Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The Prisoner


                 A Russian ends up in an American prison, but he’s not an average prisoner.

                                                           The Prisoner

  A bus pulls up to the new Alcatraz prison gate. The guard opens the gate up. There are several guards waiting with shot guns on the prison grounds. Vincent stares out of the window, wondering how he got himself into this mess. He starts to daydream about the time he was in Russia. He was a soldier that got shot while over in Iraq. He was shot in the head, and left for dead. He remembers waking up on a bed. “ There, there now. You’re safe. My name’s Boris.” “ Where am I ?” “ You’re in my laboratory. You were dead. One of my workers found you half buried in a sand dune. A sand storm had partly buried you. You were lucky. Normally the group who shot you would’ve cut off your head for a trophy.” “ But why did you save me, and why am I tied down ?” “ There was an experiment that I wanted to try on a human, but I didn’t have any subjects, then someone on my staff was just passing by, when he saw a pair of boots sticking out of the sand dune. He said that you were dead, but he wasn’t sure, so I told him to bring you to me. You was really dead. You was not dead that long, so I’ve injected you with my serum. An hour later you woke up.”
   “ Why is my head pounding so hard ?” “ It’s the result of the serum, but it will pass. You know something? If this works, you will be one special human being.” “ Oh yea? How special?” “ You will be indestructible.”
   “ Look Doc. You’re crazy. Just untie me, and I’ll get out of your hair.” “ Soon,” said the doctor, as he gave Vincent a shot.
   “ What are you doing?” asked Vincent. “ I’m just giving you a sedative to help you relax.”
    After the doctor gave Vincent the shot, he soon fell asleep. Then he left the room.
Boris went down the hall to meet with his staff. The staff were all gathering around the bar talking about the soldier that was brought in. Boris had joined them. After they were all getting drunk from success, they heard a crash. They all ran upstairs to see where the noise had came from. Boris had unlocked the door to his laboratory, and they all stumbled inside of the room. There was a hole in the wall. The bed that Vincent was strapped in was empty. “ What happened,” asked one of the staff. “ Look at the straps. They were all snapped apart. I guess the serum worked,” said Boris. “ Yea,but where did he go?” asked a staff member.
   “ I don’t know, but he’s a soldier. He will go where ever he see fits. I don’t know what I had unleashed into the world, but I’m sure it will not be the last time we hear from him.”
   Vincent had walked into a town. His memory was not clear. “ I’m glad that I had gotten loose from that quack doctor. I just wish that I knew why I am here. These clothes that I’m wearing must have some clue.” He noticed that the people were all staring at him.
“ I’m the only one that’s dressed like this.” He reached into his pocket, and pulled out his wallet. “ What’s this?” He opened it. “ A card. The name on it says Vincent. I guess that’s my name. So Vincent it is.”
   Vincent walked through town, when suddenly a group of armed men with black mask on their faces had approach him. They were carrying guns. Vincent had a gun on him also, but he didn’t know how to use it. His memory wasn’t there yet. The mask men also had machetes. They charged at him, and Vincent had killed them all. “ How did I do
that ? “  he asked himself.
   He decided to change clothes with one of the mask men, so he would look like the towns people. The people of the town started throwing rocks at him. “ I don’t need to be any place that I’m not wanted,” said Vincent to himself, as he ran out of town. He kept on running without getting tired, until he saw a group of people that had the same clothes on as he had ,before he changed.
   He decided to run towards them. “ Hey there. Can you help me?” The soldiers had stopped to see who was yelling. They pointed their guns at Vincent, and fired. Vincent fell, and didn’t move. The soldiers who shot him were Americans. There were seven of them on jeeps. When they walked up to see who they had shot, Vincent jumped up, and killed them all. He changed clothes again, and took the jeep. “ I do remember driving one of these things. They came from back there. Then that’s where I’ll go,” he said to himself.
    Vincent drove the jeep back the other way, until he came upon a camp of soldiers. He drove the jeep into the camp. “ Hey soldier. Where are you going?” asked an MP. “ I want to go home,” said Vincent. The MP noticed his accent. “ Let me see your dog tags,
Soldier.” “ My dog tags?” “ Yes, these,” said the MP,as he grabbed his own dog tags to show him.
    Vincent took off his dog tags to show him. The MP looked at them, and then he looked at Vincent. “ What’s your name, soldier?” “ My name’s Vincent.” The MP pointed his gun at Vincent. The rest of the military police saw what was happening, and they also pointed their guns at Vincent. “ I’m arresting you for impersonating an American soldier,” said the MP.
    Vincent decided not to fight them, so he let himself be arrested. He went to court, and was sentenced to prison. He was taken to America, because of his nationality, and placed in an American prison. They assumed that he was a civilian. Vincent didn’t have any ID on him.
    Vincent had stopped daydreaming when he heard the door of the bus opening. “ Alright prisoners. Get out,” said the guard. The prisoners all got out of the bus. “ I want you to all stand in a straight line,” said the guard. They did. There were prisoners over in the courtyard, playing basketball, and lifting weights. There were prisoners passing themselves off as women. Some of them had walked over towards the fence throwing kisses at them. “ I want you bitch,” said a prisoner. He looked as though he was talking to Vincent.
    A shot was heard, and the prisoners had stepped away from the fence. As one of them left, he looked back at Vincent. “ You’re going to be my fresh meat. I’ll see you on the inside.”After the guard had made his usual speech, they were told to walk on to the inside. On the inside, they were approached by the warden. The warden made his speech, and then they were assigned to their cells. As they were walking towards their cells, the prisoners were all yelling at them. Some wanted the guards to bring the new prisoners over to their cells.
    Vincent was placed inside of a cell that had another prisoner in it, but the other prisoner was outside on the courtyard. “ Oh,oh.There’s going to be a show now. Wait till Tower comes back,” said a prisoner. Vincent sat on the bed on the bottom. He looked around the prison. “ Why is my head hurting so much ?” he asked himself. He started feeling as though the whole world was hating him. He also started getting angry. “ Ok, if that’s the way it’s going to be, then that’s the way it’s going to be. No more Mr. Nice Guy,” he said to himself.
   As Vincent sat with his face in his hands, a huge shadow had covered the floor. He looked up. It was Tower. The jail doors had closed. “ Ok,lights out,” said the guard.
The lights had shut off. The only light that was on was the one on the outside grounds. It was dim, but you could see something. “ Get up,” said Tower. Vincent stood up.” That’s my bunk.” “ Sorry,” said Vincent. Vincent climbed up on the top bunk, when suddenly, a large pair of hands had grabbed him, and threw him on the floor.” That’s my bunk also.”
“ Ok,that’s how you want to play it. Lets dance.”
   Tower lounged at Vincent. Vincent grabbed Towers arms, and twisted it until it was turned completely around. Tower yelled out. “ Tower’s getting him now,” yelled a prisoner. “ Argg,” groaned Tower. “ Tower’s tossing that salad now. Get him Tower,” yelled another prisoner.
    Then the sound had stopped. The guards were both reading the newspapers. They heard the sounds, but they were used to them. “ I guess Tower’s having a good time with the new fish,” said the guard. “ Well, they both stopped. I guess I’ll go check on them,” said the other guard.
    He walked over to the cell, and slipped on something wet. He looked down, and saw that there was a puddle of blood on the floor. The guard looked in the cell, and saw Vincent on the bed, but Tower was on the floor, without his arms. His arms were grabbing at the cell. The guard blew his whistle, and more guards with guns came running to his aid. The guard pointed his gun at Vincent. “ Prisoner, stand back up against the wall.” Vincent did. The rest of the guards had their guns trained on him. “ I don’t believe this. Tower is three times his size, and yet he’s dead. The warden is not going to like this,” said the guard.  “ No! Tower’s dead,” Yelled a prisoner. “ He can’t be,” yelled another prisoner.“ We’re going to kick your ass,bitch,” said another prisoner. “ Ok,lets go, convict,” said the officer. Vincent got up to walk towards the officers. They backed off, but trained their guns on him. “ You know something? I think I’ll pass on that,” said Vincent. “ You move it, or you’re a dead convict,” said the officer, as he took out his billy club.“ Kill him, kill that Russian,” said the other prisoners.“ It’s your move,” said Vincent.
   The officer took his billy club, and hit Vincent with it, across the face, and Vincent didn’t budge.” Now it’s my turn. Vincent took the officer’s hand, and snatched him into the cell door. The other officers started shooting at Vincent, but the bullets had no effect on him. Vincent took the gun away from an officer, and shot him with it. He then shot the other officers, and walked over to the cells of the other prisoners. He went over to one cell in particular.
   “ Who’s your bitch now?” he asked.  “ Hey man. I was just kidding around,” he said.
   Vincent made an announcement. “ I’m going to let you fight for your lives. Since you all want a piece of me, here’s your chance, cause I’m going to kill you all,” he said.
    He walked over to the officer’s control panel, and opened up the cell doors. The prisoners all ran out of their cells. Vincent came out. “ I’ve put up all of the weapons, but if you like, you can have them. I am un-armed.,” he said.
   They all charged at him, and one by one, they fell to their deaths. It was a gory scene. Vincent ,who himself, was covered with blood, and guts, had decided to go change clothes. He switched clothes with one of the guards. He took a look at the final scene, and walked out into the night.
    The next morning the warden had shown up. He was wondering why there were no guards at the tower. He let himself inside, and saw that there were no guards anywhere around. He walked over to his office, and sat behind his desk. He picked up his phone to call the captain of the guards, but there was no answer. He turned on his monitor to look at the prisoner’s cells. The doors were open. He scanned the cameras around, and to his horror he saw the end result of his search. There were body parts everywhere, including his guards. “ My God! What happened?” he asked himself.
There was a shadow that had appeared behind him. He turned around to look. It was Vincent. “ I can’t leave any loose strings. You understand. Do you ?” asked Vincent.
“ No! Stay away!”  Vincent didn’t stay away. In fact, he walked towards the warden, and placed his hands around his neck. “ Argg,” said the warden, as Vincent stretched his head, until it came off,then Vincent turned around. “ Now I can be free,” he said to himself, as he walked again out into the night.

                                                                                                                                      The End


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