Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Strange Tales Of The Unknown

Kevin Doy Burton                                                                                   158,896 Words
110 Corrina Blvd                                                             Email: kevburst2@earthlink.net
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                                                               OUT THERE

                                                            Kevin Doy Burton



   I dedicate this novel to my wife Jacqueline Burton and to my son Chanze Burton. Thank you for your support and encouragement. I want to thank God for sending me an angel to help me write this novel. To my fans who supported me….this one is for you.

                                                                                                           Kevin Doy Burton


                                                             Part One

Chapter One   : The Sighting
Chapter Two   : My Husband Is Missing
Chapter Three : The Ceremony
Chapter Four   : The Untold Truth
Chapter Five    : The Gathering
Chapter Six     :  The Hospital
Chapter Seven : The Dark Side Of The Moon
Chapter Eight  : The Search
Chapter Nine   : The Cover-Up
Chapter Ten    :  The Agent

                                                              Part Two

Chapter Eleven : The Reporters
Chapter Twelve : A Rude Awakening
Chapter Thirteen : Something Strange Is Happening
Chapter Fourteen : The Investigation
Chapter Fifteen : It’s Real
Chapter Sixteen : Morgantown Quarantine
Chapter Seventeen : The Return
Chapter Eighteen : The Sudden Appearance
Chapter Nineteen : Bewildered
Chapter Twenty : What Fear May Come

                                                              Part Three

Chapter Twenty One : Missing Reporters
Chapter Twenty Two : Carl and Drew
Chapter Twenty Three : Imposter
Chapter Twenty Four: The Judge Returns
Chapter Twenty Five : Aaron Returns
Chapter Twenty Six : The Awakening
Chapter Twenty Seven: Father Borak Jolinski
Chapter Twenty Eight : Police Awareness
Chapter Twenty Nine : The Shocking Truth
Chapter Thirty : The Lookout

                                                              Part Four

Chapter Thirty One : Coalminer’s Horror
Chapter Thirty Two : Morgantown Unreachable
Chapter Thirty Three : Occupy Morgantown
Chapter Thirty Four : Hell is here
Chapter Thirty Five : The Race For Time
Chapter Thirty Six : Beyond Belief
Chapter Thirty Seven : Alien Exposure
Chapter Thirty Eight : KLAV NEWS on alert
Chapter Thirty Nine : The Meeting
Chapter Fourty : The President’s Plan

                                                              Part Five

Chapter Forty One : Seal Infiltration
Chapter Forty Two : The Siege
Chapter Forty Three : Finding Out The Alien Truth
Chapter Forty Four : Morgantown In Panic
Chapter Forty Five : Human Prey
Chapter Forty Six  : A Town In Fear
Chapter Forty Seven : The Reappearance
Chapter Forty Eight : Witnesses To Horror
Chapter Forty Nine : The Return Home
Chapter Fifty : The Calling Of The Guards

                                                              Part Six

Chapter Fifty One : Can We Fool Them
Chapter Fifty Two : A Plan Of Action
Chapter Fifty Three : Morgantown
Chapter Fifty Four : A Bloody Scene
Chapter Fifty Five : The Planned Capture
Chapter Fifty Six : The Zhrells Base
Chapter Fifty Seven : The Positioning
Chapter Fifty Eight: The Moon
Chapter Fifty Nine:  SETI
Chapter Sixty : The Chase

                                                              Part Seven

Chapter Sixty One : On The Run
Chapter Six Two : Gateway  To Hell
Chapter Sixty Three : An Alien Specimen
Chapter Sixty Four : One Zhrell At A Time
Chapter Sixty Five : Base Lab
Chapter Sixty Six : Operation Jody
Chapter Sixty Seven : The Other Side Of Town
Chapter Sixty Eight : Inside The Zhrell’s Head
Chapter Sixty Nine : Morgantown Police Department
Chapter Seventy : In Route To Chicago

                                                               Part Eight

Chapter Seventy One : The Chicago Police Department
Chapter Seventy Two : Loyola University
Chapter Seventy Three : The Return To NASA
Chapter Seventy Four : The Moment Of Truth
Chapter Seventy five : Home Again
Chapter Seventy Six : Call In The Troops
Chapter Seventy Seven : Private Cole
Chapter Seventy Eight : Private Carole
Chapter Seventy Nine : Private Sommers
Chapter Eighty : The Gathering Of Information

                                                              Part Nine

Chapter Eighty One : The President Is Informed
Chapter Eighty Two : Breaking News For The President
Chapter Eighty Three : A Ship Of Souls
Chapter Eighty Four : Human Experimentation
Chapter Eighty Five : Controlling A Zhrell
Chapter Eighty Six: Wichita Kansas
Chapter Eighty Seven : Zhrell Attack
Chapter Eighty Eight : The War Underground
Chapter Eighty Nine : The Moon Experiment
Chapter Ninety : Underground War In Morgantown

                                                               Part Ten

Chapter Ninety One : The Zhrell City
Chapter Ninety Two : A New Strategy
Chapter Ninety Three : Back At The White House
Chapter Ninety Four : To Infiltrate Zhrell City
Chapter Ninety Five : The Tunnel Of Terror
Chapter Ninety Six : It’s hard To believe
Chapter Ninety Seven : The Preperation
Chapter Ninety Eight : The Ultimate Mission
Chapter Ninety Nine : Satisfaction
Chapter One Hundred : The Test

                                                               Part Eleven

Chapter One Hundred One : Trapped
Chapter One Hundred Two : The Spying Game
Chapter One Hundred Three : Donald
Chapter One Hundred Four : Who Is Donald?
Chapter One Hundred Five : Professor Stanton Hermes
Chapter One Hundred Six : Joseph and Travis
Chapter One Hundred Seven : Revenge
Chapter One Hundred eight : Attack plan
Chapter One Hundred Nine : The Confrontation
Chapter One Hundred Ten : Zhrell City

                                                               Part Twelve

Chapter One Hundred Eleven :  The General and Donald is missing
Chapter One Hundred Twelve : Preventing and Intergalactic War
Chapter One Hundred Thirteen : Their Plan Revealed
Chapter One Hundred Fourteen : The President’s Call
Chapter One Hundred Fifteen : A Master Plan
Chapter One Hundred Sixteen : To Save A Planet
Chapter One Hundred Seventeen : The Surgery
Chapter One Hundred Eighteen : Travis
Chapter One Hundred Nineteen : The Battle Of Wichita
Chapter One Hundred Twenty : Witchita County Morgue

                                                              Part Thirteen

Chapter One Hundred Twenty One : The Screams
Chapter One Hundred Twenty Two :The Truth In Wichita
Chapter One Hundred Twenty Three : The Zhrell Spy
Chapter One Hundred Twenty Four : The Kinapping Of Rigtoc
Chapter One Hundred Twenty Five : The Debriefing
Chapter One Hundred Twenty Six :  The Test
Chapter One Hundred Twenty Seven : The Moon Preperation
Chapter One Hundred Twenty Eight : The Wichita Incident
Chapter One Hundred Twenty Nine : Can’t Tell The Difference
Chapter One Hundred Thirty :Wichita State University

                                                               Part Fourteen

Chapter One Hundred Thirty One : Old Cowtown Ranch
Chapter One Hundred Thirty Two : Wichita Police Station Trapped
Chapter One Hundred Thirty Three : Trapped With Prisoners
Chapter One Hundred Thirty Four : In Order To Survive
Chapter One Hundred Thirty Five : The Escape
Chapter One Hundred Thirty Six: The Real Deal
Chapter One Hundred Thirty Seven : A New Military Problem
Chapter One Hundred Thirty Eight : The Missing Troops
Chapter One Hundred Thirty Nine : The Time Is Now
Chapter One Hundred Forty : Kansas A Zhrell State

                                                               Part Fifteen

Chapter One Hundred Forty One: The Shock That Went Around The World
Chapter One Hundred Forty Two : The Spreading Of The Zhrells
Chapter One Hundred Forty Three : Moon To Morgantown Signal
Chapter One Hundred Forty Four : Lost In Space
Chapter One Hundred Foury Five : Rigging The Bomb
Chapter One Hundred Forty Six : A Price To Pay
Chapter One Hundred Forty Seven : The Return
Chapter One Hundred Forty Eight : Earth
Chapter One Hundred Forty Nine : The Return Of Jody
Chapter One Hundred Fifty : Do Or Die

                                                              Part Sixteen

Chapter One Hundred Fifty One : The Capture
Chapter One Hundred Fifty Two : Spruce Mountain
Chapter One Hundred Fifty Three : The Signal
Chapter One Hundred Fifty Four : Oo and Baloc Return
Chapter One Hundred Fifty Five  : The Transportation
Chapter One Hundred Fifty Six  :  The Train Arrives
Chapter One Hundred Fifty Seven : The Airport
Chapter One Hundred Fifty Eight : Area 51
Chapter One Hundred Fifty Nine : Cloudless
Chapter One Hundred Sixty : Area 51 Danger

                                                              Part Seventeen

Chapter One Hundred Sixty One : Zhrells In Area 51
Chapter One Hundred Sixty Two : The Voyage Home
Chapter One Hundred Sixty Three : NASA
Chapter One Hundred Sixty Four : The Zhrells Are Winning
Chapter One Hundred Sixty Five : The Temperature Rises
Chapter One Hundred Sixty Six :  The Beginning
Chapter One Hundred Sixty Seven : It’s Them Or Us
Chapter One Hundred Sixty Eight : A Parallel Planet

                                                               Part One

                                                            Chapter One

                                                            The Sighting

   A ball of light darts across the horizon. Breaking through the clouds, leaving a long fiery tail. People who have cameras took pictures of it. Some think it’s a meteorite. Others think it’s a missile. One might even think that it could be one of our rockets. The truth is no one knows. It soars through the skies. Mountains were in front of it. It slows and descends behind the first set of mountains. It disappears behind the second set.
   On You Tube  pictures of it was posted but it was thought of as pure entertainment. It was talked about on Facebook but no one took it seriously. The government didn’t acknowledge it’s existence. It was ignored.
   “ That was a meteor,” said Tony who was  with his wife.   “ Are you sure?” asked Tony’s wife, who’s name is Karen.  “ Sure I’m sure.”  “ Then if that was a meteor how come it didn’t burn up in the atmosphere?” “ So what do you think it is?”  “ It was one of our military aircraft. You know we have high tech planes now.”  “ Yea I know, but I don’t believe we have anything like that.” “ You should keep an opened mind about what we do have and what we don’t have when it comes to our aircraft.”   “ Ok Karen. You win. It was a military aircraft of some sort. Anyway I got a picture of it.”
   Captain Travis Decard was taking a military leave. He decided to go rock climbing alone surrounded by mountains. He likes the solitude of it all. It takes his mind off of NASA. He was about 2000 feet up the side of a mountain. He found a crevasse. It was deep enough and wide enough for him to climb into. He climbed inside of the crevasse, turned around and sat to admire the view. He took off his back pack and grabbed a bottle of water to drink. He had his sun goggles on to dim the glare of the sunlight.
   As he was drinking the water…. “What the..” He didn’t finish his sentence.Instead,he stared at the ball of light. “ That can’t be a meteor. It’s slowing down,” he said to himself.
He watched as the ball of light slowly descended at the bottom of the mountain. It had touched ground. It still glowed in that yellow light. Travis took out his binoculars to get a good look. “ What the hell is that thing?”
   He reached inside of his backpack and took out a camera phone. He placed a call to NASA. The phone had rung on the other end.  “ Hello. You have reached NASA.” said the receptionist.  “ This is Captain Travis Decard. Patch me through to General Torrid.”
“ One moment please.”  “ This is General Torrid.”  “ Sir, this is Captain Decard.”
“ Travis, you’re supposed to be on vacation. What’s the matter? Tired of not having anything to do?” “ Sir, can you get to a computer? I have something that you have to see. I want to send it to you.”  “ Tell me what it is. I’m kind of busy here, Travis.”  “ Sir, I’m mountain climbing. I’m about 2000 feet above ground sitting inside of a crevasse. There’s a glowing object that descended right in front of me at the bottom of the mountain. I can see everything. It’s not from our planet, sir. We don’t have that technology. I have everything on video.” “ Travis, get rid of the video. You didn’t see anything.”  “ But sir.”  “ That’s an order soldier.”
   The general slammed down the phone. “ What was that all about? Why didn’t the general want me to provide proof?” he asked himself.
   Suddenly the glowing object became clear. “ It’s not glowing anymore.”
  It’s no longer a ball of light. It looks like something metallic. One side of the object is opening  up and two figures are stepping out of  it. “I don’t believe this. I’ve got to get this all on video.”
    The two figures are humanoid in appearance. They’re  walking around. One is following the other. They’re walking over to an area of the mountain. There’s a huge boulder in front of them. The two humanoid figures are  walking behind the boulder.” Where did they go?”
   Travis waited for over an hour but the two figures did not return. The side of the object was still open.  “ I got to climb down and get a closer look.”
   Travis left his backpack inside of the crevasse. He took his binoculars and his camera. He proceeded to climb down from the crevasse. When he was nearer to the ground the object became larger than he anticipated. He was now at ground level. He hid behind some other boulders. He sat down for a few minutes. No one came out. Travis decided to get a closer look at the object. He walked over to the opening and peeked inside. Everything was green. There was a green light but he couldn’t see  it’s source. He decide to walk slowly inside. Once inside the opening had closed. “ Shit. Now what?”
   Travis tried to find a place to hide but couldn’t. The object started to move. It flew upwards. “ Let me out.”
   Travis yelled but know one heard him. He looked around and there was no one aboard the object. He was alone inside. “ This is a spaceship but how can it fly without anyone controlling it? I’ve got to call the general.”
    Travis took out his phone and called NASA. On the other end the phone had rung.
“ Hello, you have reached NASA. How may I help you?” “ This is Captain Decard. Patch me through to the general.” “ Yes sir, Captain Decard.” “  Travis, what now?” “ Sir, I’m inside of their spaceship and it has taken off and there’s no one flying it. I’m trapped, sir.” “Travis, what have you done?” “ What do you mean, sir?” “ Travis, you was supposed to be on a need to know basis. I already knew about the species that flies that spacecraft.”“ You knew, sir?” “ Yes, the two down below the mountain are representatives of their planet. We have made contact a long time ago with them. We’ve arranged for them to stay on our planet if they would build their own living quarters. With their technology they were able to build living areas right into the mountain.” “ But what about me ,sir.” “ Travis, I didn’t know that you was going to run into them. We’ve made a deal not to interfere with their work. I don’t know what to do, Travis. You’re on your own this time. All I can say is. You are representing the planet Earth. That’s what an astronaut is about. Good luck to you son and may God bless you. I can’t acknowledge your where abouts.I’m going to have to say that you fell off of the mountainside while rock climbing and died. There will have to be a closed casket funeral with all the military trimmings. Good luck to you son and may God bless you.”
   Travis called back but there was a busy signal. He tried calling the other departments at NASA. but suddenly everything went dead. “ Ok,that’s how he wants to play it. I’ll call my wife.                                                      

                                                               Chapter Two

                                                       My Husband Is Missing

   Morgantown, West Virginia. A small town. Friendly people. A town where everyone knows everyone else. Early spring with the temperature at a mild 65 degrees. The kids are all on spring break. Barbara Decard and Jody Elders were both inside of the beauty salon getting a complete make-over. “ Barbara, why didn’t you go with your husband rock climbing?” “ Rock climbing is not my forte. Anyway, me and Travis had already discussed the fact that he could go rock climbing this weekend starting his three week vacation from NASA. After that my husband belongs to me.” “ I understand. Boy, it must be rough having your husband away from you for such a long period of time.” “ Not so much. I could go stay on the base if I wanted to but I have no friends there. That’s why I rather stay here in Morgantown. Anyway, we are always just a phone call away.”
   The hairdresser came by the women. “ Well girls. It’s time to get you both under the dryer.” “ Richard darling, I do believe I sense a spark of secrecy on your face,” said Jody.
   “ Ok,you got me. I’m getting married.” “ Married? Who’s the lucky person,” asked Barbara. “ His name is John.” “How come you’ve never talked about him?” asked Jody.
“You know how people in this town talks. Everything is gossip to them and John had just moved into this town one month ago. It doesn’t bother me but it does bothers him and I care about his feelings.” “That is so wonderful,” said Barbara. “ Your secret is safe with me,” said Jody. “It’s safe with me too,” said Barbara. “I knew I could count on you two. That’s why I didn’t mind telling you my secret. Now let me put you under the dryer.”
   Richard put both Barbara and Jody under the dryer. “ I’ll be back shortly,” he said.
   Barbara had picked up a magazine to read while Jody decided to send text messages. Barbara’s phone started making musical tones but she couldn’t hear it while under the dryer. Jody didn’t hear it either. The noise from the dryer was deafening in their ears.
Richard came back twenty minutes later. He took the dryers off of Barbara and Jody’s heads. He styled both of their hairs. They  liked  it. “ Richard, you are truly a master hairdresser,” said Barbara.  “ You sure are,” said Jody.  “ Thank you ladies. I’ll see you again in two weeks for a touch - up.” “ You sure will,” said Jody. “ Two weeks,” said Barbara.
   Barbara and Jody walked over to the counter to pay the cashier. “ Who was you texting all that time?” asked Barbara. “ You know. It was my boyfriend again. He said that he was going hunting with his friends and I told him that I would keep in touch with him. This way it will seem like I was with him.” “ That is so nice Jody.”
   Barbara took out her cell phone to check her messages. “ I have one voice mail. I didn’t hear the phone rang. It was thirty minutes ago.” “ Barbara, I bet that was when we were under the dryer. That’s why I decided to text my boyfriend. Otherwise I wouldn’t be able to hear a thing.” “ It’s from Travis. I hate that I missed his call.”
   Barbara called her voice mailbox. “ Barbara. It’s me. Travis. I am not dead. I am…..”
   The message had ended. “ Travis! Travis,” yelled Barbara. “ Barbara. What’s the matter?” “ Jody,somethings wrong.” “ Barbara? Is everything alright?” asked the cashier.
“ I got to get home, said Barbara” “ Wait up Barbara. Let me drive. You’re in no condition to drive the way you are.”
   They both ran out of the store and to Barbara’s car. Jody took Barbara home. Barbara ran inside and saw that her land phone was beeping. She turned on the answering machine to check her messages. There were three messages on it. She listenened. First message: “ Barbara darling. It’s your mother. I just wanted to talk. Nothing important. Call me when you get the chance. Kiss kiss.” “ Not now mother.”
   Second message: “ Barbara. It’s me Travis. I’m calling both phone numbers. Don’t believe anything NASA. tells you. I’m alive. Somehow I’ll get back to you. I love you.”
“ Oh Travis.”
   Third message: “ Barbara Decard ? This is General Jonathan Torrid. I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news but I have to inform you that Travis had died in a rock climbing incident. It was a terrible accident. We here a NASA  is holding a ceremonial service in his honor. It will be a closed coffin ceremony with a twenty one gun salute. We will give you the flag that will be placed on his coffin. The flag will be role up in the traditional way and given to you. If you like we can have you picked up and driven here to NASA. It’s the least we could do for the wife of a great astronaut. The ceremony will be held this
Wednesday. Call me. You know my number.”
   Jody had entered the house. “Is everything ok?” “ No Jody. It’s not. Something’s wrong. The general at NASA said that Travis had died in a rock climbing accident.”
“ Oh Barbara. I’m Sorry.” “ But Jody. Travis had called and said that he is alive and for me to not believe anything NASA says.” “ What are you going to do?”
   “ First, I’m going to call NASA back and arrange for transportation. I’m going to record the messages that I had received and when I get there I’m going to get to the bottom of this.” “ Let me tell you something Barbara. Don’t show anyone at NASA that message. There’s a reason why they don’t want you to know the truth. If you show them that message they will make it disappear. That is evidence against them. Go to the TV station and to the police station first.”
   “ That’s what I intend on doing. First I will attend my husbands make believe funeral. I will let them hand me the flag. Then I will go to the news station to tell them my story. At least they will have it on record. After that I will go to the police station and tell them my story and hope that they will assign me a detective to look into my case.” “ You go girl and one more thing Barbara.” “ What’s that?” “ Don’t trust anyone. You are about to do battle with the space agency. You know how they are. Your husband works for them.”
   “ I know Jody but my husband has a friend. They were both in the Gulf war together. His name is Brad Newbury. He’s a very good agent. He’s the Godfather of our son. I’ll look him up after I get back.” “ Good Barbara. It looks like you have everything planned out. Call me. Text me. Just keep me in touch so I won’t be pulling my hair out of my head.”
   “ I will but right now let me drive you back to your car. I’m a lot calmer now.” “ Are you sure? I could just take a cab.” “ I’m sure. Anyway, you’ve been great company.”
“ Well, you’re my best friend and I will always have your back.” “ And I’ll always have yours.”
   They both left Barbara’s house and drove back to the beauty shop where Jody’s car was left.

                                                              Chapter Three

                                                              The Ceremony

   Tuesday morning at 10:00 am, a long black car had pulled up in front of Barbara’s house. Barbara had left her house carrying one suitcase. As she began walking towards the car a man in a military Air Force uniform had stepped out. He walked around the car to open the door for her. “ May I take your luggage miss?” he asked.
   Barbara gave the soldier her suitcase and he put it inside of the trunk. He opened up the door for Barbara to get inside. She sat inside of the car while the driver walked around to the other side. She noticed a small refrigerator built inside of the car. “ Hey,can I help myself to what’s inside?” “ Be my guess,Miss. NASA is paying for everything. We’re going to put you in a lavish hotel until the ceremony. I’m sorry for your loss Mrs. Decard. Travis was highly respected. It’s a shame to travel millions of miles in space and fall off of a 2000 foot mountain while rock climbing.” “ Yea,it is a shame. Especially since he’s been climbing that mountain for years. He knew every crevasse.”
   Barbara started talking quietly to herself. “ Whew, I better not give myself away. It’s just that I hate it when someone thinks I’m a fool,” she said to herself . She noticed the driver looking at her through his rear view mirror. “ I better say something. I told Travis many times. You are going to keep developing a habit of climbing that mountain and one day you’re going to fall and break your damn neck. No one knows every crevasse on that mountain. So don’t be so cocky. Even then he wouldn’t listen to me. Now look at what just happened.”
   The driver started paying more attention to the road. “ That was bad luck Mrs.Decard.”
   “Eyebright now I just want to gather up his belongings and just drift into solitude.”
  “ Mrs.Decard? NASA have a nice allotment for you. They have that for the families just in case of an accident on Earth or somewhere in space.” “ I know. Travis told me all about it. But it won’t take the place of my husband. Watch it Barbara,” she thought to herself.
   “ I know,Mrs.Decard.Nothing will ever take the place of ones loved ones.”
   Thirty minutes later they had arrived in Fairmont, West Virginia. The driver had taken Barbara to a great hotel. He got out of the car and walked around to where Barbara was sitting. He opened up the door to let Barbara out. The doorman opened up the door to the hotel to let Barbara in. She walked over to the receptionist along with the airman.
   “ There’s a reservation for Barbara Decard,” said the airman. “ That’s correct. Bellboy? Over here,” said the reservationists.
   The bellboy ran over to the desk. “ Show this young woman to her room. Mrs.Decard? You have the penthouse and may your stay be a pleasant one.” “ I’m sure it will be.”
   “ Mrs. Decard? I’ll come by at 11:00 am to pick you up,” said the airman.“ I’ll be ready.”
   The airman left as the bellboy escorted Barbara to her room. Once inside she unpacked her suitcase. She sat on the bed and opened up the drawer to get a telephone book. She located a news station. “ I’ll write this number down for safe keeping.”
   She then decided to look up the Federal Bureau Of Investigation. “ Got it. I’ll write this down too.”
   She wrote down the number and placed it inside of her purse. She called her girlfriend Jody. Jody took out her cell phone. “ Barbara? Girl I’m glad you called. What’s happening?” “ I’m in a lavish hotel paid by NASA. I wrote down the telephone number to the news station and I also wrote down the number to the FBI.” “ Good girlfriend. Just remember what I said. Don’t trust anyone.” “ Jody, why don’t you come here. It’s only a thirty minute drive. There’s nothing for me to do here all by myself. My son went on spring break with his friends to Florida. He don’t even know about what happened to his father yet.”
   “ You mean you didn’t tell him?” “ How could I? I was waiting for him to call me once he gets the chance. He’s probably having so much fun he forgot to call.” “Well, I don’t have anything else to doom I’ll be there. Let me just pack up a suit case. Having a white girlfriend does have it’s benefits.” “ Yea. Having a black girl friend have benefits too.”
“ Yea right. Give me the name of the hotel and room number and I should be there in fourty five minutes.” “ Ok. Write this down.”
   Jody wrote down the address and room number. She placed it inside of her purse. She then went to pack up her suitcase.

                                                               Chapter Four

                                                             The Untold Truth

   The ship Travis is in is leaving the atmosphere. “ This thing don’t have a pilot. I hope it doesn’t crash.”
   The ship is now in space. Travis started looking at the control panel.
   “ This is definitely not from Earth. It seems to be running on automatic pilot. I can reason some of this out. It seems to be sensor controlled. Controlled by a series of lights. Maybe even thought controlled. I don’t see any windows. Maybe they don’t need to have windows. Maybe they can see through their minds. Their technology is far advanced than ours. Why are they here and where is this ship going?”
   The ship had picked up speed but from the inside it was not noticed. The moon was just straight ahead. “ I wonder why all of the lights are green?” Travis started waving his hands across some of the lights. Suddenly a wall had opened up. “ What the hell.”
   There was a clear view of space as though there was an open door. It looks as though he could walk right through it. “ All of the air is going to escape this ship and I will freeze to death.”
   The air did not leave the ship and the ship remained at a comfortable setting. “ I don’t believe this.”
   Travis tried to put his hand through the window but instead he felt a tingle. “ This is not a window. It’s an energy field. A real energy field. We need something like this at NASA. What’s that up ahead? The moon? I’m heading for the moon? But that’s impossible. How can this ship take me to the moon without a pilot? Who’s guiding it?”
   The  ship started to drift to the left. “ Don’t tell me I’m not going to the moon. I wonder if  I’m going to another planet. What will the other species look like? I can still see the moon. It looks like I’m going to fly right by it. What a beautiful sight to see. It looks like I’m going to pass the dark side of the moon. The moon is getting closer. Why would this ship fly this close to the moon? It’s heading for the dark side clearly. I wonder why and what’s  waiting for me there. There’s no life on the moon. Unless….”
   Travis paused and started thinking. What if extraterrestrials had already occupied the moon on the dark side? We would never have known it. They could’ve been here for as long as mankind been on Earth. What if they had been traveling back and forth from the Earth to the moon and from the moon to the Earth? People have been seeing them like, forever.”
   Now the moon was totally dark. It looked like a black hole in space. No reflection of light at all. “ This ship is going straight for the dark moon. We’ll crash. My God! I’m finally going to meet my maker. Barbara, I love you. I can’t tell how fast I am going. All I see is a big black hole that I am in. I guess when I hit bottom I won’t feel it. I’ll close my eyes and pray  to the lord to forgive me and except me into heaven. Oh Lord. I’m sorry that I didn’t stay with Barbara. Lord, I’m sorry for all…..”
   Travis paused from praying. He didn’t want to open his eyes but the inside of his eyelids were green. He opened one of his eyes to take a peek. There was something green out in front of him, outside of the ship. He opened his other eye. Sure enough. There was something green outside of the ship.

                                                               Chapter Five

                                                              The Gathering

   Jody had arrived at the hotel. Barbara met her in the lobby. She ran to her. They hugged each other. “ Come on Jody. I’ll take you to my room.” “ What a fancy hotel.” “Yea, NASA went all out for this. Jody, will you come to my husbands ceremony with me? I could sure use the support.” “ Sure if you like but do you think NASA will allow me there?” “ You knew my husband also. You have just as much right to be there as I do.”
   “ Ok girlfriend. If you like.” “ Good. This huge bed is big enough for the both of us.”
   “ Barbara, do you remember the pillow fights we use to have?” “ I remember those days.” “ I heard that they can remove the tension. Are you game?” “ You mean you want to have a pillow fight?” asked Barbara as she was walking closer to the head of the bed.”
   “ Only if you want to,” said Jody as she was walking towards the head of the other side of the bed.
   They both stared at each other. Then they each dived for a pillows and started beating each other in the face with them. All the while laughing. “ I told you this would be fun.”
   “ You sure did Jody,” said Barbara as she collapsed in bed. Jody laid beside her.
   “ Barbara, we’ll get to the bottom of this together.” “ Jody, you are truly a good friend. We better get some sleep so we’ll be bright and fresh for tomorrow.” “ I am tired. Good night Barbara.” “ Good night Jody.”
   They both drifted off to sleep. The next morning they both got up. Took a shower and got dressed. They went downstairs to the hotel restaurant to eat breakfast. “ Well, today is the day of the ceremony. They should be here in a few minutes.” “How do you feel Barbara?”
   “I feel as though there’s a conspiracy going on about Travis. I hope I can hold it together.” “ You’re stronger than you think, girlfriend.” “ I don’t know Jody.Look,there’s the Air Force soldier over there.” “ Lets go then.”
   They both rose from the table and left to meet the soldier. “ Which one of you is Barbara Decard?” he asked. “ I am and this here is my friend Jody Elders and she is also a close friend of my husband.” “ Please to meet you,” said Jody. “ Well you ladies can follow me,” said the soldier.
   They followed the soldier to the car. The hotel doorman opened up the door to let them out. Then he walked over to the car and opened the door to let them in. The soldier walked around the drivers side of the car and stepped inside. They drove off. “ Thank you for picking us up,” said Jody. “ That’s what we do miss.” “ What happened to the other driver that brought me to the hotel?” asked Barbara. “ He’s been sent on another assignment.” “ Oh,I see.”
   A short time later they pulled up on NASA grounds. The long black car had circled around the grounds until it had reached the area where the ceremonial services were to be held. The driver had parked the car where the rest were already parked. There was another soldier standing at the designated spot. He saluted. The car was parked. The soldier that was standing there had opened up the door to let out Barbara and Jody. They were escorted over to where all of the chairs were located. The escort walked them over to where they were supposed to sit.
   There were at least twenty five people at the ceremony. They were all in uniform. A few were in civilian suits. A casket with an American flag was sitting out in front of them. It had burning torches on each side. The ceremony was about to began. A fully decorated soldier was standing in front of the casket about to make his speech. “Jody, I don’t know how much I can take of this.” “ Barbara, this is your husbands ceremony. You don’t want to ruin it do you?” “ But Travis called me and said to me to not trust anyone. That means he’s alive and in trouble.” “ Look Barbara. Suppose your timing was just off about when Travis had called?”
   The general was making his speech about Travis’s perfect record in space travel.
   “Jody, if I’m right then Travis would not be in that casket. I want you to faint.” “You want me to do what?” “ You have to faint.” “ For what?” “ You’ll see and you have to fall out of the chair and on the ground.” “ You got to be crazy. I spent two hundred dollars on this dress. If I knew that I was going to come to a funeral for you just so you can ask me to fall on the ground I would’ve worn some jeans.” “Jody please.” “ Ok,but you owe me one.” “ I’ll owe you two.”
   The speaker started talking about Travis’s awards and all of his assignments he took on.
   “ Ohhh!” said Jody as she fell out of the chair and on the ground.
   Everyone started standing up from their chairs to look. Some soldiers had left Travis’s casket to lend a hand. “ Travis!” yelled Barbara as she ran over to the casket and pushed open the lid.
   She looked inside. It was empty. Barbara had fainted. Soldiers had ran over to Barbara to help her regain conscious. She woundn’t.They rushed her to the hospital. Meanwhile Jody had regain conscious. A soldier was tapping her on her face. “ I’m alright.I’m alright.” “Let me help you to your feet miss.”  Jody looked up to see a handsome African American soldier looking down at her. “ You can help me to anywhere you want to.”
   The soldier just looked at her and grinned. “ Are you married?” she asked. “ Yes I am.”
   The soldier helped her back into her chair. “ Are you alright now?” he asked. “ Yes, I’m fine. Thank you.”
   The soldier grinned again as he left her. “ Just my luck. I ruined a two hundred dollar dress and the first fine black man I see he just had to be married. Barbara! Barbara! Where did she go?”
   There was commotion everywhere. Some soldiers who were highly decorated were talking secretly about something. More soldiers were carrying away the casket. “Gee, when I pretended to faint I didn’t know that I would be surrounded by soldiers. I couldn’t see and hear what was going on. I don’t know what happened to Barbara. I have to ask someone. Hey soldier. What happened to my friend who was sitting next to me? She’s the wife of the guy in the casket.” “She was taken to the hospital.” “ The hospital? What happened?” “ She fainted and they couldn’t wake her up.” “ What? I need someone to take me to the hospital.” “ I’ll arrange it miss.”
   The soldier left to go talk to another soldier who had more medals on. They both looked at Jody. They both started walking towards her. The soldier who had more medals started talking to her. “ Miss, I’ll have a car brought around to take you to where your friend is.”
   “ Thank you.”
  Jody waited by a soldier who stood by her side. A black SUV had pulled up. “ Your ride is waiting for you miss.”
   Jody walked over to the car and stepped inside. There was another soldier in the back seat. The soldier that had walked Jody to the car had also stepped inside and sat on the opposite side of her. The driver took off.

                                                               Chapter Six
                                                               The Hospital

   A military vehicle had screeched in front of the emergency room entrance. A soldier jumped out of the car and yelled for a doctor. Medical people had ran towards the vehicle with a stretcher. They reached inside of the vehicle to help Barbara onto the stretcher. They rushed her into the emergency room. A nurse took Barbara’s blood pressure while another one had drawn her blood for analysis.  Barbara’s pressure was getting too low.
   “ Take her to Intensive Care stat,” ordered the doctor. “ What’s wrong with her?” asked the soldier. “ I don’t know just yet and I can’t waist time explaining everything to you. You have to leave and let me do my job.” “ Sorry doc. Lets go. There’s nothing more we can do here,” said the soldier to another soldier.
   They both left the hospital. Jumped inside of the SUV and drove off. Inside of the ICU Barbara was transported to another bed. An iv was placed inside of her arm and she was connected to a monitor for observation at the nurses station. The monitor showed her EKG patterns and her continuous blood pressure results. Barbara laid there quietly. She started dreaming. She dreamed of her and Travis on a picnic. They were so happy and in love. She dreamed of watching her husband in a rocket ship taking off to the moon. She dreamed of her husband in the hospital with her while she was in labor and about to have their son.
    When the baby was born she saw her husband holding him. She dreamed of watching her husband running behind their son’s bike the very day their son tried to ride the bike without training wheels. She dreamed of her husband telling her that he wanted to clear his head by going rock climbing for the weekend. Then she dreamed of her husband’s phone call telling her to not trust anyone. She dreamed of the phone call from NASA saying that her husband had died in a rock climbing accident. She dreamed of her husband calling her saying that he was alive. That’s when it all changed into a nightmare when she opened up her husband’s casket and saw that he wasn’t inside. That’s when she woke up sweating. “ Where am I?”
   She looked around. She saw herself connected to a monitor. “I must be inside of a hospital.”
   She looked around the bed and saw a speaker with a call button on it. It read nurse. She pushed it. A voice answers. “ May I help you?” “ I want to see a nurse.” “ One will be right there miss.”
   A couple of minutes later a nurse walked in. “ Oh,you’re awake. You gave us quite a scare.” “ What am I doing here?” “ The military brought you here. Apparently you passed out and they couldn’t revive you. More needed care had to be arranged.” “ Do you have a phone I can use?” “ Yes. I’ll bring you one. You can use this one behind you. I’ll sit it on your bed.” “ Where’s my purse?” “ It’s in the cabinet right over here.” “ May I have it please?” “ Sure, I’ll get it.”
   The nurse walked over to the small cabinet to get Barbara’s purse. She reached inside to get it. She gave it to Barbara. Barbara reached inside of her purse to get a piece of paper.    
   “Do you have a phone book?” “ Yes. I’ll get it for you. Hey, aren’t you the wife of the astronaut, Travis Decard?” “ Yes, I am. Why?”  “ Because he’s all in the newspapers. He’s like a hero in Morgantown. We don’t have heroes in towns like ours. I guess it’s because we’re such a small town. I’m sorry for your loss Mrs.Decard.” “ Can I get one of those newspapers?” “ I’ll go get you one and Mrs. Decard? We at this hospital do appreciate it that you and your husband decided to move to Morgantown.” “Thanks.”
   The nurse left.  “ I got to call Jody.”
   Barbara started dialing Jody’s number. It kept ringing. “ Come on Jody. Answer.”
   Jody’s voice mail came on.  “ Hi,This is Jody. I’m not at the phone right now but leave a message and I’ll call you back.” “ I wish I could text her but I can’t on this phone and the hospital’s policy won’t allow me to use my own phone. Jody,Jody.Where are you?”
   Barbara called for the nurse again. “Yes, may I help you.” “Yes. While I was asleep did I get any visitors?” “ Let me check.”
   The nurse checked Barbara’s chart. “ No. You didn’t get any visitors yet.” “ How about any phone calls?” “ No phone calls either.” “ Thank you anyway.”
   Barbara cut off the communication. A nurse walked in with a newspaper in her hand.
   “ Here’s the paper for you Mrs. Decard.”
   She handed the paper to Barbara and then left. Barbara opened up the paper. There was a front page story about Travis Decard and his death due to rock climbing. There was also a story about a missing person Jody Elders who left her house jogging and never came back. It happened a few days ago. Barbara looked at the date. “ This can’t be right.”
   Barbara ringed for the nurse. “ Can I help you?” “ Yes you can. What’s today’s date?”
   “ Today’s date is march 15th. Are you alright?” “ Thanks and yes. I’m fine, but answer me this. How long have I been in this hospital?” “ You was here for a week. Do you need to see a doctor?” “ No. I was just curious and thank you.” “ You’re welcome.” “ Jody’s missing. This whole story’s not right. I got to call the FBI and talk to Brad Newbury.”

                                                              Chapter Seven

                                                   The Dark Side Of The Moon

   Travis stared out in front. The ship was opening up. “ I didn’t crash. I didn’t even feel myself landing but the ship is opening. I won’t be able to breath. There’s no air on the moon and plus I’ll freeze to death. I can hold my breath for three minutes but I’ll be dead from freezing in a few seconds. I love you so much Barbara.”
   Travis held his breath as the ship opened up. “ I love you lord. I love you Barbara”
   The ship was fully open. “ I can’t hold my breath any longer. I got to exhale. This will be my last breath before I start suffering.”
   Travis exhaled and he bent over. He took a breath in and found out that he could breath.
   “ I can breath. I can breath.”
   He took in a deep breath as though his life depended on it. The air felt so good. It was nice and cool but different. Like the best clean air he had ever breathed in. “ I’ve never breathed in air this pure before. My lungs even feel like it’s stronger because of it. “
   Travis looked around.
   “ I’m inside of some kind of structure. Everything is green. There’s passageways that goes in different directions. I don’t see any light source anywhere but the green light is everywhere.
   Travis started walking. He took out his camera phone to take pictures and videos.
   “ I don’t know why I’m doing this. I’m not on Earth and I don’t believe that I will ever return back to it. It’s habit forming I guess. I wonder why no one was there to take me prisoner? I bet it’s because this ship was programmed to return back to the moon after it dropped off it’s passengers. Probably when someone exit’s the ship it returns back to it’s original destination. Like a two way trip. After it’s occupants had stepped off it remained opened until someone enters it. That someone was me. The jerk. If that’s the case I wonder if it will remain open until someone enters it again and when that happens then it will return to Earth again. I’ll have to try that but first since I am an astronaut I better do some investigation.”
   Travis walked slowly down the passage way. “Some of the walls have hidden crevasses in them. Probably because they had built this place inside of a mountain on the dark side of the moon. They probably can’t stand the light on the bright side of the moon. That’s why they had to wear those special suits back on Earth so they can walk in the daytime. Their ship had to be close to the entranceway to the mountain. That’s so they won’t have to walk so far away.”
   Travis heard a noise coming in his direction.
   “ Someone’s coming. I better hide inside of this crevasse.”
   Travis hid and watched as an alien passed by him.
   “ My God. I’ve never seen one this close up before.”
   He climbed out of the crevasse and continued walking in the direction the alien had came from. He heard a noise and since the wall of the mountain had crevasses all along the side of it he was able to climb in and out of each one until he came closer to where the noise was coming from. He felt a draft and peeked around the side of the crevasse. There were moaning sounds. Human sounds. He couldn’t see anymore aliens but he did see more crevasses so he walked slowly towards the sounds. It looked like the edge of a canyon but the edge was smooth. He was able to creep closer to get a better look. He looked down.
   “ My God! Nooo!” What he saw were thousands of humans at the bottom of some kind of liquid. It was clear. Like some kind of thin gel. They were swimming in it. They were walking on the bottom of the canyon of gel. The walls were too smooth because they were trying to climb out of it but they kept on sliding down from it. They obviously can breath in the gel.
   “ Now I know why so many humans turned up missing. How could they get away with it without us knowing?”
   Travis took out his binoculars.
   “ The president have got to be informed about this. Do NASA know about this? Why did the general insist that the people had to be told that I died in a rock climbing accident? Barbara! I got to get back to Barbara but first I better take some videos of this scene. Travis took more pictures and videos.
   “ This should do. Now to inch my way back to the ship and see what happens.”  Travis had entered each crevasse. He saw two more little aliens walk by. They were carrying a human. The human looked familiar.  “ Jody! They Got Jody! But how?”
   Jody was walking like she was in a daze. The aliens walked her to the edge of the canyon of gel and pushed her off of the edge. As Jody fell she snapped out of it and started screaming but her screams were muffled by the gel.

                                                                Chapter Eight
                                                                 The Search

   The phone had rung at the F.B.I. headquarters. The receptionist had answered it. “ You  have reached the F.B.I. headquarters. May I help you?” “ Yes you can. I would like to speak to Agent Brad Newbury.” “ If you would leave your name and number I will give him the message.”
   Barbara left a message with the receptionist. “ I’ve got to get out of here.”
   She took out the iv from her arm. Took off the leads from her chest and got her clothes from the cabinet on the wall. She got dressed quickly, grabbed her purse and walked calmly out of Intensive Care. No one noticed and since it was the daytime she blended in with the students that were there as part of their class. She walked along side of them until she came to an exit. She left the hospital and called a cab. She waited. The cab arrived. She got inside of the cab and told the driver to take her to KLAV News Station.
   The driver took her there. After they had arrived she paid the driver and got out of the car. She then ran up to the building of the news station. Upon entering she ran into a gentleman wearing an ID badge. “ Do you work here?” “ Why yes. How can I help you.”
   “ My names Barbara Decard.I’m the wife of Travis Decard who died in the rock climbing accident. I have some very important information.” “ Ok Mrs. Decard.Follow me.”
   The man took her straight to his editor. He knocked on the editor’s door. The editor waved them in. They both walked into the editor’s office. “ James, who’s this you brought with you?” asked the editor. “ Mike, this here is Barbara Decard.Wife of Travis Decard. The astronaut who we wrote an article on about his tragic accident.” “ Mrs. Decard. I’m so sorry about your loss. How can I help you?” “ I would like for you to listen to something.” “ By all means. Lets hear it.”
   First message. “ Barbara darling. It’s your mother. I just wanted to talk. Nothing important. Call me when you get the chance. Kiss kiss.”
   Second message. “ Barbara. It’s me Travis. I’m calling both phone numbers. Don’t believe anything NASA tells you. I’m alive. Somehow I’ll get back to you. I love you.”
   Third message.  “ Barbara Decard ? This is General Jonathan Torrid. I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news but I have to inform you that Travis had died in a rock climbing incident. It was a terrible accident. We here a NASA is holding a ceremonial service in his honor. It will be a closed coffin ceremony with a twenty one gun salute. We will give you the flag that will be placed on his coffin. The flag will be role up in the traditional way and given to you. If you like, we can have you picked up and driven here to NASA. It’s the least we could do for the wife of a great astronaut. The ceremony will be held this Wednesday. Call me. You know my number.”
   “ This is the message left on my answering machine. I went to my husbands closed casket ceremony. I had a friend with me. I talked her into pretending to faint so she can cause a distraction. While everyone was helping her I ran over to the casket and pushed open the lid. My husband was not in the casket. There’s a conspiracy going on at NASA regarding my husband. I fainted because of what I saw and woke up in the hospital five days later and found out in the newspaper that my best friend who’s name is Jody Elders is missing. She was with me at my husbands ceremony and now she too is missing.”
   “Will you play the tape again?” asked Mike “ Sure.”
   Barbara turned on the tape. First message: “ Barbara darling. It’s your mother. I just wanted to talk. Nothing important. Call me when you get the chance. Kiss kiss.”
   Second message. “ Barbara. It’s me Travis. I’m calling both phone numbers. Don’t believe anything NASA tells you. I’m alive. Somehow I’ll get back to you. I love you.”
   Third message. “ Barbara Decard ? This is General Jonathan Torrid. I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news but I have to inform you that Travis had died in a rock climbing incident. It was a terrible accident. We here a NASA is holding a ceremonial service in his honor. It will be a closed coffin ceremony with a twenty one gun salute. We will give you the flag that will be placed on his coffin. The flag will be role up in the traditional way and given to you. If you like, we can have you picked up and driven here to NASA. It’s the least we could do for the wife of a great astronaut. The ceremony will be held this Wednesday. Call me. You know my number.”
   “Ok,I’ve heard enough. You know Barbara? Going against NASA is some heavy business. They are a very strong organization. This can probably go all the way up to the President Of The United States and I don’t think the Obama administration is going to like it one bit. I am curious . Why would NASA who specializes in space explorations want everyone to believe that Travis is dead? I’m putting two and two together and I’m coming up with this. Travis is an astronaut. He has clearances since he had already been into space and even on the moon itself. If Travis had discovered something by accident, that would be a reason for NASA to want him dead. “ But Travis would never disclose valuable information to the public.” “ Ok,Mrs. Decard. Then one other thing. Your husband could’ve gotten caught by a group and NASA wanted the group not to be discovered. Maybe your husband had stumbled upon this group by accident and was trapped. Maybe he only had enough time to leave a few messages. Maybe one of the messages was to this general who didn’t want to try and save Travis. Instead it was better to let people think that he was dead. Maybe Travis wanted to call you before anyone else do to give you a heads up.” “ You do have a point. So what are you going to do?” “ I’m going to assign two of my best investigators on this case. They are my best reporters. James, I want you and Marylyn Rhodes on this. Go get her and bring her here.” “ I’m on it Mike.” “ And James, you know how powerful NASA is.” “ I know but NASA don’t know us either.” “ Thank you so much,” said Barbara.
   Barbara’s phone had rung. She answered it. “Hello?” “ Hello, Barbara? This is Brad. I got your message.” “ Oh Brad. I’ve got to talk to you.” “ Ok,can you meet me in my office at the FBI headquarters?” “ Sure. When is the best time for you?” “ How about now? I’m free.” “ I’ll be there as soon as I can get a cab.” “ A cab? Where’s your car?”
“ It’s a long story.” “ I’ll leave word at the front desk that I’m expecting you.”“ Ok, Brad.”
   Barbara closed up her cell phone and turned to the editor. “ I have to leave but if you need me here’s my number.”
   She left her number with the editor. “Thanks Mrs.Decard. I’ll get right on it.“ No, Thank you for helping me.”
   She left the editor’s office in a hurry.“ I would have to get my car later but right now I better call a cab,” she said to herself.  
   She called a cab and fifteen minutes later one had arrived. “ Take me to the F.B.I. building.” “ Ok lady.”
   The cab drove off.

                                                               Chapter Nine

                                                              The Cover-up

   Travis was shocked to see that Jody was brought to the moon. “ How did they grab her? If they can get to Jody then they must be after Barbara. Jody and Barbara are inseparable. There must be another ship around here. But I don’t understand it. What do Jody have to do with any of this? Unless Barbara received my message and she called Jody. They were probably watched but the only one who knew about  me was the general and Barbara. Did the general sale me out? Do the general have anything to do with that alien craft and those aliens? I smell cover-up.”
   Travis walked slowly back towards the spaceship. “ I can see the ship but now there are two of them. There’s some little aliens standing by the ships communicating. One is pointing at one of the ships. Probably wondering how it had returned without any passengers. Now they are looking around. They probably figured that something had entered the ship and is now roaming around. It could’ve been an animal as far as they know.”
   Travis squeezed himself back between the crevasse. “ I’ve got to get into that ship and see if I’m right and if I am right then that ship will automatically take me back to Earth but if I’m wrong…well I better not start thinking about that right now.”
   Travis waited. Another little alien had shown up. They all turned away and walked away from the ships. They went down a passageway leading to who knows where. “ This is my chance.”
   Travis walked quickly towards the spacecraft. He entered. He looked around then suddenly the opening to the ship had closed. The ship started rising. “ I can feel myself rising. My ears are beginning to pop. I’m going home. Barbara, I’m coming home. Now that I have some pictures and videos NASA  is going to have to come clean. I now know where those aliens are hiding so if this ship lands at the same spot I will have to quickly make my escape before they come out. Right now I better just sit tight and wait.
   The ship flew quietly through space. “ I don’t get it. How fast can this ship fly? It took only a matter of minutes just to get to the moon. It must travel at the speed of light and more. I remember waving my hand over this area of the console.”
   Travis waved his hand over the console and the front part of the ship had opened up.
   “ That’s it. Boy I would give anything to be able to fly one of these things. I can see the Earth and it’s approaching fast. Wow! look at her go. It’s slowing down. I can see where Virginia is located and the ship is heading right for it. There’s the mountains. It’s going straight to the area I was rock climbing.”
   The ship slowly descended at the bottom of the mountains and landed. It opened up.
   “ Now to make my escape.”
   Travis saw some huge boulders ahead and ran towards it. He hid. Soon two aliens came out from behind another set of boulders. They walked inside of the spaceship. The ship closed up and started to rise. It gained some speed and soon it just took off . Travis came out from behind the boulders and walked over to where the aliens had came from. He walked behind the boulder and to his surprise there was an opening. It was dark.
   “ I better walk the Indian way. Toe heel toe heel just in case there’s a hole somewhere on the ground. I don’t want to fall inside of one. I wish I had a flashlight.”

                                                               Chapter Ten

                                                                The Agent

    Barbara pulled up in front of the F.B.I Headquarters in a cab. She paid the driver and got out. She ran into the building and straight to a secretary sitting behind a desk. “ Hi,I’m Barbara Decard.I’m supposed to meet Brad Newbury here.” “Yes Mrs. Decard. He’s expecting you. I’ll call him.”
   The secretary picked up the phone to call the agent. Soon Brad had walked up to the desk. “ Barbara, I’m so glad to see you. Come into my office and tell me what’s so important.” “ Brad, you have to hear this. Travis is in trouble. When you hear what I have you will understand.”
   They walked over to Brad’s office. “ Here we are. Now you sit here and tell me all about it.”
   Barbara sat down and Brad walked around to the other side of his desk to sit down also.  
   “ Ok Barbara. Show me what you have.”
   Barbara took out the tape recorder and turned it on. There’s three messages on this tape. Listen to this.” “ Barbara darling. It’s your mother. I just wanted to talk. Nothing
important.   Call me when you get the chance. Kiss kiss.”
   Second message. “ Barbara. It’s me Travis. I’m calling both phone numbers. Don’t believe anything NASA tells you. I’m alive. Somehow I’ll get back to you. I love you.” Third message. “ Barbara Decard ? This is General Jonathan Torrid. I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news but I have to inform you that Travis had died in a rock climbing incident. It was a terrible accident. We here at NASA is holding a ceremonial service in his honor. It will be a closed coffin ceremony with a twenty one gun salute. We will give you the flag that will be placed on his coffin. The flag will be role up in the traditional way and given to you. If you like we can have you picked up and driven here to NASA. It’s the least we could do for the wife of a great astronaut. The ceremony will be held this Wednesday. Call me. You know my number.”
   Barbara turned off the tape. “What do you think?”

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