly affect the entire
                                              planet. Each representative of
                                              their country will have to put
                                              their input in on how to deal
                                              with this situation.

All of the members of the Pentagon started facing each other and mumbling to themselves.

                                              Let me bring you all up to
                                              date.Harlem,New York,is no
                                              longer there.

Everyone started talking to each other.Low.Like mumbling.

                                               PRESIDENT OF MOSCOW
                                              Was it nuclear?

                                              No.But it could be far worse.
                                              Let me explain.As you all
                                              know. We have been working
                                              side by side with species from
                                              other worlds with the promise
                                              of shared technologies that
                                              can improve the quality of life
                                              as we know it if we promise
                                              to let them roam this great
                                              planet of ours and mingle
                                              with the people of this world.
                                              They promised not to get
                                               involved with our way of
                                               running our planet.What we
                                               have here is a human with
                                               abilities so dangerous that
                                               we will have to go to Area
                                               51 where our special
                                               headquarters is located,and
                                               try to communicate with the
                                               Arians and see if they know
                                               anything about this.


                                              Yes General.

                                             What if they are responsible for
                                             all of this? We can’t fight them.
                                             Not with our weapons.

The President of Italy stood up.

                                              The floor recognizes the
                                              President of Italy.
                                             THE PRESIDENT OF ITALY
                                             Mr.President.What if they are
                                             not responsible.Wouldn’t they
                                             think that we are accusing
                                             them of breaking a promise?

President of Africa stood up.

                                              The floor recognizes the
                                              President of Africa.

                                                    AFRICA PRESIDENT
                                              What if we contact them and
                                              by telling them of this
                                              problem we are having they
                                              decide that they have been
                                              excluded from all the benefits
                                              they’ve enjoyed here on this
                                              planet.You don’t want an
                                              intergalactic war right here on
                                              earth,do you?

                                              No,but I need some answers,

Another general stood up.

                                              Lets solve our own problems.
                                              Lets put a special report out
                                              on television saying that we
                                              would like to meet with him
                                              in the desert of Arizona.
                                              Remember.He’s only a

                                              What are we going to do
                                              with him in the desert?


                                              First we’ll build another
                                              hanger that will be sitting on
                                              top of a fifty-megaton bomb.
                                              We will have all the things
                                              that age group likes.We’ll
                                              build an amusement park
                                              just for him. We will declare
                                              him a hero for destroying that
                                              gang in Harlem.We will tell
                                              him that the president himself
                                              will hand him an award.We’ll
                                              have a thirty foot high tv
                                              screen where the president
                                              will make his apologies to this
                                              Emanon kid for not being
                                              there in person.The big screen
                                              will turn on by remote control.
                                              We’ll have the president make
                                              his welcome speech.We’ll
                                              start the countdown and set
                                              off the bomb.

                                              That’s the best idea yet,
                                              General.I want you to be in
                                              charge of the building of the
                                              amusement park.


                                              Ok then.Lets get started and
                                              thank you all for showing up
                                              at this short notice.

Everyone stood up and left. Military trucks left for Arizona.Three weeks later the amusement park was finished.

                                              My staff and I are going to
                                              pull out now in Air Force One.
                                              I’ll be expecting you in one in
                                              a half hours from now.
                                              Yes Mr. President.

The general left.


Emanon had recieved the message on tv and he arrived at the general’s office on the military base.Everything was explained to him about recieving an award from the President.An agent was assigned to him and was supposed to escort him to the amusement park.He was taken aboard Air Force One.


The plane was flying over Arizona.

                                              Look at all the sand.I had
                                              never seen so much sand in all
                                              my life.The sand is acting like
                                              water with all thed ripples in

                                              Fasten your seat belts.We’re
                                              landing in fifteen minutes.

Agent Crawford came and sat next to Emanon.

                                              Emanon, what do you see?

                                              Wow,look at all the rides.The
                                              tents.The Ferris wheel.

                                             It’s all for you,Emanon.

                                             For me? No one has ever done
                                             anything like this for me

                                              You know Emanon? Your
                                              life is going to change after
                                              tonight. You being a hero and

                                             The amusement park is getting
                                              bigger.Look,I can see a giant
                                              tv screen too. Look,there’s a
                                              long street.
                                              No,Emanon.That’s an airstrip.
                                              That’s where we’re going to

The airstrip started getting closer. Finally the plane made a perfect landing.The plane coasted over to it’s designated parking area and finally came to a complete stop.The door to the plane opened.


The agent escorted Emanon out of the plane.The general was waiting.The general saluted him.Emanon was nervous because he never had a general salute him before.

                                              I do believe that you are the
                                              hero that we are waiting for.

                                              I guess so.

                                              Well then,son.Let me show
                                              you what we have planned for
                                              you. First,I’m going to take
                                              you to that tent over there
                                              and feed you.You are hungry
                                              are you?

                                              I think so. With all the
                                              excitement I had never
                                              thought about food.
                                              Let’s go get something to eat.


The general and Emanon walked over to the tent to grab a hot dog and a Coke.

                                              Get ready for the time of your

                                              I can’t wait,sir.

                                              Well ok.Follow me.


Emanon and the general walked through two large wooden doors. When they were inside Emanon thought that he was in The Wizard Of Oz. The music was playing.Clowns were dancing.A tall man was walking on stilts. Crowds of people were everywhere.Emanon and the general walked over to a booth to talk to a female with a short skirt and a low cut blouse on.There was another female next to her wearing a holter top,short pants,and fishnet stockings.

                                              I want you to show this
                                              young man a good time and
                                              give him anything he wants.
                                              Plus extras,Ok?

                                                            THE GIRLS
                                                             (In Unison)
                                              Whatever you say,General.

                                              Well,Emanon.My name is

                                              And my name is Paula and
                                              you belong to us,honey.

                                              But general.What about the

                                              Look,son.You see that thirty
                                              foot screen over there?


                                              When the president is ready to
                                              see you that screen will come
                                              on.There are cameras all over
                                              the park.Everyone will be
                                              watching you. Even the
                                              President of the United States.
                                              Now go with those girls,and
                                              have a good time.


Emanon left with the girls.The general turned around and walked away.He was met by the FBI agent.


                                              Lets go get on the plane and
                                              get the hell out of here.

They both jumped into the car and drove towards the plane.They entered the plane and was greeted by the President’s staff.

                                              Pilot,you can take off.

The President had a camera set up in his compartment on the plane.A remote control was set up to operate the thirty foot screen at 35,000 feet.The general met with the President.

                                              Sir,the kid had been dropped
                                              How’s his mood?

                                              He’s all caught up with the
                                              bright lights and pretty girls,
                                              sir.He’s not wise to anything.

                                              Good,because in twenty
                                              minutes, I want the
                                              countdown to start.


Back at the amusement park Emanon was being shown a good time by the girls.The girls took him on the roller coaster,the bumper cars,and the Ferris Wheel.They stopped to see  the parade that was going by.

                                              Is there something wrong,

                                              I don’t know.It’s my collar.
                                              It’s tingling.

                                              Why don’t you take it off?

                                              I can’t take it off.

Just then the thirty foot screen came on.

                                              Ladies and gentlemen.The
                                              President of the United States.

Everyone started clapping their hands.

                                              My fellow Americans.We are
                                              gathered here to give tribute
                                              to our newest American hero.
                                              His name is Emanon.This
                                              whole party is in honor of his

As the President spoke the countdown began.The President continued speaking.

                                              I WANT YOU...

                                             To enjoy yourselves..

                                              I want you...

                                              to have..

                                              some fun...


                                              and be happy...


                                              I want you to...



Emanon was eating a hot dog when everything turned white.His collar was tingling stronger.He was flying upward.The color of fire was everywhere. He was spinning and turning in every direction.The light started fading and the stars started shining through.The stars started shining brighter.Then millions of stars came into view.He was floating and right below him was a huge cloud.A mushroom cloud.He started looking around.He realized that he was in space.He was floating away from the mushroom cloud.


                                              I feel so sleepy. My collar is
                                              not tingling as much now.I do
                                              have this feeling of peace. I’ll
                                              just close my eyes.

Emanon was listening to a voice inside of his head.

                                              Emanon,the device you are
                                              wearing is protecting you.
                                              Nothing in your galaxy can
                                              harm you. Your intellect has
                                              been increased by the device.
                                              Your mind is too powerful
                                              for your planet.I will guide
                                              you but I cannot interfere.
                                              You know the problems your
                                              planet faces. While you sleep
                                              you will see your planet’s
                                     will see the greed.
                                              You will see world leaders
                                              lying to their people and your
                                              soldiers killing each other for
                                              the lies they believe in.You
                                              will go through the history of
                                              your planet from when the
                                              first creatures evolved.You
                                              will know your planet’s
                                              destiny.You will soon
                                              outgrow your planet when
                                              you realize your mind’s full
                                              capabilities.Your mind is now
                                              200,000 years more advanced.
                                              You can now change energy
                                              into matter.You can create.
                                              You can destroy.But you also
                                              have a heart.Your new found
                                              wisdom will prevail.Now
                                              awake Emanon. Your planet’s
                                              destiny is in your hands.

Emanon had awakened around four hours later.He was still seeing the stars.

                                              What a dream that was. Could
                                              what I had dreamed be true?
                                              What happened? One minute I
                                              was eating a hot dog.The next
                                              i’m floating above the planet.
                                              How am I able to breathe up
                                              here? My collar is tingling a
                                              little.I wonder if my collar had
                                              anything to do with me being
                                              up here and with me being
                                              able to breathe in space?
                                              There is no other explanation
                                              for this and what’s with the
                                              mushroom cloud? Were we
                                              under attack? This is all so

Emanon looked down at the ocean.

                                              I’ve never scene so much
                                              water in my whole life.I feel
                                              as though I’m flying. What’s
                                              that up ahead? It’s a space
                                              station. I’m floating towards
                                              it.I’ve never seen one close
                                              up before.I can see windows
                                              but I can’t see any people in
                                              there.I don’t want to knock
                                              on the windows and scare
                                              anyone so I’ll  just float away
                                              from it.

Emanon looked down at the planet to see if there were any more mushroom clouds around.He didn’t see any.

                                              Maybe it was just that one.
                                              But why the amusement park
                                              where I was at.Something
                                              doesn’t feel right. Was all this
                                              a trick to get rid of me? They
                                              were willing to kill all of
                                              those people just as long as I
                                              was dead.I’m going to have
                                              to think on this for a while.In
                                              the meantime,I better not
                                              trust anyone.I’ll just observe.


                                              Hey, where did all of the
                                              water go? Now there’s
                                              nothing but sand down there.
                                              My collar is tingling more
                                              now.I feel as though I’m
                                              falling,because the clouds are
                                              getting closer.It doesn’t feel
                                              like I’m falling fast though.It
                                              feels like I’m floating
                                              downward. Now i’m inside
                                              of the clouds.I can’t see
                                              anything.It’s white
                                              everywhere. I can’t see my
                                              hands in front of my face.In
                                              fact,I can’t see my body.I
                                              have no sense of direction.
                                              Just a feeling of floating
                                              downward. Seems like I’m
                                              forever floating.

The clouds started clearing.Emanon was able to see his hands.His body was showing up clearer.

                                              I’m beginning to see land
                                              below me.It looks like a desert.

As Emanon floated closer he was able to see people with turbans on their heads riding on horses.He floated over them.He saw villages up ahead. The people were running
everywhere. He saw tanks,soldiers,explosions, all over the place.It looked like a war zone.He kept on floating over everything.Jeeps with armed men were shooting at the people.The people were running and hiding from the soldiers.He can see soldiers kicking in the doors of the villager’s homes and shooting.He can hear the women screaming as they were being dragged away from their homes and surrounded by soldiers.

                                              I’m floating over all of this
                                              and out towards the desert
                                              again.I can see more men with
                                              turbans on riding on

He floated over them towards some trees.About a mile up ahead.

                                              I’m floating closer to the
                                              Well,here I am again.Back in
                                              the desert.Sand all around me.
                                              What’s that up ahead?Looks
                                              like some riders coming in my
                                              direction.My collar is tingling
                                              more.Now I know why.It’s
                                              warning me of danger.Also,
                                              it’s protecting me from
                                              danger.It’s making it possible
                                              for me to hear things from
                                              great distances.I for some
                                              reason am able to understand
                                              all forms of communication.I
                                              can feel it.I feel as though I
                                              can speak any language.From
                                              animal to human.They’re
                                              getting closer.They can see
                                              me now.They’re riding faster.I
                                              won’t say anything to them.
                                              I’ll just do as they ask and see
                                              where it leads.Here they come.

                                              My name is Ahmed.We are
                                              against all invaders of our
                                              country. What are you doing
                                              here out in the desert,and
                                              where did you come from?

Emanon didn’t say anything.

                                              What is the matter with you?
                                              You can’t talk?

Emanon still said nothing.They started talking among themselves.

                                                              1ST MAN
                                              Look at how he’s dressed.

                                                             2ND MAN
                                              I think he’s a spy.

                                              Where’s your horse?

Emanon didn’t talk.

                                              You’re coming with us.

One of them reached down grabbed Emanon by his arm and lifted him onto his horse.Then they rode away.


They rode in the direction of a village.When they arrived everyone got off of their horses. They took Emanon by his arms and tied him to a tree.

                                              You are going to tell me
                                              everything I need to know.

Ahmed gave out an order.

                                              Tear off his shirt.I’m going to
                                               whip your flesh raw.

One of the men took out a long knife and started cutting on Emanon’s top clothing.His knife couldn’t cut it.

                                                              1ST MAN
                                             Ahmed?Look.His top garment
                                             won’t cut.

                                              What do you mean it won’t
                                              cut? Your knife is just dull.
                                              Mine can chop a tree branch
                                              in half.I’ll do it.

Ahmed took out his knife and started cutting on Emanon’s top.It didn’t work.

                                              This is imposible.You’re not
                                              getting off that easy.I’ll whip
                                              you through your clothes.

Ahmed took his long black whip off of his horse and walked ten feet away from Emanon. He whipped him ten times and then he stopped.He walked over to him.

                                              Do you have anything to tell

Emanon just grinned at him.

                                              You cocky fool.Twenty lashes
                                              will wipe that stupid smile off
                                              of your face cause you’ll be

Twenty lashes later Ahmed walked over to Emanon. Emanon kept his head down.

                                              Untie him.He’s dead.

As they untied him Emanon slumped to the ground.They all huddled together and started talking among themselves.

                                                              1ST MAN
                                              What kind of soldier’s
                                              uniform is he wearing?

                                                             2ND MAN
                                              Do you think that he is one of
                                              them American special forces?

                                              No.He looks too young.

                                                             3RD MAN
                                              What was so important that
                                              he would die before he would

                                                              1ST MAN

They all turned around.Emanon was standing up and facing them.They pointed their guns at him.

                                             Grab him.

They grabbed him.

                                              Look.I don’t know how you
                                              survived that lashing when
                                              others would’ve died but
                                              whatever secret you are
                                              withholding you are about to
                                              lose your head over it.

Ahmed took out his sword.

                                              Who are you and where did
                                              you come from?

Emanon just looked at him and grinned.

                                              You insolent fool.

Ahmed swung his sword at Emanon’s neck.It hit the force field that was protecting him.The sword repelled backwards and hit Ahmed in the face.Cutting him badly.Blood was gushing down his face.Ahmed fell to the ground yelling.

                                              Shoot him.

They shot at Emanon and the bulletts repelled back at them.Hitting them.They all fell to the ground moaning.They looked up at Emanon.

                                              Who are you?

Emanon looked at them all.

                                              I’m Emanon.

Emanon walked through the men on the ground moaning.

                                              I don’t have anything against
                                              you people.Why did you want
                                              to kill me?

                                             There are soldiers and spies
                                              from other  countries that
                                              want to take over our country
                                              to control our oil  supply.
                                             These soldiers are killing my
                                              people.You could be one of
                                              the spies.

                                             I am not.
                                             The soldiers burn our homes
                                              and kill decent people,and
                                              rape our women.Soldiers
                                              from all of the super powers
                                              of the world had joined in
                                              together to do these terrible
                                              acts for whatever reason
                                              justify their own cause.We
                                              have to protect ourselves and
                                              Fight against our enemies.

                                              I have an idea but first let me
                                              do something for you.

A few seconds later their wounds started healing.Ahmed’s face started clearing up.The bullets started pertruding from the men’s bodies and dropping to the ground.Their bullet
wounds started closing up.All of them bowed down to Emanon. They were shocked after seeing what was done to them.

                                              Get up.
                                             Are you a savior sent by



                                              We want to be your followers.
                                              Lead us.

                                              First will you take me to your

The Indians got up off of their knees and took Emanon into their village.They showed him their sick and their dying.He whispered into their ears.Then suddenly,slowly the sick and
dying started rising to their feet.Every one of them dropped to their knees and started praying to him.Calling him the Son of Allah.

                                              I’m not Allah’s son.My name
                                              is Emanon.

                                              Yes, you’re Emanon.Son of

Emanon knew that he was not going to change their minds .

                                              Forget it.

Ahmed and his men took Emanon on a tour of their village.More and more villagers followed Ahmed’s soldiers who were escorting Emanon.

                                              You see hear,Emanon.We
                                              have no water and no grass
                                              like the rest of some
                                              countries.All we do have is
                                              desert.Miles and Miles of it.
                                              I want everyone to step back.

Emanon said a few words to himself.A few seconds later a sound of rumbling was heard.The desert started dropping for miles around. The Villagers walked over to the edge of the desert to see the giant hole in it’s place.

                                              Look towards the sky.

They all did.The sky was sparkling like fireworks.Then it turned into fire with lightning shooting across it.Then the fire went out.A dark cloud was forming with lightning
everywhere.The cloud was pured black.Then came the water. Not like rain water,but like water was being poured from a barrel. The hole in the ground was quickly filling up.The cloud was only over what used to be a desert. Soon the hole was filled with water and the cloud just went away.The sun came out.There was no longer a desert but a lake in it’s place.

                                              Will you hand me twenty

An Indian woman did.Emanon placed the rocks closed to his lips and said a few words. He threw the rocks about thirty feet away.


Everyone looked in the direction he threw the rocks. The rocks that were laying on the ground began to sink.The ground started shaking.The holes that the rocks had made
began to get bigger.Then everyone heard the strangest sounds. The holes that the rocks had made were at least three feet wide.The sounds became louder. Suddenly,goats,and
sheep had jumped out of the holes. Over fifteen goats and fifteen sheep all together.

                                              Look over there.

Everyone looked in the direction he was pointing to.The ground started vibrating.Then corn stalks shot out of the ground complete with corn on them.In another direction,
miles and miles of grass had formed.The ground started shaking some more and then it opened up. A mooing sound was heard and cows jumped out of the holes.About twenty cows had came out.The cows immediately started grazing on the grass.All of the kids started running out to play.The dogs were barking and playing with the kids.The villagers all started holding hands and began singing.They all bowed down to thank Emanon.

                                              Thank you,Emanon.Son of

                                              I’m not the son of
                                              Allah.Oh never mind.

Emanon had spotted some riders off in the distance.The riders had changed direction and started riding towards them.They were all dressed up in black garments.Carrying swords and their rifles were on the side of their horses.

                                             Ahmed,why don’t we stop and
                                             let them make the first move.

The riders had cought up to them.They noticed that Emanon was wearing a different kind of garment.

                                              Who are you?

Ahmed had spoke up.

                                              He is Emanon.Son of Allah.

                                              He is a spy and I will take him
                                              as our prisoner.

Two riders lifted Emanon onto a horse.They rode away. Emanon had let himself be taken prisoner by a group of Indians on horseback.

                                              They look like the men I’ve
                                              seen on tv they call terrorist.
                                              They say that these terrorist
                                              are suicide bombers. It looks
                                              like we are getting closer to
                                              some kind of training camp.I
                                              can see hundreds of men and
                                              women. They are all dressed
                                              in black garments.Training
                                              for something important.

They rode into the camp.One of the riders kicked Emanon off of his horse.They shoved him into some kind of cave.The cave was very equipped.It had some radar equipment, generators, computers,TVs.They even had the internet.Some of them were watching CNN News.They had tied Emanon up against a concrete wall.They had a steel barrel with hot coals in it.The coals were white hot with steel rods sticking out of them.One of the men came over to Emanon.
                                              Now,what is your name?


                                              Where did you come from?


                                              So you are an American?

                                              Why did you come here?

                                             I didn’t want to come here.

Judan slapped Emanon in the face.

                                              I didn’t asked you that.I’m
                                              going to ask you this question
                                              one more time,and you better
                                              think before you answer.
                                              Why did you come here.

                                              It’s complicated.

                                              The villagers think that you
                                              are the Son of Allah.Do you
                                              think that you are his son?


Judan walked over to the barrel.Then he walked over to Emanon. He brought the rod over to Emanon’s face.Emanon’s collar started tingling.

                                              Do you have anything to say?


                                              We’ll see.

All of his men stood around to watch Emanon suffer.Judan put the rod up against Emanon’s face. Emanon didn’t feel the heat at all.The rod sizzled. Judan slid the rod down
Emanon’s face.Emanon didn’t make a sound. Judan looked closer at Emanon’s face and was surprised.

                                              There’s no mark.

He put the rod on Emanon’s chest.

                                              His clothes are not burning.
                                              This is impossible.Get me
                                              some more rods.

The men brought over some more rods.

                                              Put the rods up against his

His men put the four hot rods up against Emanon’s body.The rods sizzled and smoked. The men started talking among themselves.

                                                       MEN TALKING
                                             This person cannot be burned.

                                              Bring me my sword.

One of the men brought Judan his sword.

                                              I might not be able to burn
                                              you but let’s see how your
                                              skin reacts to the sting of my
                                              sword.I bet if you are missing
                                              an arm you’ll began to start

Judan swung the sword at Emanon’s arm.The sword repelled backwards and hit Judan in the face.

                                              He was lucky that the sharp
                                              end didn’t get him like the last

Judan started getting angry.

                                              If you don’t start talking I’m
                                              going to cut off your head
                                              and stick it on a pole at the
                                              head of the camp.

Emanon said nothing.

                                              Ok then.

Judan swung the sword at Emanon’s neck and the sword repelled backwards.This time the sharp end of the sword caught him on the side of the face.His face started bleeding.He started yelling.

                                             Pour oil on him and burn him.

His men did as they were told. They poured oil all over Emanon.Emanon’s clothes was now black.So was his face.He was black all over from the oil.Judan held his face which was dripping down with blood.

                                              Light him up.

One of the men took a torch and placed it up against Emanon.The oil burned.The fire was all over him.The flame had reached the top of the cave.

                                             That’s it. He’s gone.

They left the cave and went outside.The women of the camp ran over to Judan to try and help him. He fell to the ground.When they took a look at his face,they were shocked
at what they saw.The sword had sliced off half of his face.His brains was oozing out.One woman had to place a bandage around his head to hold his brains in. He fell to the ground. His men surrounded him.They were all concerned that Judan was going to die.The smoke was coming from the cave.A thick black smoke.The Indians knew that they would have to choose another leader soon.Suddenly one of the men shouted.


They all looked at the cave.Standing at the entrance of the cave was the person they thought they had burned.They stood up and walked backwards.What they saw was a person dressed in silver clothing and glowing.Emanon saw that their leader was on the ground shaking.Probably going into shock.He walked over to him.Bent down and whispered some words into his ear.Emanon stood up and stepped backwards.A few seconds later Judan sat up.

                                              What happened?

                                              I healed you.

Judan took off the bandages from his face and head and was normal again.

                                              How did you do that?

                                              I just can.

Everyone dropped to their knees and bowed their heads.

                                              You are truly the Son of Allah.

                                              No,I’m not.Just call me

                                              Emanon,my name is Judan. I
                                              wish you would accept my
                                              humble apology.

                                             Just explain to me. What it is
                                             you want?

                                              We want to fight against
                                              America,Canada,Japan,and all
                                              the other countries that are
                                              sending their soldiers over to
                                              our country to take away
                                              what belongs to us,and trying
                                              to convert our way of living to
                                              theirs.All we have is what you
                                              see.The way we live has been
                                              this way for hundreds of years.
                                              Sure we have our problems,
                                              but we can solve our own. We
                                              don’t need foreigners coming
                                              over to our land.Making up
                                              excuses to take the one thing
                                              we gave that we can use to in
                                              time,advance our people to
                                              a level that we ourselves agree

                                              What is it that you have that
                                              everyone wants?

                                              Our oil.Everyone wants our
                                              oil.Africa has diamonds,
                                              America has gold.We have oil.
                                              For some reason everyone
                                              feels that the oil is worth more
                                              than anything else.I feel that
                                              the multimillionaires are
                                              profiting from it and not
                                              sharing it with the people.The
                                              higher class are just getting
                                              richer off of our oil.There are
                                              a few leaders who want to
                                              control the entire world
                                              population if they can
                                              dominate the oil supply.

                                              I have an idea that will solve
                                              everyone’s greed.


The Johnson family lives in Ohio.Mark and Margaret Johnson are sitting at their table eating breakfast.

                                              Honey.It’s nice outside and
                                              this is your weekend off.What
                                              are your plans?

                                             I think I’ll cut the grass today.
                                             It’s getting too tall.In fact I’m
                                             going to do it right now while
                                             I’m feeling good. Ok?


                                              By the way.Breakfast was

Mark went out to the shed to get the lawnmower and a hatchet to cut through the branches. As he left the shed he threw the hatchet towards the center of the lawn. He started up the lawnmower.Then started cutting the grass. As he got closer to the center of the lawn where the hatchet was stuck in the grass the ground started getting mushy.

                                              I Know it didn’t rain. It hadn’t
                                              rained all week.

Mark decided to stop cutting the grass.He started walking towards the hatchet.As he got closer to the hatchet the ground became more mushy.As he lifted up his foot he noticed
that his boot was all black.

                                              What is this stuff?

He pulled the hatchet out of the ground.There was a sudden rumbling under the ground. Then a roar.Like a train coming closer and closer.A burst of black thick liquid shot up into
the air. About three hundred feet high.


Margaret came running out of the house screaming.The neighbors all came running out of their homes at the sudden sound of an earthquake.They all looked up at the strange scene that was occurring at the Johnson’s place.

                                              Mark? What happened?

                                              I don’t know.I threw a hatchet
                                              into the ground and all of a
                                              sudden this.

                                              You’ve struck oil.
                                              Oil? There’s no oil under my

                                              Ok,Mark.Then how do you
                                              explain that?


                                              That’s the trouble.I can’t.

                                              You’re rich,Mark.

The fire engines was heard from a distance.Mark held his wife by her waist.

                                             Honey? The neighbors are
                                             saying that we are rich. When
                                             we bought the house the real
                                             estate agent never said that
                                             their was oil underneath it.

                                              I don’t think he knew.

The fire trucks arrived at the scene.

                                              Holy shit.Look at that mother.
                                              Who’s the owner?

                                             They are.

The fireman walked over to the Johnsons.

                                              What did you do?

                                              I threw my hatchet towards
                                              the middle of the lawn.It
                                              stuck into the ground.Black
                                              liquid was oozing onto my
                                              lawn. I pulled the hatchet out
                                              of the ground and that’s when
                                              the rumbling started.Then a
                                              noise that sounded like a train
                                              was getting closer. All of a
                                              sudden black liquid burst into
                                              the air.

                                              Golly mister.This is like the
                                              Beverly Hillbillies.

More sirens were heard off in a distance.They were sirens of police cars.The fire chief had arrived.He met with his men.An explanation was given to him.There was a crowd of people out in the streets.The oil had spread all over the other homes and onto the streets. The people had to move back to keep from being sprayed by all of the oil.Some of the
neighbors were getting angry because of the cleanup job that would have to be done on their houses.The police had arrived on the scene.

                                              This oil can be seen from

The owners of other houses on the block were already talking about suing the Johnsons for damages done to their property.


Somewhere down the block another burst of black liquid shot up into the air.It was coming from the Magan’s property.Eric Magen was working on his car and got angry at the fact that he forgot to buy the proper tool he needed for the job.He threw his wrench over onto his lawn and all of a sudden,a rumbling sound was heard,then a roar and a burst of black liquid had shot up into the air.


Jack was angry that two of his neighbors had struck oil.He was beginning to put up a fence pole. He took a garden hoe and jammed it into the ground. A rumbling sound was heard.Then a roar.Then a burst of black liquid had shot up into the air.Jack started jumping around inside of the black liquid.

                                              I’m rich.

All of the people on the block started running back to their properties and started punching holes into the ground.Oil started shooting up all over the place.The firemen’s hand’s were tied.

                                              Chief? These holes have to be
                                              plugged up.The force is to
                                              powerful, sir.

The fire chief started scatching his head.

                                                            FIRE CHIEF
                                              This is over our heads.


Somewhere in Europe a swimmer was preparing to jump off of her diving board into her swimming pool.As she jumped off of the board and into the air she looked down.As she was approaching the water,to her surprise,she saw that the pool was all black and bubbling. A sudden burst of black liquid shot up from the pool.The force of the liquid had carried her up into the air.She was thrown up against a slab of concrete a thousand feet away.That was her last swim.


In Africa,deep inside the Congo.A group of hunters were tracking down a lion.As they cornered the lion they began throwing their spears.One spear hit it’s target.One missed
and hit a tree. Another spear missed and hit the ground. The lion ran off wounded.The hunters went to collect their spears.When one of the other hunters pulled his spear out of
the ground a roaring sound was heard.He looked down at the spot where the spear had landed.Black liquid was oozing out of the ground.The ground started shaking.The liquid started rising higher. A sudden loud sound blast occurred and the black liquid shot up a thousand feet into the air.The hunters heard the loud blast and felt the ground shake.They heard a scream.They saw their friend running towards them.They looked up and saw a giant black finger pointing at the sky and spitting out black liquid.At least,that’s how they
perceived it.They saw a black river rushing towards them.


In China,Wing Chow and his son Lo Wing Chow were playing with their remote control airplane.As the plane flew higher it suddenly flew out of range and crashed into the ground. Where the plane had crashed a burst of liquid shot up into the air.It was oil.


In Mexico,kids were playing.Throwing rocks, outside of their village. When the rocks hit the ground a burst of black liquid shot up into the air.It was oil.The villagers were
jumping and shouting.

                                              We’re rich.


In Detroit some young black teenagers were playing football in the park.The quarterback threw the ball and missed his target.The ball hit the ground and a burst of black liquid
shot up into the air.It was oil.


All over the world the people were becoming rich.Oil tycoons were popping up everywhere.Oil refineries had to be built to keep up with the demand.Gas prices had dropped down to twenty five cents a gallon. The people were able to keep full tanks of gas inside of their cars all the time.Rich people had no reason to separate themselves from poor people because every poor person became rich.The economy was booming.


On tv the news reported that the country was in good standing. The stock market was soaring high. The streets were covered with so much oil clean up crews had to be hired
but no one wanted the job because everyone were rich.No one wanted to do any labor work.


The poor people who were now rich were buying property in neighborhoods that only wanted a certain class of people.Some of the newly rich were moving into these
neighborhoods out of spite.


Restaurants closed down because the people were too rich to be bus boys, waiters, cooks, and waitresses.


Houses that was already built were quickly bought. Soon there were no more empty houses for sale. Homes could not be built because their were no more contractors. They were already rich. The houses began to look like dumps. The sanitation department had no employees to pick up the trash in front of the people’s homes so the trash accumulated.
The dogs got to the trash and the trash was all in the streets.Soon the rats came to feed on the trash.There were no more garbage men because they were all too rich to work.No more sweepers because they were too rich to work.


Grocery stores closed down because all of the staff were too rich and didn’t want to work.


Insurance companies went out of business because no one wanted to insure their homes if there were no more contractors to fix the damages.


Hospitals closed down one by one because the staff were too rich to work. The doctors had no one to help them.Patients were dying because of lack of treatment. A national emergency is declared. The president called for a state of emergency.The troops were called back from overseas. There was no more need for oil.Soldiers had new duties to perform,cleaning up the cities.Volunteers were needed but the people were too rich to volunteer.All over the world rich people were popping up.The American people finally got a break.


High above the Earth’s atmosphere a ship of lights with a species 200,000 years ahead of humans were monitoring Emanon’s adventures.

                                             Kiwa,this human is letting his
                                             planet destroy itself.

                                              I can see that Opa but we can
                                              only observe.That is the
                                              universal law.

                                              If this planet destroys itself it
                                              will not be suitable for other
                                              species from other worlds to
                                              vacation on.

                                              Look Opa.This planet belongs
                                              to the human.In order for this
                                              species to grow they will have
                                              to overcome their differences.
                                              Sometimes it takes a young
                                              species to almost destroy their
                                              own planet to correct the
                                              problems that are leading them
                                              to doom.The human who is
                                              wearing the device has
                                              abilities 200,000 years ahead
                                              of his kind.He will become
                                              wiser as time goes by. Opa,
                                              the life of this planet depends
                                              solely on him and also my dear
                                              Opa.He now has the power to
                                              destroy his own planet if he
                                              chooses and this part of the
                                              solar system.He also has the
                                              power to make a better planet
                                              and a better solar system.It all
                                              depends on him.Opa, still,we
                                              cannot interfere.No matter
                                              what the results. Lets just
                                              observe.Ok Opa?

                                              Ok,Kiwa. The oil that had
                                              consumed the planet had
                                              caught on fire.

The Zartolians observed the fires all over the world.They also observed Emanon over the Middle East.They had observed all that he had created and destroyed.



                                              I think he is realizing the full
                                              extent of his powers.

                                              I see.

                                              I am concerned about the
                                              water turning black in various
                                              locations.What do you think
                                              he is doing?

                                              I don’t know.Only he knows
                                              the reason. He knows his kind
                                              better than us. I’ve been
                                              around a lot of worlds in other
                                              solar systems planting these
                                              devices. I have observed the
                                              results.I have realized that
                                              every species wants to have
                                              an ideal world to live in.No
                                              matter what the cost may be.
                                              Each species have a need to
                                              make a change.All we have to
                                              do is not interfere.

Emanon remembered how his mother would read to him from the bible.She told him about Jesus and the good he had done for a lot of people before the government killed him.

                                              The Middle East was his land.
                                               I’ll place a force field over
                                               the Middle East and declare
                                               It Holy ground.The Middle
                                               East will be protected from
                                               all outside forces. Everyone
                                               all over the planet will respect
                                               it. Jesus? This is for you.


A huge dome appeared over the Middle East.Thousands of animals appeared out of nowhere. Hundreds of lakes all shaped differently appeared in place of deserts.The lakes were filled with all types of fish. All types of fruit trees grew all over the desert.Corn fields grew from the ground at amazing speed.Grape vines appeared all around the villages and cities.Emanon spoke in the minds of all of the citizens.

                                              I want you men to respect all
                                              women.For every crime that
                                              is commited a limb from your
                                              body will disappear.This
                                              country will be the sole
                                              supplier of oil for the world.
                                              The oil will be distributed
                                              equally to everyone.In the
                                              name of Jesus this is Holy
                                              Land and it will be respected
                                              by everyone.

Emanon had create himself a spaceship for traveling.He decided to go to America.He was being tracked.


The president of the United States had received a phone call from the CIA agent.

                                              Mr. President? We are
                                              tracking an unidentified flying
                                              object heading towards the
                                              west coast.

                                             Can you determine what it is?

                                              It’s shaped like a starfish,sir.
                                              Definitely not one of ours.

                                              How fast is it going?

                                              It’s going at least seven
                                              hundred miles an hour,sir.

The jet planes started flying around the star ship. He decided to stop in mid air. The pilot of one of the planes called in.

                                              Condor one to base.Condor
                                              one to base.Come in.

                                              This is base Condor One.
                                              Come in.

                                             The UFO just stopped in mid-
                                             air.What do you want us to

                                              Don’t do anything.Just

                                             Yes sir.

The pilots kept on flying around Emanon’s ship.

                                              I think I’ll just go and talk to
                                              the president.

Emanon had picked up speed.The jet planes started following him but they were not using their firepower.Emanon started moving faster.The planes followed.Emanon was just
playing  a game with them.He increased his speed to three thousand miles an hour.The pilot called to base.

                                              Condor One to base. Condor
                                              One to base.Come in base.

                                              Base to Condor One. This is
                                              the general.Report.

                                              General,we flew all around it
                                              and it just took off.We
                                              couldn’t keep up with it,sir.
                                              Believe me,sir.Nothing on
                                              this planet can move that fast.
                                              Where is it heading?

                                              Sir? It looks like it’s heading
                                              for Washington DC.

                    Thanks Condor One.I want all available planes to head for Washington DC.

                                             Yes sir.Condor One out.


Meanwhile.Back at the White House.The president was holding a general assembly. Everyone were talking about the trouble that is occurring all over the country and what could be used as a solution.

                                             Does anyone have any ideas
                                             because we have all of our
                                             troops in every neighborhood
                                             patrolling the streets and we
                                             have bodies laying

The soldiers were ordered to burn the bodies.No one was working the morgues.A secret service agent runs into the room.

                                              I’m sorry Mr.President but a
                                              UFO had just landed in the
                                               middle of the street.


Everyone got up and ran towards the window.A spacecraft shaped like a starfish had just landed in the middle of the street.A large crowd had started forming around the spacecraft.


The military had shown up with their tanks and guns.They surrounded the ship. The bottom of the ship opened up and a platform was dropping down.A figure was on the platform.The platform had touched ground.Everyone had backed up.All guns were pointing at Emanon.

                                              You have nothing to fear
                                              from me.I mean you no harm.
                                              I would like to speak to the

A shot was heard. Then another and another.Soon the whole military was shooting at Emanon.He just kept on walking over to the White House.The CIA was shooting at him.Nothing was able to pierce the force field that was protecting him.He just kept on walking.More agents had jumped out in front of him and started shooting.Their efforts had no effect on him.


He walked into the White House.The agents were behind him shooting.An agent ran up from behind and tried to grab him but was repelled backwards by the force field.

                                              I just want to talk to the
                                              President.If the President
                                              would just talk to me things
                                              could be different.

The president was being protected by his security staff.The general was with him.

                                             Mr.President? I would like to
                                             move you to a place that is
                                             more safe.

                                              I am not going to hide now.
                                              What will happen to this


                                              Our military is capable of
                                              handling this problem, sir.

                                              General? How do you
                                              suppose we handle this

                                              We nuke him.

                                              Oh yea.Nuke Washington DC
                                              to kill one person?Are you out
                                              of your mind? You better
                                              come up with something

                                              Mr. President.

                                              Yes? You can speak.

                                              Why don’t you just speak to

Emanon started making the walls vanish.He saw the servants working.

                                              I’m not going to hurt anyone.
                                              I just want to talk to the

Emanon turned toward the security staff.

                                              Can I talk to the president

                                              Sure. You wait here.I’ll go
                                              and let him know that
                                              you are here.

The agent ran towards the room where the President was located.He knocked on the door. A voice on the inside yelled out.

                                              Who is it?

                                              Mr.President. Will you stand
                                              over here while I go and get
                                              the door?

                                              Sure. Go ahead.

                                              Who’s there?

                                                      AGENT THOMAS
                                              It’s Agent Thomas,sir.

The general let him in.

                                                       AGENT THOMAS
                                              Mr.President? The occupant
                                              of that spacecraft is here in
                                              the White House and is
                                              requesting to see you.

                                             The President is not going to
                                             put himself in harm’s way.

                                                       AGENT THOMAS
                                             But sir? He’s human.


                                                       AGENT THOMAS
                                             Show him in.

The agent opened the door and Emanon walked in.

                                              I know you.

                                              You should Mr.President.You
                                              ordered me killed in Arizona.

                                              How could you walk away
                                              from a nuclear blast?

                                             That’s not important.What is
                                             important is this.I want you to
                                             fly with me.

                                              I don’t negotiate with

                                              I’m not a terrorist.Look Mr.
                                              President.The next destruction
                                              will be at your hands.

Emanon stared at the president and the President vanished.He turned around and walked out of the door.The general yelled out.


They all fired their weapons at him but Emanon kept on walking.Agents jumped in front of him shooting.Their guns hit the floor because they no longer had arms to hold their
weapons .As Emanon walked out of the White House gunshots came from everywhere. He fixed it so their guns could not fire.A rocket exploded in front of him but the force of it
could not pierce his force field. As he walked towards his ship it opened up at the bottom and the platform came down.He stepped onto the platform.More soldiers were still firing at him.They all fell to the ground because their legs were gone.The platform lifted him up into the spaceship. The soldiers had received a message that the President had been killed. More soldiers came and started shooting at the ship.The ship lifted off.The soldiers kept on shooting into the air wishing that somehow the spaceship would be destroyed.Nothing happened.Soon the ship was out of sight.


Fighter pilots picked up where the ground patrol had left off.The planes were armed with nuclear missiles.

                                                            1ST PILOT
                                              I have a lock on the ship. I’m
                                              firing.Condor tracking,
                                              Tracking, tracking. A hit.

The pilot yelled out.The missile hit the force field that was protecting the ship but like a blink of an eye Emanon had accelerated out into space. The shockwave sent the fighter spinning out of control.The pilot had finally regained control of the plane.When he looked around the spaceship was nowhere to be found.He called in.

                                              Condor One to base.

                                             Come in Condor One. This is
                                             General Tuff.

                                              Sir? The spaceship has been

                                              Good.I want you to return to

The general got on the radio.

                                              I want all units to return to


                                              Look at them.It would be so
                                              easy to destroy them all.They
                                              are doing a better job of it all
                                              by themselves.Now lets see.
                                              This is a good distance to
                                              orbit the Earth.This view of
                                              the planet is great.

Emanon got up from the console and walked towards one of the rooms.The door slid open.He walked in.

                                              Hello Mr.President.

The president was walking around trying to figure out where he was at.The door slid open. The President turned around to see who it was.

                                              Where am I.

                                              Your’re aboard my Starship.

                                              You can’t kidnap the
                                              President of the United States.

                                              You still don’t get it Mr.
                                              President.I can do anything I

                                              Let me off of this thing.
                                              Ok.Get off but take a look at

The President turned around to see that the whole side of the wall was missing.He was able to see billions of stars through the opening.He saw the planet Earth.It was

                                              How can this be?

The President became scared.He had a fear of heights.It looked like he was about to be sucked out into space.

                                              Do you still want to get off?


Emanon closed up the wall.

                                              What do you want of me?

                                              To talk Mr.President.Why
                                              don’t we go to the front of the

The President followed Emanon.

                                              Have a seat.

The President sat down.Emanon had closed up the front of the ship to ease the president’s fears.

                                              Is this better Mr. President?

                                              It’ll do.I have a lot of
                                              questions to ask you.

                                              I’m sure you do Mr. President.
                                              Ask away.

                                              Number One. How did you
                                              come By those powers?

                                              It’s this device I’m wearing
                                              around my neck.It allows me
                                              to do amazing things.Look at
                                              the oil crisis.Everyone got
                                              what they wanted.Right?

                                              You mean you are responsible
                                               for all of that?


                                              How did you come by this

                                              I created it.

                                              That’s impossible.


                                               You already know Mr
                                               President.Along with the rest
                                               of the world that America has
                                               been in constant
                                               communication with aliens
                                               from other worlds. Well,I
                                               believe that this device that
                                               I am wearing is from one of
                                               them or maybe others.This
                                               device has boosted my IQ.I
                                               am able to logically reason
                                               things out. The strange voices
                                               inside of my head, I believe
                                               are them. They are called
                                               Zartolians.I was told that
                                               they are from a different solar
                                               system. They are not the
                                               aliens you have been meeting
                                               with.They said that a probe
                                               from this planet had entered
                                              into their solar system through
                                              a black hole in space.They are
                                              from the planet Zoltar.They
                                              are at least 200,000 years
                                              ahead of us.They left this
                                              device I am wearing around
                                              my neck to use.

                                              That device you are wearing
                                               should be under the control
                                               of the military.

                                             This device cannot be removed
                                              once it has been placed around
                                              my neck. Mr.President? We’re
                                              going to make a few stops.

                                              Where are we going?


                                              Be patient. You’ll see.Right
                                              now we’ll just cruise around
                                              the planet.

The President looked down out of the front of the ship.There were long lines of fire on Earth.There were spots of fire everywhere.

                                              What happened?

                                              Everything.This is America’s
                                              greed.Lets go see some other

                                              Can my country be saved?

                                              This is my country too.

                                              If you feel that this is your
                                              country then why are you
                                              letting this terrible act

                                              I’m not the one who attacked
                                              first Mr. President.

The starship flew over Russia.Emanon spotted the Russian President on his monitor.He was asleep on his bed. The President was also looking at the monitor.The Russian
President had disappeared.

                                              What happened to him?

                                              Right now,he’s aboard my
                                              starship.Probably confused
                                              like you was.Now we’ll fly
                                              over some other countries.

They flew over China, Japan, Egypt, Africa, Europe, Canada, Germany,Norway,North Korea, South Korea,ect....Emanon had picked up all of the leaders from every country around the world and brought them on his starship.He placed each leader in their own quarters.None of them knew that there were others on board.

                                              I better not let them see each
                                              other because they could never
                                              agree on anything plus they
                                              don’t trust each other.

Each of their quarters had a huge viewing screen.The speakers were built into the walls. The language coming from their speakers will be the language of their Culture.

                                              If anyone is hungry there is a
                                              built in microphone on the
                                              wall inside of the letter O.
                                              Just say what you want and a
                                              door will appear.A tray will
                                              be there with your order.
                                              Meanwhile look at the viewing
                                              window on the wall.I will
                                              explain to you what is
                                              happening.Everything I want
                                              to say to you will be planted
                                              inside of your minds.Now I
                                              am going to take you to a
                                              place that I was taught to
                                              believe in.

Emanon flew the ship all over the different countries at low altitude so they could get a first hand look at what their greed and power had done to all mankind.Each of the leaders
looked out of their viewing screen at the scenery outside. Emanon explained to them how it all happened.

                                              I am a reasoner.In other
                                              words,I reason things out and
                                              come up with a solution.
                                              There are certain kinds of
                                              men that will do anything for
                                              money and power.Men will
                                              lie and cheat to accomplished
                                              that goal. In order for those
                                              types of men to succeed,there
                                              will have to be people that
                                              have less.Therefore the people
                                              who have less will always
                                              want more.The rich and
                                              powerful will always be in The
                                              position to give just a little
                                              more but not too much
                                              because what comes with
                                              being rich and powerful is
                                              recognition.So I wanted to
                                              see how Important
                                              recognition was to everyone
                                              else.I wanted to see how
                                              mankind responded to being
                                              rich and not recognized.
                                              So how can I make everyone
                                              rich.The answer was simple.
                                              I’ll let everyone discover oil.
                                              As you can see look at the
                                              results.All over the world the
                                              people have lost respect for
                                              each other.Now I’m going to
                                              show you what dreams are
                                              made of.

Emanon flew the ship towards the Holy Land.All of the doors to their rooms had opened up.The leaders of the various countries walked out.For the first time they all saw each other.

                                             Just follow the path.It will lead
                                             you outside.

They did as they were told.


When all of the leaders were on the ground they couldn’t believe what they were looking at. Everything was so clear.There was a huge lake that turned into a winding river.There was another lake consisting of nothing but oil for hundreds of miles.As far as the eyes can see.There were more lakes that stretched for miles.Pure blue water that used to be desert. The people were dancing,singing and playing.There were forests and gardens with the prettiest flowers and leaves.There were miles and miles of fruit trees of all kinds. There were thousands of people bathing in the cleanest of rivers.There were no guns and fighting. No yelling.No wars.No dying.There was grass instead of sand and dirt.The temperature was exactly seventy five degrees.The wind was calm.All of the leaders were talking among themselves.

                                                  JAPANESE PRESIDENT
                                              How can this be?

                                             CANADIAN PRIME MINISTER
                                              There’s no such place.

                                                      U.S. PRESIDENT
                                              This is not on the map.This is
                                               a miracle.

                                               This is the Holy Land.All of
                                               the worlds oil will be supplied
                                               from this land only.These
                                               people will be the sole
                                               supplier.Every country will
                                               have equal shares. No
                                              outsiders will set foot on this
                                              land. Everything that I have
                                              created here is a tribute to
                                              Jesus Christ himself.There is
                                              a force field surrounding this
                                              Holy Land.The people here
                                              have no reason to leave.All of
                                              their needs as you can see
                                              have been provided for them.
                                              They are not concerned with
                                              the technology of the outside
                                              world.They have lived by their
                                              tradition for thousands of
                                              years.They are happy people.
                                              They are praying people.They
                                              are what we should all be.

                                                   RUSSIAN PRESIDENT
                                             I think it’s too late for us. The
                                             world’s gone crazy and it’s on

                                                   MEXICAN PRESIDENT
                                              What good is the oil now
                                              when our streets are covered
                                              with it?The oil is what’s on
                                              fire everywhere and how can
                                              someone like you be endowed
                                              with such powers. Are you
                                              an angel?

                                              No,I’m Emanon.I’m human.
                                              Just Like you.I see the world
                                              differently than you.I can see
                                              the beauty of mankind. I can
                                              see the beauty of life given to
                                              every species on this planet.I
                                              can see the wonder of God’s
                                              creation.I do not want his
                                              creation destroyed by the
                                              stupidity of mankind.I might
                                              have a body of a seventeen
                                              year old kid as you may see
                                              but something has happened
                                              to me.Something good.I feel
                                              older and more mature.You
                                              are just children to me. I
                                              could almost say that you are
                                              my pets but that’s too vulgar.
                                              I am like parent who needs to
                                              Guide his children.This is
                                              Holy Land and these people
                                              will not be harmed or
                                              corrupted in any Way. I’m
                                              going to take you all back to
                                              the ship. We’re going to
                                              cruise up above the planet so
                                              you can see your world the
                                              way it is now.

                                                        US PRESIDENT
                                              I thought you said that this
                                              was your world too Emanon.

                                              It used to be.

                                                 JAPANESE PRESIDENT
                                              But why do you want to
                                              destroy it?

                                              There’s going to be a change
                                              for the better.


Everyone had returned back to the ship.

                                              Since wealth, greed,and
                                              power is all that mankind
                                              treasures.I’ve given you all
                                              that you wanted.Oil for
                                              everyone. Everywhere.
                                              Anyone who inflicts harm
                                              on anyone else will loose a
                                              limb from their body.If death
                                              is caused by anyone then he
                                              too will vanish into space
                                              itself.This will be told to all
                                              of the people of Earth.There
                                              will be peace. Also,no one
                                              shall enter into the Middle
                                              East.There is a force field
                                              surrounding it.That is Holy
                                              Land.You will tell the people
                                              of your country what I have
                                              told you.

                                                  MEXICAN PRESIDENT
                                              But Emanon? This planet has
                                              already been ruined. It already
                                              looks like the end.

                                             Don’t worry. A change is
                                             going to come.I would like for
                                             you to return back to your
                                             quarters. If you want to gather
                                             around to work out your
                                             differences you may do so.I
                                             have to leave you now to attend
                                             to other matters.

Emanon walked towards the front of the ship.He turned around to face the console.He made an announcement on the speakers.

                                              Fasten your seat belts.

They all did as they were told.All of the leaders had turned their gaze towards the viewing screen.The world was huge.The blue water that was three quarters around the planet was now black.The land mass was black.The whole planet was black with white clouds except for the Holy Land.It was rich with blue water and green vegetation. Emanon had closed his eyes and focused on the planet.In his mind the Earth had stopped it’s rotation. It was slowly rotating backwards.On the land itself the oil started moving backwards.The people who were laying face down dead in the black liquid were rising backwards until they were standing and walking backwards.The tornado of black liquid in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean that had torn apart a cruise ship of people was now reversing and the torn women and children had returned back to normal as though nothing had happened. Everything was returned back to where it was.The Earth was now blue,green, and beautiful again minus the nuclear weapons and fire powerof all kinds. Everything became the way it was before Emanon’s mom and dad were killed.The leaders of the world were returned back to their places with their memories intacked.


Emanon visited his mom and dad and was so happy to see them alive but he knew that he couldn’t stay so he kissed them both and placed a mental message inside of their minds that had erased his very existence.Now his mother and father will believe that they never had a son.They will always be happy.Emanon wiped the tears from his eyes because it was
the hardest thing he had to do.His collar started vibrating and a voice appeared inside of his mind.


                                              Emanon? You have proven
                                              yourself worthy of becoming
                                              a Zartolian soldier.We the
                                              Zartolians will be there to
                                              bring you back with us in one
                                              of your Earth hours.

                                              In the beginning I had told
                                              you that my name was
                                              Ramone in order for me to
                                              tell you my story.I had to tell
                                              you how it all started.Starting
                                              with my real name.It’s been
                                              two years since this all began.
                                              I am nineteen years old now.
                                              I am waiting here on the
                                              remote side of this planet to
                                              be picked up.The planet Earth
                                              is now a perfect planet.There
                                              are no more wars.No more
                                              hunger. The people are all
                                              respecting each other.There
                                              are no more classes of people.
                                              There are no more crimes.The
                                              world has become one with
                                              love and peace. Mankind can
                                              now mature on their own
                                              without any interference.I can
                                              see billions of stars.Our sun is
                                              a star surrounded by planets
                                              and if every star is surrounded
                                              by planets and at least one
                                              planet has life for each star I
                                              will have many adventures in
                                              store for me.I can see a bright
                                              star now getting brighter and
                                              coming closer.I guess this is it.
                                              The Zartolians are arriving.

Emanon saw a beam of light coming towards him.

                                              Well.The next stop. The
                                              Planet Zartol.

                                                                                                      THE END


1 comment:

  1. Here is a free reading from me to you.I hope you enjoy the stories.It is my intention to reach out to everyone and I hope to capture the interest of the film industries.God bless you all.
